Sure seems like the turbo cancers are hitting, just as predicted. This is just so damn sad. Never been more glad I didn’t “partake”.

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The numbers of deaths of people in their 50s and 60s is astonishing and seems to me unusually high. I wonder if the government is calculating how much they are saving by not having to pay out from the Canada pension plan for all those people.

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Heartbreaking, especially for the kids in their teens and 20's! God will ultimately hold the guilty people accountable for their deaths!

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Thank you, Mark, for your consistent, valuable reporting of those who have died in the Covid-1984 World War.

“Death changes the meaning of love and life.” Unknown

I can only hope our old mourning will bring a new morning.

For the only “Silver Lining” in this dark storm cloud of Covid-1984 for Voluntaryist me, is that it is slapping a few more than usual awake from the Nightmare of History (the child abused/neglected, damned and damaged, would be Rulers who damn and damage their Ruled as the Human Condition) to learn the Lesson of Loss and to take responsibility for their freedom and learn to care for themselves and others.

May it come to be, these relative innocents will not have died in vain.

“If we remembered every day that we could lose someone at any moment, we would love them more fiercely and freely and without fear. Not because there is nothing to lose, but because everything can be lost.” Unknown

Stay free and safe.

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OMG, I thought the list would never end. I started to literally panic: Canada is a country of fewer than 39 million people as of 2021! We can fit you all in the States. If your little Castro remains a dictator, come south!

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While panicking about the length of this list, I recalled working on a book entitled THE NAMES OF THE DEAD (Canadian author Diane Schoemperlen), which was an elegy, a tribute to those who were murdered on 9/11. I thought that was enormous, at almost 3,000 names. The genocide caused by Fauci and the globalist cabal will FAR outnumber that figure. It is stunning.

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The photo of that 13-year-old boy is haunting.

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This list is just utterly heartbreaking. I know here in Italy it's bad, but to say that Canada has almost half the population of Italy, this is truly terrifying.

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Canada, when are we finally going to say that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !! and bring criminal charges against the many purveyors of the bio weapon ?????

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It seems to be picking up steam now. I anticipate that this winter will be terrible. There must be a new pandemic. All these people have no immune system and when the sun goes away, no vitamin D. They're going to call it Marburg, but it will be vax injuries disabling immune systems, leading to a deadly flu pandemic. Bill Gates said the best thing that could happen for the planet is 2 pandemics a few years apart that killed 2 billion each. If there is anyone left to do the after math, I'll bet Gates prediction will be a little too correct. Musk says the pop of Earth will be 1.8 billion by '27. Deagle said the pop of the USA will be 100 million by '25. We have a long way to go to get to those numbers. When it really gets bad, there will be two kinds of people: the dead ones getting piled up and burned, and the live ones piling them up and burning them. That's exactly what Luc Montaigne said before he died: We should be planning to incinerate the dead. Note: He said everyone who took one shot would be dead in 2 years. Prepare yourself for an awful winter.

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How can we think that injecting toxins into our body is advantageous to our health. We are constantly told they are in small amounts and we ingest a higher amount than is injected. The problem is we all have our natural barriers to protect us our gut, lung lining and skin but when injecting all of the barriers are breached and tiny amounts can become big chronic problems in our future health.

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Hi Mark....Dr. Meryl Nass posted the link to OCED where anyone can have a look at the data around the world concerning excess deaths, and then do some simple math in terms of percentages...hopefully most can still remember how. The results are stunning to say the least. Horrific. 19% excess deaths in Canada ( 2022) means a hell of a lot of extra people dying....whatever could be the reason? Doing the math made me sick.

Here is the link....do the work people, if you don't believe the truth tellers.


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Wow! Can I suggest perhaps headlining the Died Suddenly articles with the relevant all-cause mortality figures pre-vax and post-vax to show contrast? They may not be so easy to get as I think they don't like to publicise them but I think they would help solidify the case. It's so easy for those reluctant to see the truth to say, "Oh, people have always died from X and Y," etc

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"In Ontario, 183 died suddenly"

Oh my.

Not that it matters now, but I will be curious to find out how the perpetrators of this mass killing designed and tested the poison before scaling up and deploying it worldwide. This wasn't a "let's-cross-our-fingers-and-hope-it-works" operation, they knew exactly what the outcome was going to be. They leave nothing to chance — that's how they roll.

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Out of 12 in province of BC this week (deaths were from April -early July), 6 were from small town Vernon pop 40k. Bad batch alert :((

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I wonder how many people died suddenly or unexpectedly before 2021.

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