Is the rate of died suddenly speeding up, it does seem like it. Could be wrong.

May they all rest in peace and may their killers hang. After a speedy trial of course.

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The Whistleblower case in NZ speaks loudly around the world; and were the rest of the Statisticians to grow some courage to do the same thing...Things would begin to change. Too bizarre for words since EVERYBODY now knows the truth and most of those behind this WWIII 'Silent Weapons in a Quiet War' begun in 1954.

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DEATH SENTENCE: 1 Million COVID Vaccinated have died in England compared to just 61k Unvaccinated in 2 years; despite 30% of the Population refusing a single dose of the COVID Injection


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Read this yesterday in Alt Media 'Expose' out of the U.K. STUNNING AND REPREHENSIBLE. Beginning with the Black Nobility and Ding-a-Ling King Upchuck...ALL THESE PEOPLE MUST BE PURSUED, INDICTED, TRIED WITH ALL WEALTH REMOVED FROM ALL FAMILY BEFORE PUBLIC EXECUTION.

We all need to pray and fast, worship and praise our Lord...For surcease of this tyranny.

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The problem with the way this data is presented is that it is not clear how many deaths there are for vaccinated and unvaccinated in each age group. The naysayers, such as in New Zealand, will claim that these higher death rates are in old people who probably would have died anyway but were vaccinated to give them a few more years and insure they didn't infect caregivers. Somebody needs to get out in front of that. And then send the data to the moronic health authority bureaucrats controlling health-care where I live because they are still pushing the shots and mandating it to ALL health workers.

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Those in charge of health care know what the data says. They knew before hand.

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…….“old people who would have died anyway”. Oh well then! … what a heartfelt, detached phrase…..and let’s see how that outlook affects real statistics~~~I know someone who takes in rescued cats until they have a home. The last one she had, had gone through $2000 plus in surgeries and followup …..hmmm? Something weird about our priorities ….I’m looking for the bus stop out of the universe….

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The uncaring attitude has become as clear as day. Humans are disposable for many of these people it seems. And there is now credence for the idea that they are trying to "cull the herd"... and make a fortune doing it.

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It’s really amazing…… entitlement, upside down “manners,”. Skewed ideaS of what constitutes a woman: pregnancy being an issue~~~ let alone a “lady”. That’s out the window….Public appearances in their “underwear” and proud of it ….saving cats, saving whales, mansions with 8 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms? I mean…. Who can stand so many “guests” ?! If you actually have any! .. and inviting the world, criminals, bad manners, entitlement~~~oh, have I mentioned that? Barge into another country…..rape, attack, steal, “how dare you make me obey your laws?!” Yeah,”your whiteness is your fault” .oh well, let’s see how you find success as a pilot when the color of your skin is most important in school…. Maybe we would rather walk…..amen and amen

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It is like watching a snowball rolling down a mountain in slow motion isn't it?

Some news on deaths out of Switzerland, speaking of mountains...


And an interesting argument re liability. For the life of me when "Fraud negates All contracts" is established law, why there is any question of Pharm and manufacturing companies among other clear liability is beyond me.


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The rise in cancer being reported on (and ignored by mainstream media and the health authority here) is also making it clear as day that cancer is largely an auto-immune disease and that this so-called vaccine is yet another, and perhaps the worst ever, onslaught on the human immune system. These medical miscreants are criminals and should be treated that way.

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Yes, 100%. I want trials and hangings of these genocidal maniacs, and I want them now.

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The pressure is on going both ways...And, I've no doubt 'The People' are going to win. Virtually all are awake now to some extent; some more than others. We know evil is pushing and most are now finally pushing back.

Yes, it's been as a snowball rolling down a mountain in slow motion...But, I know it's going to fall of this cliff coming-up very soon. Our Lord Jesus is working...

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Yes, it is speeding up and yes, I believe we will win.

Keep in mind they always double down when their plans go sideways so, I do expect a very rough few years are ahead of us. For example they may go with a FF EMP strike to bring in a currency collapse, cancel the election and maybe blame Iran for it.

They don't dare blame Russia or China, not yet anyway.

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Wars are frought with misery and agony.

This is a war unlike any other and we will suffer...

Or, die trying.

We all must pray, fast and be willing to suffer for the win.

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Just got off the phone w/a friend who teaches guitar. Woman who takes a weekly guitar lesson comes in and tells him that one of her employees- 63 year old guy- literally dropped dead in the office this afternoon. She tried CPR but it did not work. Guy had three Covid shots- she knew this for a fact.

She is a pureblood- tough Arkansas lady- had a whiskey and made her guitar lesson.

His death will not be cataloged properly as death by injection.

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Wow wow…and these stories being told all over….everybody has taken out their hearing aids and forgot to put them back in.. “What?!! Turn up the tv, I can’t heeeeear you!” Good grief

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Yep they're all wondering when the next Spiderman reboot is coming out.

Bread and Circus

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RE: "MEP who tried to uncover Von der Leyen's text messages with Pfizer died suddenly"

I hope it's not too cynical of me, but I can't help but picture Frau Von der Leyen and Herr Bourla sharing a toast upon hearing this wonderful news.

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I am seldom without words and certainly at least always in my own head when it’s not safe out there! but one does wonder …what are the stories buried, waiting to be dug up…a la Hillary….think of the effort she must spend, keeping in touch with friends who “know” something ….how exhausting

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Personally, I would rather Do without a speedy trial for these evil Psychopaths!

I think they need to be strapped to gurneys and given every single dose of their poison at one time! Then weld them in ghetto high rises like they did in China. No food, no water!

No freaking mercy for any one of these sick bastards!

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No; we must keep our faith and morality or they win.

Therefore I recommend letting the women throw old fruits and veg at them first, then the men kicking the shit out of them, then tar and feathering them, then dragging them through the streets on the bck of cars (already implanted in our minds via Iraq -although it never happened), the physical castration ... then jabbing them as you sy with "every single dose of their poison at one time" AND ONLY THEN "weld them in ghetto high rises like they did in China. No food, no water!"

Oh aye, have some Priest, Vicar, Inman or other sold out leader watching to keep our faith and morality ...

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This death and injuries that Mark repetitiously brings back to our attention IS THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT IN THE WORLD. It is a failure of all govts. and institution to pay it it's due and soon we shall rue the day. The anger and mistrust that is coming well ingulf the world and there well be no hiding.Let us have rational fear but give good console and stay out of the violence.

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I look forward to your new posts. Although they're devastating to read, they need to be recorded and made available like this. Your research/writing on the sudden deaths is important & commendable work.

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Indeed, Mark….I marvel at the details and your faithfulness to speak abroad the crimes

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All these relatives being told their loved ones died of "really really rare" things which only happen to one or two people a year and just kill people with no prior symptoms. It's wicked. I really think the medical profession is full of people who have got their fingers in their ears and are humming mindlessly because, deep down, if they are any good at their jobs, they must know what is causing all these deaths. Wicked.

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Thanksgiving Eve -47 y.o. died unexpectedly in CT https://northhavenfuneral.com/obituaries/

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Are you in CT? Do you know the Carvalho's?

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Dear Vaccine Injured,

I Usually Have To Pay

To Watch People

Mentally Molest Themselves.

Thanks For The Freebies.

- Long May You Last.


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In Dallas, Driver rescued after crashed truck hangs off bridge on I-35, causing rush-hour delays

It was not immediately clear if anyone was seriously injured.

By Lana Ferguson

3:36 PM on Dec 4, 2023 — Updated at 5:44 PM on Dec 4, 2023


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Manner of Death:


Cause of Death:


~ Your Local Government Coroner.

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Death by adjective?

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