Ontario scholar-activist Howard Adelman, ER doc Ian Donald MacLeod, sociologist Fred Diamond; hockey star Gilles Gilbert; B.C. mathematician Shaun Alfred Strohm; PEI poet Cynthia French; & 382 more
Me too, and my two adult children...but my whole family of origin in Canada did partake, and made me feel like an outcast while they did their part for the community...you know, virtue signalling at its finest! I know the bad news will hit soon in my own family, and the saddest part is that we knew, and they could have known, but most chose to look away, follow the crowd, and ditch their critical thinking into the gutter. This will get worse before it gets better, but we will lose many in the process. Sigh.
You’ve stated the situation so many of us find ourselves in very succinctly. It WILL get worse before it gets better and sadly we’ll only be able to stand by and watch, or offer what help we can give if asked. I’m so angry about what has been done to this entire world and at the same time sad about the death and destruction of people who genuinely thought they were doing the best for their families and their communities. Our world is forever changed and not in ways we would ever have chosen…and they’re not done! #DoNotComply
It was hard to accept that my family just went with the obvious false narrative. And even today, they act as it nothing really bad happened, and behave like everything is just fine, which sort of drives me mad. It's like watching an accident that you cannot stop, knowing there will be casualties, or even worse, fatalities. It baffles me still as there are doctors in my family...three to be exact. I simply shake my head. I keep sending my brother ( one of the docs) articles and posts but he stopped responding a while back, and thinks it is I who is living in a fantasy bubble...I told him one day he would have to eat his words....I keep sending to him because I like to keep a line open even if I feel like I'm talking to myself. It has been hard to live without the comfort of old friends and others; none of them wanted to hear the truth; I hope they will all be okay but I fear they will not!I I don't know what I would have done without Substack...a lifesaver if there ever was one. I've become closer to God as I really feel this is a spiritual war we are in...and you are right..we did not choose it, but here we are! Never comply.
I wish yours was an isolated incident, but we all know that’s not the case. All of us have lost friends and some, family, over this. And that was before all the adverse effects started manifesting! Your story is a microcosm of the situation we now find ourselves. I’ve seen a bit of a swing back in the right direction in my family (those few who were vaxxed). Mostly we have a truce to not talk “politics”, but I’m finding living by example is driving a wedge in their reticence to see the truth. For instance, 14 family/friends at Thanksgiving all at the same table. 2 of them called the day after to tell us they had Covid (both vaxxed, of course). When they called to check on us a week later (we’re 70), I told them we were fine and “gee, I guess all that vitamin protocol we are on really works! We haven’t had Covid yet!”. They may not want to hear it, and I don’t shove it down their throats, but I sure will bring it up if the opportunity presents!
Your brother may be in denial, but he’s going to have to face the truth one day, whether he’ll ever admit it or not. My guess is he cannot admit he was wrong…that doctor mentality (I was married to one for 10 years!). I’m sorry you’re dealing with this but honestly, this has shown us people’s true character and it’s up to us to forge new friendships and ties with likeminded folks if we are to survive this assault. Stay strong, Eileen! We’ve got this!
I just followed Dr. Meryl Nass's idea about taking a look at the OCED data regarding excess deaths around the world and I looked at Canada....I first chose 2022, and calculated the percentage average for the year..it was 19% above average which means that looking at the current population of 38 million, and if this carnage continues, ( which it is if you look at the 2023 figures) we are losing and could continue to lose so many...how are these bloody gene therapies ( or should I say bioweapons) looking now? I will post the link so people can take a look and do the math themselves. Dastardly is right.
My cousin Rennie has invited my wife and I to be with him and Linda and the family and friends for Thanksgiving. Haven't seen them since November 3 2018. But there's a snag: They all took The Lethal Injection -- and we have not. I've been reading all kinds of unpleasant stories of contagion from The Vaccinated -- or as I like to call them: "The Walking Dead"... So the long and the short? We can't accept that invitation.
