The Canadian report is extra chilling.

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Yes, and their families need to start making noise.

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Feb 16, 2024
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The vast majority of people in Canada cannot become "back to the landers." They can however support local farmers.

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Very highly vaccinated here - around 50% of Canadians have at least one booster - many members of my family are up to 6 and 7 shots. 🥺

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Heartbreaking ….likely no discussion allowed. Siblings and spouse, same here

So sorry

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As it is every week.

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Are Starlink satellites using 5G RF to activate unknown injected substance to kill people? Means. Motive. Opportunity.

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Injections not necessarily required. None safe.

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Or are the jabs doing their “job” of turning off cancer fighting cells, etc? Between 5G, all EMFs, and the garbag3 in our air and food, mankind doesn’t stand much of a chance.😢😡

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Gates wants billions of us gone. I think they are getting rid of us in many ways. Just wished more people were smart enough to realize what is going on.

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As a EE engineer, I just can't see this.

1. RF is EVERYWHERE!!! WAY higher (in amplitude) than LEO satellites.

2. Lookup inverse-square law...you will realize how attenuated ANY RF is once it reaches earth.

3. Do you know how hard it is to receive a signal from a sat? HARD. See that device/block on your dish? That's an amp. It's required to be there, ON THE DISH, because the signal is that low. The amplification is in the 10's to 100's of times. Your car receiver's amp, it's way down the line and in the actual radio.

We have enough that we don't need to speculate about anything else. Stick to the facts. The facts are bad enough.

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Always found it strange they're not at all worried about that gigantic highly radioactive ball in the sky one million miles across that's literally spewing radiation at everything 24x7.

Instead they care way more about the pokey wifi router in their neighbours house.

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Multiple myeloma,

Sepsis of blood, pneumonia......

From vaXXed individuals. Hearing of more of these daily from clients. Diagnosed around 6 months ago.

Are we hearing more and more of this now??

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Yes, my 45 yo brother who was in great shape, has had sepsis and endocarditis twice, including a heart valve replacement and an aortic root transplant, since January 2022.

His health issues began almost immediately after he received the J&J shot 10 months earlier. For months he had constant vomiting, fatigue, chest pain, and joint pain. He vomited so much it damaged his vocal chords. The doctors told him it was all just anxiety. 😡

He continued to feel sick until he almost died of sepsis. He spent 6 weeks in the hospital, and lost a finger tip and toes. He never fully recovered and had several seizures over the next 18 months. At Thanksgiving he again was rushed to the hospital with sepsis and they life flighted him to a bigger hospital where he spent 6 weeks and had an aortic root transplant. It’s been a nightmare.

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Prayers 🙏❤️🙏

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I’m so very very sorry….what damage hath these demons wrought

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You may want to check out Dr. Marik protocol for sepis. I am thinking a little extra vitamin D too wouldn't hurt that is if your country didn't make vitamins illegal.


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Vitamin C has been proven to be a lifesaver for numerous conditions. That is why they try so hard to discount it.

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"Just anxiety."

I see lots of people saying that was what they were told only to find out that they had serious problems. Back pain is just a pulled muscle when it was a tumor somewhere in the organs…or leukemia or some other gawd awful disease and they died soon after they finally got a diagnosis. I hope that there are a lot of people bringing lawsuits.

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Start asking everyone who complains or tells of any dis- ease! Ask them what "jab did you get? Pfizer or Moderna or J&J?", any boosters? When did you get them?

They look in disbelief when the question is asked and disregard it. But they will think about it after. Only if everyone keeps asking.

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Bee. I like plant the seed!

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Posted this last week but in case you missed it…. In United States… I won’t post it again

From a gofundme post:

“On June 16th, 2023, 20 year old, Ciara Tomlinson’s life would be changed forever. Ciara is a rising junior at Florida State University. She has been on the Deans list since attendance of college.

Ciara Tomlinson had been a perfectly healthy and joyous child growing up, until the end of 2022. She first started experiencing dizzy spells, followed by constant nausea, throwing up bile every morning, double-vision, slurred speech, and recently, partial facial paralysis and weakness of voice. We sought help from doctors for 7 months. We pleaded for tests to be ran and scans be done. Bloodwork was conducted on multiple occasions and a ct scan was performed during Ciara’s spring break. All in which was found to be cleared and normal. She was thought to have vertigo to which an ENT specialist said what she has is not vertigo. Thereafter, doctors diagnosed Ciara with anxiety and depression as everything else was normal. Months went by and the symptoms did not improve. Ciara finally started having partial facial paralysis. Upon further advocation and pushing for answers we demanded a MRI be performed.

June 16th Ciara received a call from her physician that every parent dreads. She needed to be driven to the emergency room immediately as a tumor was found in her scans the day prior. After further investigation from neurosurgeons at Sarasota Memorial Hospital and Shands Hospital in Gainesville, it had been confirmed that Ciara has been living with a 3.5 cm tumor growing in the middle of her brain stem in the 4th ventricle. Due to the location of the tumor, doctors ruled the situation to be inoperable. The exact type of treatment cannot be planned as the type of tumor was not discernible unless a brain biopsy is performed. A brain biopsy was then performed and the pathology report noted that the tumor is Diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPGs). The result was a devastating result as the prognosis is a 6-9 month life span. Radiation has been the proposed solution. 6-8 weeks of radiation, Monday through Friday. Another option is to participate in a clinical trial using immunotherapy along with radiation to help reduce the tumor. Not much is known of these treatments but Ciara is a strong and courageous young lady that wants to fight and hope that this is the breakthrough treatment to help cure this cancer. Ciara is not giving up and will fight to cure this cancer from herself and hope that it will pave the way for others going through what she is going through. “

She died Feb 2024. Praying for the family as they mourn the loss of their beautiful collegiate daughter.

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Someone I know had a brain tumor. Is still living.

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O M G. You say Bridgestone Canada offering $100 to get the vac….to their 33.000 employees….!?! “Oh honey, it’s only a shot and we could use the $100.” Yep, that and a lot more, you’ll see.

Makes me sikkkkkkkkk!!

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All these sudden deaths and the families cannot connect the dots or they just cower. People have a responsibility to the word populations

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Hi. Brain A. Wilkins of thecovidblog - has not posted for some months. Does anyone konw if he's ok?

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Coincidence Theory #288: "Covid virus" began and 5G rollout happened exactly at the same time and in the same places. But don't worry. Everything is only a coincidence. https://odysee.com/@thisweekinfascism:3/gates-fauci-and-the-5g-covid-fraud

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I have many vaccinated family members, as does my husband. I keep wondering if they will begin to fall. I lost both parents to vaccines in 2022. Yesterday, I heard from a cousin who had a massive heart attack this week. He said the ambulance took 30 minutes to arrive. Then he had a 40 minute wait in ER, followed by open heart surgery, removal of “blood clots” inside the heart and they added two stints and now has two new expensive medications he will be taking for the rest of his life. He is heavily vaccinated. He is right around 60 years old. This may be the beginning I’ve been expecting, although I do hope not.

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Very very disturbing

You should look up what saint Germain said about the BeastVax 666, what was sci Fi is now fact, sadly

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The true God of the universe will justly judge all who were involved in the “murder” of so many of His creation. It is hard to read all the names and the families that will never be the same. May we turn to Jesus, for our Salvation and peace. There can be no peace without Him.

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