Football stars Franco Harris, Ronnie Hillman; ABC News producer Dax Tejera; "Snowman" star Ronan Vibert; rapper Big Scarr; wrestlers Stephen Bonnar, The Junkyard Dog; Reds pitcher Tom Browning; & more
Mark, you are going to go down in history as one of the greatest compilers of the evidence. Thank you so much for what you do. It's incredible, how you find all this. And incredible is this global atrocity.
look into autopsies in US. fauci at the very start of the pandemic did not allow any autopsies. then they came up with incentives up to 9000 US dollars for relatives to cremate and not do autopsies. even dr. malone raised this and said once a few months ago, autopsies should be allowed.
dr. Cole had lots of problems trying to do some autopsies, and also, said if you dont look how would you find out what did they die from.
as to where are allowed, i presume most places do allow. there has been a german doctor publishing lots of findings from its autopsies.
Read this in the Wholistic Substack today--Dr. Wilson Chin, who had been in the media for receiving "death threats" antivaxxers after two kids collapsed (not died) in his clinic, has died at age 32, no cause of death reported.
He did actually sound like a nice guy doing what he was brainwashed into believing was right.
Most people die of an illness or following a condition that was present and known about. The number of unexpected and sudden deaths, especially among young, healthy people, is more than suspicious.
I saw Ronnie Hillman play many times when I lived in Boulder, CO. I read your lists every time, Mark. Thank you for all you do to document the likely casualties of this criminal, concealed war on humanity.
Given the transfection happening, maybe a separate substack just for the unvaxxed who are dying from similar issues. Will be necessary. To differentiate. I am pissed, I avoided the vax but am now suffering with possible calmari. This has a lot of parallels to the Organic foods struggle, making one sides 'free choice' (for chemicals in food) eventually blot out the possibility for free choice for the rest of us (who would rather not the chemicals). Prisoners.
I agree about "one persons 'free choice'..." That's pisses me off too. Especially when we are right not because we are arrogant but because it's scientifically correct. What these ignorant people do/did has and will effect us in many ways.
ah, thanks, meant referring to the funny new bloodclots as calmari, a feeling of constriction interior, ??, more a combo of nanocircuitry and non biological elements per Adams site.....I heard even some silkworm genome perhaps....this whole thing is so very ickky, can I just say? Just super ICKY. oK thanks.
So you feel like you might have a blood clot due to the possibility of someone vaxxed having shedded on you? I'm just trying to understand. I get concerned about that myself.
Unfortunately, I think we all, whether vaxxed or not, need to take supplements that are precautionary. We take zeolite (an amazing detoxing supplements that has more benefits as well) and soon will be adding systemic enzymes (Serrapeptase & Nattokinase) that help to break down fibrin, in addition to humic acid. I don't know if the systemic enzymes will help with these types of fibrin clots but it's worth taking anyway just in case and because it helps the body in many other ways. I haven't researched Carbon 60 but keep hearing how it helps to neutralize graphene oxide (humic acid does that, too). Zeolite should bind to graphene oxide and I believe from my research, it should bind to spike proteins (glycoproteins - positively charged) and lipid nanoparticles (also positively charged). Zeolite is a negatively charged substance.
thanks again Debra--I been doing Nac and Glutathione, A and D, Zinc. I would rather avoid gel caps tho as they are suspect these days. (nanos? ). So...foods. Used zeolite to get smells out of closets, so it makes sense about it sort of 'enclosing' things. Also dudes substack who discusses vax injuries, and has some detox products available, sorry his name escapes me, will come back when I remember...thanks ps yes, feels like a leg clot but maybe I am a bit paranoid, hard to tell. Burdock root tea is a good chelation, I have much of it stored. It is delicious, even moreso with milk and honey. Inulin and quercitin, and many other things. but yes. I feel like I have calmari, and good to avoid MRi as it amplifies
I suggest getting Dr. Howard Peiper's book on zeolite and humic acid. You can get them both on amazon for about $7 a piece. They're small books but they do have a lot of good info. They are both incredible natural substances. You want zeolite in powder form not liquid. We take zeolite pure from The owner is wonderful to talk with. Also, for dosing, Dr. Peiper has a website called which shows what to take for different detox levels. The package of zeolite products can not state what dose one really needs due to the fda rules (don't get me started) so the website is very helpful. We take the maximum. A couple of things about zeolite: 1) do not breath the powder in because it is a cage like structure and could be bad for the lungs (you just mix it with some water and drink it or put it in your food and mix it up), 2) taking more is better in this case if you have an issue because you need more of it for detoxing. You don't want to go slowly like you would with other supplements because you need as much as possible to bind to toxins and for them to be removed, 3) you want to space out how much you take by 6 - 8 hours so you get a full day of detoxing, and 4) if you are taking any pharma drugs that contain heavy metals (like lithium) or I personally think flouride, too (like so many SSRIs and too many other drugs - you can look up this info online), be cautious because zeolite binds to positive substances [including heavy metals, flouride, mold, glyphosate (which is not only in food but also in many vaccines)]. It will also bind to minerals that are not attached to proteins. It gets a bit more complicated but it's not a dangerous thing when you consume it. It will go after the heavy metals that are attached to the cell's receptor which then allows minerals to take their place where the mineral should be in the first place helping strengthen the body.