I wouldn't either....shedding of these leaky bioweapons is real....also, maybe a good idea to learn CPR ..there are lots of videos online, or you can take a course. Not sure it's helping many though....but we can at least try. Insane doesn't start to cover the situation we are currently living in.
I'm a bit of a student of history... and yeah sure, "The Holodomor" or "The Cultural Revolution" or "The Holocaust"... I can't think of anything in history I'm aware of, that -- once the dust settles -- will compare the Covid-19 Fraudemic. Closest I can come to are "The Black Death" of 1347 which took 60% at least of Europe's population in about a year -- but that was a natural castrophe; the Lethal Injections were deliberately planned. 😱
The only other event I can think of was The Witch Craze that lasted something like 300 years from 1300 - 1600, and some towns and villages in Germany murdered all of their women! -- But that was some sort of spontaneous mass insanity. The Covid Fraudemic was deliberately instigated. 😈
If an honest accounting is ever done, this will go down as the worst crime in human history. And the likelihood is very high, the instigators and the collaborators... will get away with it. They will never face any consequences for what they've done. 🕳
The numbers of deaths of people in their 50s and 60s is astonishing and seems to me unusually high. I wonder if the government is calculating how much they are saving by not having to pay out from the Canada pension plan for all those people.
That was the plan ! These evil psychopaths put money before health . If they can save the economy , they will kill us of first . This was done on a global scale because the elites knew that the money system had an expiry date. That date of financial Armageddon will be upon us very soon. It is pure genocide . These WEF globalists are satanic but too many people have not got a clue and followed their mouthpiece ( the media) , which gave propaganda on a mass scale so that humanity could get vaccinated. The banks aka elites run this planet. It's the people who have to rise up but so many fell for the clot shot ! People are waking up but sadly too many can't because the injection has silenced them forever . I never thought that I would witness this but how wrong I was ! Stay safe and pray .
Thank you, Mark, for your consistent, valuable reporting of those who have died in the Covid-1984 World War.
“Death changes the meaning of love and life.” Unknown
I can only hope our old mourning will bring a new morning.
For the only “Silver Lining” in this dark storm cloud of Covid-1984 for Voluntaryist me, is that it is slapping a few more than usual awake from the Nightmare of History (the child abused/neglected, damned and damaged, would be Rulers who damn and damage their Ruled as the Human Condition) to learn the Lesson of Loss and to take responsibility for their freedom and learn to care for themselves and others.
May it come to be, these relative innocents will not have died in vain.
“If we remembered every day that we could lose someone at any moment, we would love them more fiercely and freely and without fear. Not because there is nothing to lose, but because everything can be lost.” Unknown
OMG, I thought the list would never end. I started to literally panic: Canada is a country of fewer than 39 million people as of 2021! We can fit you all in the States. If your little Castro remains a dictator, come south!
While panicking about the length of this list, I recalled working on a book entitled THE NAMES OF THE DEAD (Canadian author Diane Schoemperlen), which was an elegy, a tribute to those who were murdered on 9/11. I thought that was enormous, at almost 3,000 names. The genocide caused by Fauci and the globalist cabal will FAR outnumber that figure. It is stunning.
This list is just utterly heartbreaking. I know here in Italy it's bad, but to say that Canada has almost half the population of Italy, this is truly terrifying.
Seems like Canada was specifically targeted with "potent" batches, and given their high "vaccination" (euthanasia) rate i'm not surprised to see this result. This has the potential to wipe out much of Canada over a few years period. Globalists always had their eyes on Canada's natural resources ...
It seems to be picking up steam now. I anticipate that this winter will be terrible. There must be a new pandemic. All these people have no immune system and when the sun goes away, no vitamin D. They're going to call it Marburg, but it will be vax injuries disabling immune systems, leading to a deadly flu pandemic. Bill Gates said the best thing that could happen for the planet is 2 pandemics a few years apart that killed 2 billion each. If there is anyone left to do the after math, I'll bet Gates prediction will be a little too correct. Musk says the pop of Earth will be 1.8 billion by '27. Deagle said the pop of the USA will be 100 million by '25. We have a long way to go to get to those numbers. When it really gets bad, there will be two kinds of people: the dead ones getting piled up and burned, and the live ones piling them up and burning them. That's exactly what Luc Montaigne said before he died: We should be planning to incinerate the dead. Note: He said everyone who took one shot would be dead in 2 years. Prepare yourself for an awful winter.
