What a list. And shame on these doctors telling the family that woman died due to "water toxicity." This is madness.

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Thank you Marc and team for keeping on. So many engaged, productive, accomplished humans just falling down dead. As expected but still so difficult to watch. May God continue to bless all of you bearing witness to these sudden and unexpected deaths. Please keep Mark and his team in your thoughts and prayers. Subscribe if you can, it’s vital we support the documentation of these murders. There will be justice.

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Read the comments under the USA today headline.

People know what's going on! Normalizing heart attacks in young adult athletes. Yeah right.

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Damn, another Winlock WA. Town is only 1,700 people and in the last 3 years, I've PERSONALLY known 7 people who died, not counting the injuries. I didn't know Aaron, but that's EIGHT people ranging from 18 to 80s. I don't know that many people as I've only been here for four years

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I hope I live long enough to watch them all brought to justice, every last one.

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Is it my imagination, or are these lists getting longer and longer?

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This list seemed endless to me. Lord, have mercy.

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It’s hard to get through these.

If this continues, there are not gonna be any people left on the earth in 50 years !

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I just don't know how the bereaved are content with their young relatives dying of heart attacks. Young people rarely die of heart attacks. Super fit athletes generally don't die suddenly. Even old people don't discover advanced turbo cancers. Cancers generally take a long time. How are people so stupid as to accept 30 year old mothers going to bed fine and dying in their sleep? How brainwashed are they all?

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This is working out swell for the government; all these deaths mean a whole lotta folks won't be a drain on Medicare or Social Security. It might add years of solvency to both!

Did Fauci get a bonu$ for that feature?

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I have drunk half a gallon of water in a short time when I ate salty food.

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Big Pokey dying suddenly and unexpectedly is too much.

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Professor Miller, I think it's worthwhile to mention that Angus Cloud's father died unexpectedly 2 weeks prior.

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What is a Jesuit University? This week's report seemed to be more forthcoming with "heart attacks" as cause of sudden deaths. What an amazing time in which we are living. This is just one of the hideous things happening to our country. And the evil media drum continues to beat on.

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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know there is something very sinister afoot.

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