My little sister is part of the same Nashville scene as Jeremy Tepper and Mojo Nixon. Performed on those same evil cruises where apparently they’d throw band members off the ship if they tested positive. She’s triple jabbed. Will she be part of MCM’s round up next Wednesday? The Wednesday after that? Meanwhile, my husband and I are Los Angeles area classical musicians who refused to take part in any of the covid crap. We lost EVERYTHING. My husband cleans windows and toilets now for a living. He still hasn’t been allowed back to perform in any of his symphonies. But you know what? We won’t be showing up in MCM’s round up. Unless, perish the thought, we wind up as collateral damage.

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keep playing. you will have your choice of symphony when all this is over. you will also be needed as repositories of vital musical and cultural knowledge. somebody's going to have to pass this along to the kids

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Thank you for this beautiful comment which is so right on! We are still playing! They can't take some things away from you. God bless

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You have my respect and sympathy. I am also a musician who was treated shabbily by the COVID virtue signalers and injection fanatics. However I am retired and never dependent on performing as a living so not economically affected.

There is one community symphony here in Wokeville which still…STILL!…requires proof of jab to participate in their dubious him/her/them music making. A fellow section member was killed by the jab and I suspect at least one other.

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Thanks and bless you for your kind words. Husband and i are both in our fifties, so it was a really weird, hard time to be chucked out of our careers which we had been building for decades. We keep.rolling with the punches though! And we have God on our side.

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Thank you for holding the line here in California. I did too. Still feels like I will never get over this. We will be stronger for this time.

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Thank you too! It's so good to know that we are not alone, because it sure feels like it in CA. Especially with everyone who jumped ship for Idaho or Texas or whatever. I don't think we SHOULD get over this. And we can NEVER forget (my ten yr old son has a hard time with this) and can NEVER stop talking about it. It's so surreal how silent everyone is these days. It's like nothing happened. And of course, some of them are silent because they are dead.

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Matthew 8:22

But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

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Glad are both of like mind and strongwilled. Stay strong.

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Thanks! It sometimes makes for a difficult marriage, but in this case it came in handy. And these past four years have only made us more stubborn.

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I know it is so difficult to be in Cali -good for you for standing strong. I am so sorry you lost everything.

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Thank you. We didn't lose everything--just our careers. We still have our dignity, integrity, our health, and our faith. It's weird though. I was out and about today and felt like the only normal person in a grocery store full of the walking dead!!! People are looking like they have one foot in the grave.

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I see it, too. At the grocery store. Most people are diminished physically and cognitively. I've spent so long wondering when everyone is going to wake up and realize they've been poisoned. Now I think they probably will never realize it. So many people are now in caregiving situations with injured family its crazy. One friends husband (47) had 30-minute grand mall seizures, post vax, no prior history of epilepsy. Another old friend's wife has alzheimers at 60. Eventually we'll all have to go on without them.

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Funny how this works - within an hour of going thru this classical music-themed thread. I came upon:

Jodie Devos - a Belgian operatic coloratura soprano - dead on Sunday (6/16), age 35 "... had been fighting cancer with huge courage for several months. .... condition suddenly worsened a few days ago" "months"? - sounds rather turbo, doesn't it. And that word again: "suddenly"


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“So unreal and so unfair…”

Ummm, okay…

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The endless scroll of safe and effective. The rat fucks in our "media" lie and cover it up by not reporting on the issue. They are complicit. Societal bottom feeders that belong in the same category as the big pharma psychopaths, murdering doctors, dancing Tik Tok nurses, and the useful idiot pharmacists. Scum, all of them

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What kind of super global crime are they going to unleash to coverup the burgeoning truth about the Covid vaccine crime? Any guesses? Maybe nuclear devastation of a city?

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I believe the "avian bird flu" will be the "coverup" for the jab deaths.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

They're murdering hundreds of thousands of chickens in parts of Australia and creating egg shortages - the psychopathy continues.


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It’s does sound like they are capable. But nothing can surpass the global poisoning.

We thought 911 was bad. But as we are witnessing their vicious craving for death is insatiable.

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Would be quicker than this nightmare.

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Doesn't seem to be any end in sight.

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The bodies continue to pile up. I think the public will see it one of these days. But it may take awhile. If adverse events from the jabs continue into the future, long after they've been administered, the grim reaper may reach so far into the cookie jar, he'll get caught. That'll be the day when society says good by to the lie. They'll catch on to the fact that a relatively mild virus, indistinguishable from the cold and flu in terms of all-cause mortality, was used as a pretext for altering hospital protocols and justifying a so-called vaccine that together, contributed to the deaths of 13 million people world-wide, in some estimates. Time will tell.