Most definitely accelerating, in a way it's a bit like the aftermath of a major nuclear disaster but on a worldwide scale. It's Luc Montagnier, not Montaigne. Montaigne was a 16h century French philosopher :) Musk also said he took the death jab to travel, not as bright as one would have thought..
The impact on our world and our lives is something most of us have never thought of and few have prepared for. With people dropping like flies, civilization could crumble. Look who were mandated to take these shots, like police & healthcare workers, the military, etc. Think Portland on steroids. Will there be enough farmers to grow our food, enough truckers to get it to stores, enough other workers to even stock and sell it? I don’t mean to be a doomsday nut case, but a massive die off is completely a different scenario than a gradual reduction in population. I don’t think AI will be ready to take over all those empty jobs. Preppers aren’t looking so wacko anymore, are they? I would recommend stockpiling food & medicine, securing a water supply, etc, and *being prepared to defend it*! Chances are very good we’re going to see things in this country we never thought we’d see here!
How can we think that injecting toxins into our body is advantageous to our health. We are constantly told they are in small amounts and we ingest a higher amount than is injected. The problem is we all have our natural barriers to protect us our gut, lung lining and skin but when injecting all of the barriers are breached and tiny amounts can become big chronic problems in our future health.
Hi Mark....Dr. Meryl Nass posted the link to OCED where anyone can have a look at the data around the world concerning excess deaths, and then do some simple math in terms of percentages...hopefully most can still remember how. The results are stunning to say the least. Horrific. 19% excess deaths in Canada ( 2022) means a hell of a lot of extra people dying....whatever could be the reason? Doing the math made me sick.
Here is the link....do the work people, if you don't believe the truth tellers.
Or this data on "Our World in Data" which also compiles excess deaths in countries around the world...in Canada for instance, in March 2022, and again in March 2023, excess deaths were 30% higher..that's insane. I looked at Swiss data on our government website, ( BAG) and they are not displaying excess mortality data past 2021...I wonder why? One has to read further and note that they mention the excess deaths continue unabated into 2022 and 2023 but they say they have no concrete ideas why...they do mention the heat and the flu as possibilities....what complete liars.
Yes....Edward Dowd has done extensive work on how many have and will be affected in terms of disability/illnesses...it's also horrific. The world will fall apart, and we will be left to pick up the pieces, unfortunately. I looked at Switzerland's data as well and was not surprised, even though we were not as jab happy as most. Still, the sirens continue unabated..daily, hourly...horrible.
Wow! Can I suggest perhaps headlining the Died Suddenly articles with the relevant all-cause mortality figures pre-vax and post-vax to show contrast? They may not be so easy to get as I think they don't like to publicise them but I think they would help solidify the case. It's so easy for those reluctant to see the truth to say, "Oh, people have always died from X and Y," etc
Not that it matters now, but I will be curious to find out how the perpetrators of this mass killing designed and tested the poison before scaling up and deploying it worldwide. This wasn't a "let's-cross-our-fingers-and-hope-it-works" operation, they knew exactly what the outcome was going to be. They leave nothing to chance — that's how they roll.
Sure seems like the turbo cancers are hitting, just as predicted. This is just so damn sad. Never been more glad I didn’t “partake”.
Me too, and my two adult children...but my whole family of origin in Canada did partake, and made me feel like an outcast while they did their part for the community...you know, virtue signalling at its finest! I know the bad news will hit soon in my own family, and the saddest part is that we knew, and they could have known, but most chose to look away, follow the crowd, and ditch their critical thinking into the gutter. This will get worse before it gets better, but we will lose many in the process. Sigh.