It's recommended not to take glutathione but rather the precursor like NAC because 1) the body needs to produce glutathione on it's own and 2) oral glutathione generally doesn't get absorbed properly. Another thing that helps increase glutathione is Rooibos tea. You can get organic rooibos tea from or anywhere really. Both humic acid and zeolite also help to fight viruses in different ways. Humic acid is fascinating because it envelopes the virus which then doesn't allow it to attach itself to cells. Amazing. Humic acid also offers 70+ trace nutrients and other benefits.
Look up systemic enzymes. I think you might feel good if you took that too.
Yes, burdock root is fabulous because it helps the liver to detox. I mix burdock and dandelion leaf and root loose tea leaves and cook up a batch that I have for about 4 days or so.
Quercitin is fabulous too and helps zinc enters cells. Just be careful how much zinc you take. I know so many "experts" keep saying to take zinc but they don't mention that zinc and copper need to be balanced in the body and when they're not in balance a deficiency is created or copper overload/toxicity can happen. So, if you take too much zinc to copper [8:1 is the ratio when it's in your body (hair test is the best way to evaluate that)] then you can have all different types of negative symptoms.
thank you so, will save all your comment to a file to read, apprec. greatly. The nac has been agreeeing with me, the Glutathione less so, so....thanks again. j
Jacquelyn sauriol-- yes, you're correct. It doesn't matter if individuals didnt take the "vaxx". The cabal already had the "mechanisms" put in place, for the jab-refusers to also get biohacked. There's no escape for anyone from the biohack. So continually monitor the quality of your blood flow (even if it's just periodically pricking your skin to monitor if your bleed is as normal or if it's unusally "dry"/"barely any blood drip), and continually monitor your SKIN (particularly arms/hands/legs/feet) for any confounding / bizarre/strange/peculiar/puzzling manifestations. Also stay on N.A.C. and high doses of Vit C to bowel tolerance regularly, borax water daily (dissolve 1 tsp Borax using some hot water, then add enough purified water to make 1 litre, and sip that throughout the day, or just take at least 1 tsp of that solution drink twice daily), and do regular hot soaking baths with 2 cups baking soda+2 cups sea salt (not epsom)+1 cup borax powder. Soak for as long as you can, then shower off, and put gloves on to clean the tub afterward. And keep meticulous hygiene internally and externally. Avoid packaged and processed foods like the plague. Make those things a regular habit from now on. Stay well.
blessings Rabbitgirl, how does potato vodka figure in to this? /s time for a good soak tho, had not heard of borax for drinking or bathing. sounds nice. I do avoid eating out these days, always felt bad afterwords.
lol, jacquelyn, can't go wrong with potato vodka, haha. Sounds better than from gmo grain or corn, lmao. Yeah, but jacquelyn, stay with the Borax, it's good for us. Hug.
I am age 73, unvaxxed, mixing with the crowds each day as I sit in a Food Court for breakfast for over an hour. I am sure I am exposed to shedding of the spike proteins, graphene oxide and other undisclosed nano-bots, etc. My wife had Covid twice even though she was vaxxed with Sinovac vaccine. We share the same bed.