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The further away we get from the time of the bioweapon’s initial release, when the controversy was fresh in everyone’s mind, the harder it will be for people to connect the deaths to the cause. People don’t want to know and won’t engage with material that goes against their belief systems. I don’t know if they’re too busy, pleasure seeking, emotional infants, undereducated so that reports and reading material does not interest them or think it’s too crazy to consider. Maybe they have some fear deep down and avoidance is their protection. I’m sure the media will have some explanations for the upcoming deaths they can grasp to, global warming or what have you. I believe another big event, bigger than Covid, is waiting to be unleashed. Each event will cover up the last until they reach their depopulation goal and with each round, less and less concern for what the people’s beliefs about it are and less and less care for covering up the truth. There will be more totalitarian controls as the dwindling population becomes less and less of a threat.

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Think about the average woman with kids who has been jabbed and had her kids jabbed. There is no threshhold of events that would end her denial. She is completely and totally invested in the narrative. And how is her understanding that her family is harmed beyond measure going to help? I don't even try to explain it to them. It's just sad. So many funerals go by where everyone knows the deceased was a jab victim, and no one says anything, because it's pointless.

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I love your comment. I am a mother and my daughter had one shot against my protestations. I know other mothers whose children have had the shots and they ate awake, although they have adult children who made the decision on their own. Maybe that makes a difference, whether you were the one who took them to get it or not.

I still believe there is a reasons to share the knowledge. I hope that the mothers and fathers and all people will stand up to this not just for their own children but for all of humanity, for all of life, animals too. I’m sure it’s with too much optimism that I hope humanity will come through and go past their worries for their own family or themselves and fight for all or life. I have come to terms with the fact that I, my family and most of humanity will likely be murdered but I still want some part of life to continue with or without me.

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That little girl on the plane might have gotten a blood clot. What an unspeakable nightmare.

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Check out the video on how Canada covered up serious adverse effects. They knew how dangerous the jabs were! But how to get justice when the government’s illegals laws protect them?


From this essay by Dr. Rose.


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justinder turdeau is a psycho

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Mark, thank you so much for you and your team continuing to document all these too many, and (frequently) too young, deaths. Every week a profound sadness sweeps over me as I scroll through all the names and faces. Are the numbers lessening at all? It doesn't appear so. Drs. Tenpenny, Cahill and Van den Bossche all predict many more deaths in the 3-5 year post-injection time period, which means we're only at the beginning of the 3-year period this year. Alarming, indeed.

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I don't think the "vaccines" killed this this:

A Marine stationed at Twentynine Palms, California, was killed in a park near the base Monday night in what local law enforcement authorities called a "completely random act of violence."

Gunnery Sgt. Robert James McDonald, 35, was in his car at a park with his dog just 10 miles south of the installation when 18-year-old Rudy Garcia fired a weapon into the vehicle's cabin, according to a San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department press release Tuesday.

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as the leader of the world famous blue jays and head honcho at the indie label diesel only records, jeremy tepper was one of the prime movers in building the nyc americana music scene into an incredibly vital part of the culture in the 90s and early zeros. he was known as a kind and big-hearted guy; he and laura were the scene's power couple. tragic that he would become complicit in promoting the lethal injection campaign.

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This is just so heart breaking! How can those who pulled this off…and participated…forcing it on just about everyone…live with themselves! I don’t know!….but there is a God in Heaven who will bring all of these people to judgment! No one is getting by with this in the long run…payday is coming! All I can say is…God help them…their suffering will be eternal!….forever!

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It was an endless ordeal to get through...

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It took a month to diagnose liver cancer...

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I remember during the "pandemic" how those low pay employees in many stores used to treat me for refusing to wear a mask and pay in cash. Many of those business are not around anymore. I have many pharmacies that just vanished overnight. But then nothing would be possible without the 24/7 media propaganda and their social media whores that will do anything for "views" and "likes".

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This is getting to be more and more difficult to look at. When you came out with this weekly list of casualties in the "vaxx wars", I looked at it out of sheer morbid curiosity, partly because, as a government power plant operator, in 2000 we were directed to look at the deagle.com projections of 65 million in the USA in 2025, which seemed liked the cia had been doing too much acid in their mk ultra torture sessions, themselves, as madness often does surface, when that madness has turned in on itself, but now, those 25 year old projections don't seem to be out of line when these lists get longer and longer, as is the recovery time for my broken heart, seeing all the young lives taken way too soon. 20 years ago, though I knew it was coming, because we were told it was (coming) in the power plant (agenda 21/2030), it still would have seemed like someone's (the gates of hell, who has financed this madness) dystopian fantasy, though now, what do I believe? Now, I believe, it's reality.

God bless you, Mark, and all those who are assisting with the collection of these lists, as your heart's must all be broken by researching this heartbreaking news, too. Brace for impact: the worst is yet to come.

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Attention MCM - another Died Suddenly. UFC/Actor


Note that SAG-AFTRA were/are big Jab Nazis. The STATE OF HAWAII were also amongst the most militant at enforcing the unlawful Mandates. Granted Tuli wasn't in the world's greatest shape... But until we have evidence excluding the Jabs as a possibility - we should default to assuming that they must've played a role - particularly for those with "underlying conditions".

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