You’ve stated the situation so many of us find ourselves in very succinctly. It WILL get worse before it gets better and sadly we’ll only be able to stand by and watch, or offer what help we can give if asked. I’m so angry about what has been done to this entire world and at the same time sad about the death and destruction of people who genuinely thought they were doing the best for their families and their communities. Our world is forever changed and not in ways we would ever have chosen…and they’re not done! #DoNotComply
Hello Judy,
It was hard to accept that my family just went with the obvious false narrative. And even today, they act as it nothing really bad happened, and behave like everything is just fine, which sort of drives me mad. It's like watching an accident that you cannot stop, knowing there will be casualties, or even worse, fatalities. It baffles me still as there are doctors in my family...three to be exact. I simply shake my head. I keep sending my brother ( one of the docs) articles and posts but he stopped responding a while back, and thinks it is I who is living in a fantasy bubble...I told him one day he would have to eat his words....I keep sending to him because I like to keep a line open even if I feel like I'm talking to myself. It has been hard to live without the comfort of old friends and others; none of them wanted to hear the truth; I hope they will all be okay but I fear they will not!I I don't know what I would have done without Substack...a lifesaver if there ever was one. I've become closer to God as I really feel this is a spiritual war we are in...and you are right..we did not choose it, but here we are! Never comply.
I wish yours was an isolated incident, but we all know that’s not the case. All of us have lost friends and some, family, over this. And that was before all the adverse effects started manifesting! Your story is a microcosm of the situation we now find ourselves. I’ve seen a bit of a swing back in the right direction in my family (those few who were vaxxed). Mostly we have a truce to not talk “politics”, but I’m finding living by example is driving a wedge in their reticence to see the truth. For instance, 14 family/friends at Thanksgiving all at the same table. 2 of them called the day after to tell us they had Covid (both vaxxed, of course). When they called to check on us a week later (we’re 70), I told them we were fine and “gee, I guess all that vitamin protocol we are on really works! We haven’t had Covid yet!”. They may not want to hear it, and I don’t shove it down their throats, but I sure will bring it up if the opportunity presents!
Your brother may be in denial, but he’s going to have to face the truth one day, whether he’ll ever admit it or not. My guess is he cannot admit he was wrong…that doctor mentality (I was married to one for 10 years!). I’m sorry you’re dealing with this but honestly, this has shown us people’s true character and it’s up to us to forge new friendships and ties with likeminded folks if we are to survive this assault. Stay strong, Eileen! We’ve got this!
Thanks Judy....bless you!
...most family members live in Canada so you know what I mean, and another is in California. I am not sure which is worse. Diabolical. Both of them.
I just followed Dr. Meryl Nass's idea about taking a look at the OCED data regarding excess deaths around the world and I looked at Canada....I first chose 2022, and calculated the percentage average for the year..it was 19% above average which means that looking at the current population of 38 million, and if this carnage continues, ( which it is if you look at the 2023 figures) we are losing and could continue to lose so many...how are these bloody gene therapies ( or should I say bioweapons) looking now? I will post the link so people can take a look and do the math themselves. Dastardly is right.
Here it is. Read it and weep.
My cousin Rennie has invited my wife and I to be with him and Linda and the family and friends for Thanksgiving. Haven't seen them since November 3 2018. But there's a snag: They all took The Lethal Injection -- and we have not. I've been reading all kinds of unpleasant stories of contagion from The Vaccinated -- or as I like to call them: "The Walking Dead"... So the long and the short? We can't accept that invitation.
I wouldn't either....shedding of these leaky bioweapons is real....also, maybe a good idea to learn CPR ..there are lots of videos online, or you can take a course. Not sure it's helping many though....but we can at least try. Insane doesn't start to cover the situation we are currently living in.
