Billy Bean was the Moneyball executive who Brad Pitt played in the movie. He's the most famous exec. of his generation. The As won 20 games in a row with his novel system. And he was a good pro baseball player in the '80s. I said all that and I didn't say he was gay, because his gayness was not what was remarkable about him. The author o…
Billy Bean was the Moneyball executive who Brad Pitt played in the movie. He's the most famous exec. of his generation. The As won 20 games in a row with his novel system. And he was a good pro baseball player in the '80s. I said all that and I didn't say he was gay, because his gayness was not what was remarkable about him. The author of his bio probably doesn't even know of his legend, and it took me a second to register who Billy Bean was.
Billy Bean was the Moneyball executive who Brad Pitt played in the movie. He's the most famous exec. of his generation. The As won 20 games in a row with his novel system. And he was a good pro baseball player in the '80s. I said all that and I didn't say he was gay, because his gayness was not what was remarkable about him. The author of his bio probably doesn't even know of his legend, and it took me a second to register who Billy Bean was.