However, I have one protective measure...the ancient Urine Therapy ( just rub on the skin, if one is squeamish about urine). I am illness free from 2020 till now. Also illness free the past 25 years. UT works well for me and will continue to be my best protection.
I've been hearing about urine therapy a lot from Jonathan Otto's docuseries Brave & Brave 2 which is a docuseries about all this stuff including what supplements might help heal those vaxxed, etc. Many years ago I tried it myself and it did nothing noticeable for me. My question regarding urine therapy has been, since we all pass toxins including heavy metals, molds, etc. through our urine how is it that urine is safe to use and not recontaminate use with these substances?
Urine is not medicine nor a one-time miracle. Urine is 95% pure water, 2.5% urea and 2.5% of over 2,000 biologic substances. Some heavy metals, etc. may also be shedded but you are talking of nano-quantities.
95% plus of the urine I put on my skin never get absorbed. Our skin is our largest protective layer and not everything can penetrate. Plus whatever gets in has a long journey to reach the blood vessel and it must get pass the blood vessel walls. So, rest assured, very, very little of any undesirable contaminants will every re-enter your body via urine therapy.
If this blog allows websites to be posted, here is the UT website a cancer survivor composed for me. I have no cancer, diabetes, cardio-vascular and thousands of the illnesses.
Thank you. I didn't know the details as you've listed them. Interesting and helpful. I'll take a look at your website. What is it in the urine that helps the body to heal and to stay healthy considering all the variables at play that cause so many illnesses? It must help the body's pathways eliminate toxins that are throughout the body. I'm just wondering about the mechanisms as to how urine works. Also, blood isn't the best form of identifying toxins in the body because it's got to be in homostasis (balance) or one is in trouble. Both the kidney's and the liver do get compromised by toxins including estrogen, copper, other heavy metals, mold, drugs, etc. So, both these filtration organs in the body can't always do their job well due to toxins and genetics. That's why I wonder how urine works to help the body function better and clear these toxins.
Scientists do not investigate the power of urine, dismiss UT as folklore, pseudo-science, etc.
However, a few million people worldwide use it and there are many testimonials on its healing properties. I have pondered over the matter for years.
Nature is very complex and yet can be very simple at its core. Scientists still do not understand much about Cell biology and the incredible interactions within our body.
Urine provides a feedback loop to the body. For instance, those dying from cancer reported amazing recoveries from using urine. At that stage, they are desperate, have tried all conventional medical therapies and have lost hope. Yet, using urine, they recovered to write their testimonials.
How does urine tell the body exactly where is the cancer? How does urine trigger the body immune system to start attacking the cancer? And also the cancer mass, once removed have to be replaced by new cells or the body will have pockets of void.
Urine cannot re-enter the body within the urinary system. The lining of the urinary tract does not allow absorption of urine as Nature has been designed to void the urine. However, when re-introduced via the skin, mouth, intestines, etc. it can direct the body exactly to where healing is required.
I reason that it is the body's natural immune system that heals us. Medical intervention is mostly pallative. Any recovery must come from our natural immune system.
The micro-ingredients within the urine are like cells with a GPS system. It tells the body exactly where to focus the immune system. Without urine, the body seems to be blind-sided which explains why cancer can grow silently and even spread unchecked.
I use cancer as the example as it is a complex disease. However, urine also heals falling hair, stomach ulcers, piles, sore gums and many other lesser ailments.
Urine is not a medicine. It serves as a message system. It has to be the micro-ingredients. Scientists have extracted some micro-ingredients and used them in cosmetics and other applications.
Urea is known to help in combating cancer and urea comes from urine.
To sum up...Urine provides precise feedback to the body, triggers the immune process and also triggers the regenerative process. All dead tissues and cells are gradually removed and replaced by new healthy cells.
Urine therapy should be daily over the years. It should not be used only on an urgent basis and then discontinued. The long term application ensures continuous protection.
Very interesting. I'm sure there haven't been enough studies to truly understand the mechanism(s) completely because studies need to be funded. I'd be curious to know if fasting (intermittent fasting or others) when combined with urine therapy would help the body heal more completely or faster considering fasting causes autophagy (the elimination of damaged cells). It's all so fascinating.
BTW: fasting is supposed to help greatly for those who have been vaxxed so I would expect it would be helpful for those unvaxxed but shedded upon (the rest of us), too.