I'm a bit of a student of history... and yeah sure, "The Holodomor" or "The Cultural Revolution" or "The Holocaust"... I can't think of anything in history I'm aware of, that -- once the dust settles -- will compare the Covid-19 Fraudemic. Closest I can come to are "The Black Death" of 1347 which took 60% at least of Europe's population in about a year -- but that was a natural castrophe; the Lethal Injections were deliberately planned. 😱
The only other event I can think of was The Witch Craze that lasted something like 300 years from 1300 - 1600, and some towns and villages in Germany murdered all of their women! -- But that was some sort of spontaneous mass insanity. The Covid Fraudemic was deliberately instigated. 😈
If an honest accounting is ever done, this will go down as the worst crime in human history. And the likelihood is very high, the instigators and the collaborators... will get away with it. They will never face any consequences for what they've done. 🕳
History will judge them.
History alas, cannot punish.
First the vaxed shunned the unvaxed. Now the unvaxed are starting to be reluctant to be around the vaxed.
The numbers of deaths of people in their 50s and 60s is astonishing and seems to me unusually high. I wonder if the government is calculating how much they are saving by not having to pay out from the Canada pension plan for all those people.
That was the plan ! These evil psychopaths put money before health . If they can save the economy , they will kill us of first . This was done on a global scale because the elites knew that the money system had an expiry date. That date of financial Armageddon will be upon us very soon. It is pure genocide . These WEF globalists are satanic but too many people have not got a clue and followed their mouthpiece ( the media) , which gave propaganda on a mass scale so that humanity could get vaccinated. The banks aka elites run this planet. It's the people who have to rise up but so many fell for the clot shot ! People are waking up but sadly too many can't because the injection has silenced them forever . I never thought that I would witness this but how wrong I was ! Stay safe and pray .
No doubt.
Hopefully something like this is in store for Canada's politicians:
Heartbreaking, especially for the kids in their teens and 20's! God will ultimately hold the guilty people accountable for their deaths!
"God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."
-- Arthur Koestler.
That said, I hope you're right, and Arthur and I are wrong.
Thank you, Mark, for your consistent, valuable reporting of those who have died in the Covid-1984 World War.
“Death changes the meaning of love and life.” Unknown
I can only hope our old mourning will bring a new morning.
For the only “Silver Lining” in this dark storm cloud of Covid-1984 for Voluntaryist me, is that it is slapping a few more than usual awake from the Nightmare of History (the child abused/neglected, damned and damaged, would be Rulers who damn and damage their Ruled as the Human Condition) to learn the Lesson of Loss and to take responsibility for their freedom and learn to care for themselves and others.
May it come to be, these relative innocents will not have died in vain.
“If we remembered every day that we could lose someone at any moment, we would love them more fiercely and freely and without fear. Not because there is nothing to lose, but because everything can be lost.” Unknown
Stay free and safe.
OMG, I thought the list would never end. I started to literally panic: Canada is a country of fewer than 39 million people as of 2021! We can fit you all in the States. If your little Castro remains a dictator, come south!
While panicking about the length of this list, I recalled working on a book entitled THE NAMES OF THE DEAD (Canadian author Diane Schoemperlen), which was an elegy, a tribute to those who were murdered on 9/11. I thought that was enormous, at almost 3,000 names. The genocide caused by Fauci and the globalist cabal will FAR outnumber that figure. It is stunning.
The photo of that 13-year-old boy is haunting.
This list is just utterly heartbreaking. I know here in Italy it's bad, but to say that Canada has almost half the population of Italy, this is truly terrifying.
Seems like Canada was specifically targeted with "potent" batches, and given their high "vaccination" (euthanasia) rate i'm not surprised to see this result. This has the potential to wipe out much of Canada over a few years period. Globalists always had their eyes on Canada's natural resources ...
Canada, when are we finally going to say that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !! and bring criminal charges against the many purveyors of the bio weapon ?????
