Susan Wojicki, if she's actually dead, is complicit in the murder of millions. She suppressed scientist and doctors who opposed the kill shot, kicked thousands off her platform, and seemed to take great joy in it. I won't speak ill of the dead, but I won't waste a second thinking of her or feeling sorry for her
She was one of the most powerful, richest, and most connected globalists. It's hard to believe she and her son died. Easy to believe they went to the island with Koby and Robert David Steel, Epstein, et al. Would someone at that level really expose herself to mRNA poison? Surely not. We can't be sure of truth at this time. We just have to sit with the possibilities and suspend our judgements like Rene Descartes used to do.
I keep having to explain this to people. The globalist if you go really deep into their own psychopathic writings, made it very clear that when the time came to reduce the population, that the control class would also be part of that sacrifice. I know it’s hard to understand, but the control class… are not part of the actual elites. If that makes sense. They get paid a lot of fiat to do the dirty work, but are by no means part of the club. The best minions don’t ever understand the whole plan.
A closed mind perpetrated on others is also a form of death.
Be Open to hearing others points of view without pre judgement now and always- cancel subscriptions to any form of media limiting your right to know all the facts. Science is based on facts not beliefs. Scientism as practiced in the USA kills.
The Public library provides alternate views in much of there holdings. Nothing you read may conform to your view of the truth but will still have much valid information. Controlled opposition in many forums still contains valid information. Turn on your critical thinking skills or start with a book to help you understand critical thinking before you demonize all information. If you give up “the government” wins.
Or did she have a change of heart after her son was taken from her? Even the highest levels of Hitler's military found out far too late and then participated in trying to assassinate him.
Just wait till the demons introduce another deadly jab, the deaths will take off even worse. Monkeypox is now ready for prime time along with a "vaccine" of course.
Think about all the adults that are willingly giving shots. At every Walmart, Safeway, and pharmacy in America. What about the ones selling shots in their doctors offices, thinking cha-ching! every time they get another victim to take the poison.
'Murder for profit' and 'murder by poison' constitute special circumstances murder which, if proven, can result in either life without the possibility of parole or the death penalty.
When they say that someone died of natural causes, the next question should be : what was the natural cause?
There probably are a list of conditions that medical examiners recognize as conditions that would occur commonly within the category of natural causes.
For example to report that someone middle aged or less died of natural causes, leaves the reader confused. The thought in the back of someone’s mind who’s reading such an article would be: “ at such an age, there has to be an actual reason for the death.”
I cannot think what is a "natural cause" for someone under age 45 in a developed country. I still remember when it was a car accident was the only reason for death in a young person. Now it is the "new normal" we were told about during the scamdemic. Unbelievable.
“They believed in The System and then it became psychotic and devoured them At some point along the way The System became psychotic and now it’s a machine that is devouring people. If one obeys the CDC, the mainstream media, or our political leaders one will soon be enslaved by chronic illness and die impoverished and in misery. “ uTobian, Toby Rogers on Substack
Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube with a net worth of $800 million, censored the scientific information that could have saved her life (deleting over one million Covid-related videos). Last week she died of turbo cancer (a known Covid vaccine side effect) at 56 years old.
Oveta Fuller, died November 18, 2022. She the first Black woman faculty member hired in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at the University of Michigan Medical School, served on the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee where she voted to authorize the shot that ultimately killed her.
President Joe Biden mandated the shot that left him unable to seek re-election because of rapidly advancing dementia.
Fred Hiatt, died December 2021. Editorial page editor for the Washington Post, enthusiastically promoted the shot that ultimately killed him.
Paul Farmer, the most beloved public health figure in the world, led the global effort for “Covid vaccine equity”. He died suddenly and unexpectedly of cardiac arrest in Rwanda in 2022 at age 62.
In Cleveland the executive director of the Cuyahoga County Landbank Gus Frangos died suddenly and totally unexpectedly on Sunday at the age of 69 of unknown causes. Why it was only last week the Landbank received 23 million dollars from the federal government’s printing press to “eliminate blight”. He was celebrating this enormous scam windfall and just like that he’s gone
Cleveland was the wealthiest city in the country until 1932. Since then it’s been all downhill there are carcasses of beautiful buildings that once housed factories where a man could produce a well made American product AND buy a house a car and support his family. That’s OVER.
Billy Bean was the Moneyball executive who Brad Pitt played in the movie. He's the most famous exec. of his generation. The As won 20 games in a row with his novel system. And he was a good pro baseball player in the '80s. I said all that and I didn't say he was gay, because his gayness was not what was remarkable about him. The author of his bio probably doesn't even know of his legend, and it took me a second to register who Billy Bean was.
Susan Wojicki, if she's actually dead, is complicit in the murder of millions. She suppressed scientist and doctors who opposed the kill shot, kicked thousands off her platform, and seemed to take great joy in it. I won't speak ill of the dead, but I won't waste a second thinking of her or feeling sorry for her
"...if she's actually dead..."
YES. The mid-level monsters like Wojicki who enabled the poisonations will be scurrying to their hidey holes as the day of reckoning approaches.
Fraud and lies are endemic to them. Their deaths must be verified at some point lest they escape justice.
She was one of the most powerful, richest, and most connected globalists. It's hard to believe she and her son died. Easy to believe they went to the island with Koby and Robert David Steel, Epstein, et al. Would someone at that level really expose herself to mRNA poison? Surely not. We can't be sure of truth at this time. We just have to sit with the possibilities and suspend our judgements like Rene Descartes used to do.
