Jun 12·edited Jun 13

It still amazes me to see the rationalizations that some people make over an unmistakable and ongoing trend that indicates something deadly is going on.

Sure, we can't say exactly what is causing it, but that's because the govt agencies with the power to isolate root causes (or for that matter, even acknowledge that something might be amiss) refuse to do so, and are doing everything in their power to prevent anyone else from doing so.

Anyone who raises objections to investigating the theory that the injections are a contributing cause to "died suddenly" as well as the turbo cancers, clots, etc..., reveals their agenda and should be immediately and resoundingly ridiculed.

Remember: Always trust the experts who claim that things like gardening are responsible and that you are an alt-right-wing conspiracy loon for wanting to find out if an mRNA concoction, laced with who knows what, may be a causative factor!

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

The refusal to look at it is telling in itself.

At no other time, would Governments the world over have ignored excess deaths.

They could consider there might be a poisoned water supply, a poisoned air supply, a poisoned food supply.

The fact they're looking at none of those things, tells you they know exactly what it is, and don't want to go there, because they're responsible.

They would've done far better to at least FEIGN some sort of sham investigation of other factors.

As it stands, they confirm what we all know.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

"As it stands, they confirm what we all know."

Great point. That's as good a proof as can be obtained short of an actual honest study.

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We all know if these people were unvaccinated that would be the 1st thing mentioned. Like "Another unvaccinated fool dies of whatever. We tried to tell them to get the shots but no. They wouldn't listen." From show us your vaxx passport to you can't say it is the vaxx. IT IS THE VAXX.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

And another very good point.

The ridicule and insults would be off the charts!

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Yes the paid and lying experts

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Would the last vaccinated person turn out the lights in the mortuary?

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Who buries the undertakers?:).

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Good question? At some point I could envision (whether as a result of adverse reactions and/or an immune escape virus) that the unvaccinated will need to dig mass graves as the bodies literally pile up. With the immune escape scenario the health care system will quickly collapse. Leaving the vaccinated with no where to get help. So we will have many vaccinated people dying in their homes, apartments, cars and on the street. This will be a real problem given how quickly the human body decomposes. I have an article on my Substack about a mass death scenario. The movie is called “I think we are alone now”. The movie is a must watch for any unvaccinated person. So prepare to be “forever” damaged by what we will have go through. It will be the nightmare of all nightmares come to life. Check out the movie.

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Matthew 8:22

But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

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Here in Chile the liberal government is fully on board with the Covid shots, plus all the other "vaccines" . The main stream and independent media very rarely mentions these types of deaths, unless they are athletes or we'll known people. More people are waking up because there's so many injuries and more deaths in our community. Sadly, there are no protests and few speak out. The government will also vote to follow the WHO's pandemic treaty and health regulations. More people will be injured and die before the government will act. Until that happens, it will only get worse.

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Bought off like politicians and people everwhere.

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We Didn’t Need To Find The Cure For Cancer.

We Found The Cause.


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40 year old YouTuber Ben Potter died a few days ago in Colorado. Single person car crash driving around 9am, drifted off the right shoulder and rolled several times. Autopsy was ordered but no drugs or alcohol suspected. He had over 3 million subscribers.

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A local weekly candle light vigil for those who died from the government kill shot, would send a powerful message and help unite the awakened. At the town square.

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Sadly so many people who got jabbed are in denial that the jabs killed their family and friends. One guy’s wife died from sepsis and his SiL got guillane barre and couldn’t walk for a year. He refused to believe that the jabs caused the problem.

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They are ideologicaly possed. Sad.

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True. But if can’t wrap my brain around this kind of denial of what’s right in front of him. Guillane Barre doesn’t just happen without a reason.

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Wonder if this had anything to do with that: Trump's Secret, US Army Vaccine Delivery, Pfizer Contract


Why would the US Army purchase and supply Covid vaccines for a "WHO Medical emergency", if it were not a "WHO US Army, Military Operation," instead,for $1,950,097,500.00

What was the sum paid, translated into words, as my educational ability does not stretch that far - but the US Army apparently, supplied the World, as well as "just America".

You will find Operation Warp Speed mentioned in that contract, in the 3rd paragraph down

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Well maybe next time they can do Operation LUDICROUS Speed. It may be the only thing faster. Or maybe they could have the jaboid ready beforehand............oh wait!

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I wonder what is in the redacted sections. Catherine Austin Fitts has told Greg Hunter at least twice about Federal Account Standards Activity Board rule 56 which takes all Government expenses dark. If I were going to kill millions of my fellow Americans with a bioweapon I would want to keep it a secret. This law was passed in Oct 2018 when we were talking about Judge Kavanagh's sex life. Trump is one of THEM - he knew what he was doing and is still hawking the bioweapon.

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Agreed - if yuo want a timeline for how the vaccines were rolled out ,after Moderna's patented Covid-19 virus 2013 was rolled out and how, my last post on my substack gives you a complete timeline to date with everything you need to know - my substack is free

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Local newspapers have removed OBITS with died suddenly references.

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Where is this? Thanks.

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Leduc AB

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They’ve inserted a generic OBIT that shows up in others on the weekly distribution

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Mark, I want to thank you for EVERYTHING you do PLUS I want to thank you for the article you wrote on Propaganda in Focus: https://propagandainfocus.com/what-we-dont-know-is-killing-us-the-urgency-of-propaganda-study-under-covid/

All you do brings PROFOUND relief. Why? Because spending time in the company of a mind capable of seeing clearly... makes bearable all this hell on earth we're living through. Thank you.

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"Died after a short illness"

8 weeks from diagnosis of a brain tumour to being dead

"Short illness" doesn't reflect the reality of that does it?

How are the jabbed not running around screaming hysterically about their impending doom?

It's quite amazing how the world governments and media have just stopped talking about the last 4 years and the public have just forgotten what happened (and they really do seem to have forgottten).

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Warren Kulo, a journalist for al.com, died suddenly this week at age 60.

No cause of death was given although his wife said he’d just experienced a normal and enjoyable day and died peacefully in his sleep. He'd written and posted several stories in the days before he died.

One assumes Mr. Kulu had probably received multiple vaccines and boosters like all of his colleagues at this giant media company. The parent company of aldot com owns scores of widely-read websites across the country (like NJ.com)

One also assumes that none of Mr. Kulo’s colleagues will ask any questions, trying to determine if his (presumed) vaccines might have contributed to his death.

Here’s the story on Mr. Kulo’s sad death:


Here’s Mr. Kulo’s very good story from June 8th on the shark attacks I highlighted in a recent post of mine.


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How do I privately connect with a researcher?

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