It seems to be picking up steam now. I anticipate that this winter will be terrible. There must be a new pandemic. All these people have no immune system and when the sun goes away, no vitamin D. They're going to call it Marburg, but it will be vax injuries disabling immune systems, leading to a deadly flu pandemic. Bill Gates said the best thing that could happen for the planet is 2 pandemics a few years apart that killed 2 billion each. If there is anyone left to do the after math, I'll bet Gates prediction will be a little too correct. Musk says the pop of Earth will be 1.8 billion by '27. Deagle said the pop of the USA will be 100 million by '25. We have a long way to go to get to those numbers. When it really gets bad, there will be two kinds of people: the dead ones getting piled up and burned, and the live ones piling them up and burning them. That's exactly what Luc Montaigne said before he died: We should be planning to incinerate the dead. Note: He said everyone who took one shot would be dead in 2 years. Prepare yourself for an awful winter.
Most definitely accelerating, in a way it's a bit like the aftermath of a major nuclear disaster but on a worldwide scale. It's Luc Montagnier, not Montaigne. Montaigne was a 16h century French philosopher :) Musk also said he took the death jab to travel, not as bright as one would have thought..
Thank you for correction.
The impact on our world and our lives is something most of us have never thought of and few have prepared for. With people dropping like flies, civilization could crumble. Look who were mandated to take these shots, like police & healthcare workers, the military, etc. Think Portland on steroids. Will there be enough farmers to grow our food, enough truckers to get it to stores, enough other workers to even stock and sell it? I don’t mean to be a doomsday nut case, but a massive die off is completely a different scenario than a gradual reduction in population. I don’t think AI will be ready to take over all those empty jobs. Preppers aren’t looking so wacko anymore, are they? I would recommend stockpiling food & medicine, securing a water supply, etc, and *being prepared to defend it*! Chances are very good we’re going to see things in this country we never thought we’d see here!
How can we think that injecting toxins into our body is advantageous to our health. We are constantly told they are in small amounts and we ingest a higher amount than is injected. The problem is we all have our natural barriers to protect us our gut, lung lining and skin but when injecting all of the barriers are breached and tiny amounts can become big chronic problems in our future health.
Hi Mark....Dr. Meryl Nass posted the link to OCED where anyone can have a look at the data around the world concerning excess deaths, and then do some simple math in terms of percentages...hopefully most can still remember how. The results are stunning to say the least. Horrific. 19% excess deaths in Canada ( 2022) means a hell of a lot of extra people dying....whatever could be the reason? Doing the math made me sick.
Here is the link....do the work people, if you don't believe the truth tellers.
Or this data on "Our World in Data" which also compiles excess deaths in countries around the world...in Canada for instance, in March 2022, and again in March 2023, excess deaths were 30% higher..that's insane. I looked at Swiss data on our government website, ( BAG) and they are not displaying excess mortality data past 2021...I wonder why? One has to read further and note that they mention the excess deaths continue unabated into 2022 and 2023 but they say they have no concrete ideas why...they do mention the heat and the flu as possibilities....what complete liars.
And this not even taking into account those who are (or will be) suffering from prion diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.
Yes....Edward Dowd has done extensive work on how many have and will be affected in terms of disability/illnesses...it's also horrific. The world will fall apart, and we will be left to pick up the pieces, unfortunately. I looked at Switzerland's data as well and was not surprised, even though we were not as jab happy as most. Still, the sirens continue unabated..daily, hourly...horrible.
Wow! Can I suggest perhaps headlining the Died Suddenly articles with the relevant all-cause mortality figures pre-vax and post-vax to show contrast? They may not be so easy to get as I think they don't like to publicise them but I think they would help solidify the case. It's so easy for those reluctant to see the truth to say, "Oh, people have always died from X and Y," etc
"In Ontario, 183 died suddenly"
Oh my.
Not that it matters now, but I will be curious to find out how the perpetrators of this mass killing designed and tested the poison before scaling up and deploying it worldwide. This wasn't a "let's-cross-our-fingers-and-hope-it-works" operation, they knew exactly what the outcome was going to be. They leave nothing to chance — that's how they roll.
Out of 12 in province of BC this week (deaths were from April -early July), 6 were from small town Vernon pop 40k. Bad batch alert :((
I wonder how many people died suddenly or unexpectedly before 2021.