Given the excess deaths reported by large US insurance firms, this blog will run in to dozens of pages if most of the sudden deaths are reported. One frequent word is "sudden" or "unexpected". If one dies of a long illness, trauma from crime or accident or fire, that is understandable.
The most alarming was the young athletic lady who had two Covid episodes, was reduced to being a cripple (almost) and died. 2023 may see an upsurge in "sudden" deaths as some experts point to long term disability and deaths from 2023 to 2030. It is now fully two years since the jabs were mandated or given.
If the waves of covid hitting japan and china now come back to the US and europe what with all these people w weakened immune systems from these shots you might need to hire a staff to help u
Mark, you are going to go down in history as one of the greatest compilers of the evidence. Thank you so much for what you do. It's incredible, how you find all this. And incredible is this global atrocity.
unfortunately, this is not even the tip of the iceberg ... autopsies of sudden deaths are discouraged in US.
Where are they encouraged?
look into autopsies in US. fauci at the very start of the pandemic did not allow any autopsies. then they came up with incentives up to 9000 US dollars for relatives to cremate and not do autopsies. even dr. malone raised this and said once a few months ago, autopsies should be allowed.
dr. Cole had lots of problems trying to do some autopsies, and also, said if you dont look how would you find out what did they die from.
as to where are allowed, i presume most places do allow. there has been a german doctor publishing lots of findings from its autopsies.
I knew the Ron Radloff from Dyersville Iowa. Very nice guy what a shame
Read this in the Wholistic Substack today--Dr. Wilson Chin, who had been in the media for receiving "death threats" antivaxxers after two kids collapsed (not died) in his clinic, has died at age 32, no cause of death reported.
He did actually sound like a nice guy doing what he was brainwashed into believing was right.
Shocked about Scott Minerd. He was a friend of a friend. Well known guy. Very likely vaxxed.
Franco Harris did a video for the CDC promoting the covid death shots.
Doesn't age well.
No, it really doesn't.
I feel sorry for those he influenced.
watched him speak, he seemed kind of slow to speak, as if damage was date..
Most people die of an illness or following a condition that was present and known about. The number of unexpected and sudden deaths, especially among young, healthy people, is more than suspicious.
I saw Ronnie Hillman play many times when I lived in Boulder, CO. I read your lists every time, Mark. Thank you for all you do to document the likely casualties of this criminal, concealed war on humanity.
Given the transfection happening, maybe a separate substack just for the unvaxxed who are dying from similar issues. Will be necessary. To differentiate. I am pissed, I avoided the vax but am now suffering with possible calmari. This has a lot of parallels to the Organic foods struggle, making one sides 'free choice' (for chemicals in food) eventually blot out the possibility for free choice for the rest of us (who would rather not the chemicals). Prisoners.
I agree about "one persons 'free choice'..." That's pisses me off too. Especially when we are right not because we are arrogant but because it's scientifically correct. What these ignorant people do/did has and will effect us in many ways.
Just curious, what do you mean by "calmari"?
ah, thanks, meant referring to the funny new bloodclots as calmari, a feeling of constriction interior, ??, more a combo of nanocircuitry and non biological elements per Adams site.....I heard even some silkworm genome perhaps....this whole thing is so very ickky, can I just say? Just super ICKY. oK thanks.
So you feel like you might have a blood clot due to the possibility of someone vaxxed having shedded on you? I'm just trying to understand. I get concerned about that myself.
Unfortunately, I think we all, whether vaxxed or not, need to take supplements that are precautionary. We take zeolite (an amazing detoxing supplements that has more benefits as well) and soon will be adding systemic enzymes (Serrapeptase & Nattokinase) that help to break down fibrin, in addition to humic acid. I don't know if the systemic enzymes will help with these types of fibrin clots but it's worth taking anyway just in case and because it helps the body in many other ways. I haven't researched Carbon 60 but keep hearing how it helps to neutralize graphene oxide (humic acid does that, too). Zeolite should bind to graphene oxide and I believe from my research, it should bind to spike proteins (glycoproteins - positively charged) and lipid nanoparticles (also positively charged). Zeolite is a negatively charged substance.
