the numbers are increasing in Italy at a rate that is getting dificult to keep track. I am worried when I see people jogging, etc. and wonder, "are they going to have a heart attack?" I've been in too many to count "near accidents" while driving and I pay so close attention to other drivers. Dear God, please make it stop.

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I noticed this too Cathleen. The telegram channel I follow (Malori Imprvvisi), seems to be publishing more and more. This morning's video was 6' long and I noticed that a large part of them were either ; teachers/medical staff or voluntary health workers, (the ones in Italy that were told: job or jab 🤬). It's a non-stop death fest. It's utterly heartbreaking.

On a side note, I was with 2 friends at the village summer party, and they were telling me all their ailments and all their family members who seem to be ill too. But they would never put 2 and 2 together and think there is any connection to their jabs. I silently shake my head 😟

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wow, you said it, "it's a non-stop death fest". An aquaintence of my husband told him that three friends, all in early 60's died suddenly recently. My husband said, "Don't you find that odd?", he doesn't see the connection. They are all in denial. I wonder often why we can see it clear as day and others don't see a thing. Thanks for the telegram link, I joined it.

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