I keep having to explain this to people. The globalist if you go really deep into their own psychopathic writings, made it very clear that when the time came to reduce the population, that the control class would also be part of that sacrifice. I know it’s hard to understand, but the control class… are not part of the actual elites. If that makes sense. They get paid a lot of fiat to do the dirty work, but are by no means part of the club. The best minions don’t ever understand the whole plan.
This actually makes more sense than anything I've come up with.
Her college aged son died recently too.
A closed mind perpetrated on others is also a form of death.
Be Open to hearing others points of view without pre judgement now and always- cancel subscriptions to any form of media limiting your right to know all the facts. Science is based on facts not beliefs. Scientism as practiced in the USA kills.
But truth is impossible to find! The government controls ALL media (including the internet) so I find it daunting to do ANY independent research!
Try reading the Bible. Believing God. And then go from there. He will guide us where we need to be.
The Public library provides alternate views in much of there holdings. Nothing you read may conform to your view of the truth but will still have much valid information. Controlled opposition in many forums still contains valid information. Turn on your critical thinking skills or start with a book to help you understand critical thinking before you demonize all information. If you give up “the government” wins.
Agree 💯
I’ll do it for you. To hell with her.
Haha. Fair enough
She definitely was evil.
I’m still not numb to all these tragic deaths. I hope never to be numbed. I am perpetually shocked every time I read these lists.
Or did she have a change of heart after her son was taken from her? Even the highest levels of Hitler's military found out far too late and then participated in trying to assassinate him.
What’s our average lifespan now? It must be going down every month….
Just wait till the demons introduce another deadly jab, the deaths will take off even worse. Monkeypox is now ready for prime time along with a "vaccine" of course.
Very prescient.
Today the criminal World Health Organization declared a "Global Health Emergency" over Monkeypox.
Do Not Comply.
Any adult that willingly takes a “monkeypox” jab … SMH.
Think about all the adults that are willingly giving shots. At every Walmart, Safeway, and pharmacy in America. What about the ones selling shots in their doctors offices, thinking cha-ching! every time they get another victim to take the poison.
'Murder for profit' and 'murder by poison' constitute special circumstances murder which, if proven, can result in either life without the possibility of parole or the death penalty.
The term "Monkey Pox" is extremely rayciss, because blacques.
These days, it's called "Mpox" - same thing, spread by homos through anal sex, but now the name has changed to MPox, it's politically correct.
When they say that someone died of natural causes, the next question should be : what was the natural cause?
There probably are a list of conditions that medical examiners recognize as conditions that would occur commonly within the category of natural causes.
For example to report that someone middle aged or less died of natural causes, leaves the reader confused. The thought in the back of someone’s mind who’s reading such an article would be: “ at such an age, there has to be an actual reason for the death.”
I cannot think what is a "natural cause" for someone under age 45 in a developed country. I still remember when it was a car accident was the only reason for death in a young person. Now it is the "new normal" we were told about during the scamdemic. Unbelievable.
Simply substitute "poison" for "natural".
“They believed in The System and then it became psychotic and devoured them At some point along the way The System became psychotic and now it’s a machine that is devouring people. If one obeys the CDC, the mainstream media, or our political leaders one will soon be enslaved by chronic illness and die impoverished and in misery. “ uTobian, Toby Rogers on Substack
Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube with a net worth of $800 million, censored the scientific information that could have saved her life (deleting over one million Covid-related videos). Last week she died of turbo cancer (a known Covid vaccine side effect) at 56 years old.
Oveta Fuller, died November 18, 2022. She the first Black woman faculty member hired in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at the University of Michigan Medical School, served on the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee where she voted to authorize the shot that ultimately killed her.
President Joe Biden mandated the shot that left him unable to seek re-election because of rapidly advancing dementia.
Fred Hiatt, died December 2021. Editorial page editor for the Washington Post, enthusiastically promoted the shot that ultimately killed him.
Paul Farmer, the most beloved public health figure in the world, led the global effort for “Covid vaccine equity”. He died suddenly and unexpectedly of cardiac arrest in Rwanda in 2022 at age 62.
39 minute read my ass!
It just went on and on...
All these deaths, week after week after week! No wonder they’re “importing” unvaccinated replacements in such large numbers!
Susan paid for her sins with her life after murdering her fellow citizens.
In Cleveland the executive director of the Cuyahoga County Landbank Gus Frangos died suddenly and totally unexpectedly on Sunday at the age of 69 of unknown causes. Why it was only last week the Landbank received 23 million dollars from the federal government’s printing press to “eliminate blight”. He was celebrating this enormous scam windfall and just like that he’s gone
"eliminate blight" WTH?!
How about rebuilding the coal plant that Obama had razed?
Cleveland was the wealthiest city in the country until 1932. Since then it’s been all downhill there are carcasses of beautiful buildings that once housed factories where a man could produce a well made American product AND buy a house a car and support his family. That’s OVER.
Remember when young people dying under 40 was unusual and there was an investigation?
Now, they don't care. There is no curiosity whatsoever. Nothing to see here folks.
Anyone who cannot see this is delusional.
Heartbreaking but they want us all broken don't they. We're not and never will be and that is something they hate about the human spirit.
one week ago, same thing
Billy Bean was the Moneyball executive who Brad Pitt played in the movie. He's the most famous exec. of his generation. The As won 20 games in a row with his novel system. And he was a good pro baseball player in the '80s. I said all that and I didn't say he was gay, because his gayness was not what was remarkable about him. The author of his bio probably doesn't even know of his legend, and it took me a second to register who Billy Bean was.
They will not rest in peace.