Lots of suggestions for donations to cancer and heart support groups in these tragic sudden deaths of ever younger people. Such a tragedy and it keeps on and on and on. ... ....

Thanks Mark and Team, always.

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https://phinancetechnologies.com/HumanityProjects/UK%20Cause%20of%20death%20Project%20-%20Malignant%20Neoplasm%20Deaths%2015-44%20-%20Individual%20Causes.htm we know!! I like to ask "besides the obvious climate change, what has caused irelands natural population increase to decline by 30% in 2022 [looking like 40% in 2023 based on Q1] (except they are late publishing q2 by 2 months 😉 I wonder why?) And laugh in their faces when they say "covid" I say ya close enough!!!but maybe the covid """countermeasure""

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A well-known TV presenter here in the UK, Annabel Giles, died a couple of days ago of glioblastoma (one of the categories of brain tumour which the Czech-Canadian doctor, Dr William Makis, includes in his reporting of 'turbo cancers' that have been taking place since the roll-out of the evil injections).

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Requiem for the 'vaxxed'.

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Nov 23, 2023Edited
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There are a few undertakers who are speaking out re. the carnage that's been taking place since the 'roll-out' of the evil injections, notably the funeral director, John O'Looney, here in the UK. Look him up on the 'Totality of evidence' site, which provides links [regularly updated] to interviews and articles which he, O'Looney, features in (the site also does the same for many other whistleblowers around the world).

Another funeral director who's spoken out is a bloke in New Zealand (I think... or is it Australia?) called Brendan Faithfull (apologies if I've not got his name quite right), an embalmer in the US whose name I can't bring to mind (I think his first name is Richard), and others.

But yes, the numbers of those who are speaking out is, relatively speaking, very small indeed.

(Some of us on Earth have known for a long time how this world is actually run, and by whom... I've been 'awake' for 40-45 years, and many others have also been awake for decades)

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