thanks again Debra--I been doing Nac and Glutathione, A and D, Zinc. I would rather avoid gel caps tho as they are suspect these days. (nanos? ). So...foods. Used zeolite to get smells out of closets, so it makes sense about it sort of 'enclosing' things. Also dudes substack who discusses vax injuries, and has some detox products available, sorry his name escapes me, will come back when I remember...thanks ps yes, feels like a leg clot but maybe I am a bit paranoid, hard to tell. Burdock root tea is a good chelation, I have much of it stored. It is delicious, even moreso with milk and honey. Inulin and quercitin, and many other things. but yes. I feel like I have calmari, and good to avoid MRi as it amplifies
I suggest getting Dr. Howard Peiper's book on zeolite and humic acid. You can get them both on amazon for about $7 a piece. They're small books but they do have a lot of good info. They are both incredible natural substances. You want zeolite in powder form not liquid. We take zeolite pure from The owner is wonderful to talk with. Also, for dosing, Dr. Peiper has a website called which shows what to take for different detox levels. The package of zeolite products can not state what dose one really needs due to the fda rules (don't get me started) so the website is very helpful. We take the maximum. A couple of things about zeolite: 1) do not breath the powder in because it is a cage like structure and could be bad for the lungs (you just mix it with some water and drink it or put it in your food and mix it up), 2) taking more is better in this case if you have an issue because you need more of it for detoxing. You don't want to go slowly like you would with other supplements because you need as much as possible to bind to toxins and for them to be removed, 3) you want to space out how much you take by 6 - 8 hours so you get a full day of detoxing, and 4) if you are taking any pharma drugs that contain heavy metals (like lithium) or I personally think flouride, too (like so many SSRIs and too many other drugs - you can look up this info online), be cautious because zeolite binds to positive substances [including heavy metals, flouride, mold, glyphosate (which is not only in food but also in many vaccines)]. It will also bind to minerals that are not attached to proteins. It gets a bit more complicated but it's not a dangerous thing when you consume it. It will go after the heavy metals that are attached to the cell's receptor which then allows minerals to take their place where the mineral should be in the first place helping strengthen the body.
It's recommended not to take glutathione but rather the precursor like NAC because 1) the body needs to produce glutathione on it's own and 2) oral glutathione generally doesn't get absorbed properly. Another thing that helps increase glutathione is Rooibos tea. You can get organic rooibos tea from or anywhere really. Both humic acid and zeolite also help to fight viruses in different ways. Humic acid is fascinating because it envelopes the virus which then doesn't allow it to attach itself to cells. Amazing. Humic acid also offers 70+ trace nutrients and other benefits.
Look up systemic enzymes. I think you might feel good if you took that too.
Yes, burdock root is fabulous because it helps the liver to detox. I mix burdock and dandelion leaf and root loose tea leaves and cook up a batch that I have for about 4 days or so.
Quercitin is fabulous too and helps zinc enters cells. Just be careful how much zinc you take. I know so many "experts" keep saying to take zinc but they don't mention that zinc and copper need to be balanced in the body and when they're not in balance a deficiency is created or copper overload/toxicity can happen. So, if you take too much zinc to copper [8:1 is the ratio when it's in your body (hair test is the best way to evaluate that)] then you can have all different types of negative symptoms.
The body is very complicated.
I wish you well.
thank you so, will save all your comment to a file to read, apprec. greatly. The nac has been agreeeing with me, the Glutathione less so, so....thanks again. j
Jacquelyn sauriol-- yes, you're correct. It doesn't matter if individuals didnt take the "vaxx". The cabal already had the "mechanisms" put in place, for the jab-refusers to also get biohacked. There's no escape for anyone from the biohack. So continually monitor the quality of your blood flow (even if it's just periodically pricking your skin to monitor if your bleed is as normal or if it's unusally "dry"/"barely any blood drip), and continually monitor your SKIN (particularly arms/hands/legs/feet) for any confounding / bizarre/strange/peculiar/puzzling manifestations. Also stay on N.A.C. and high doses of Vit C to bowel tolerance regularly, borax water daily (dissolve 1 tsp Borax using some hot water, then add enough purified water to make 1 litre, and sip that throughout the day, or just take at least 1 tsp of that solution drink twice daily), and do regular hot soaking baths with 2 cups baking soda+2 cups sea salt (not epsom)+1 cup borax powder. Soak for as long as you can, then shower off, and put gloves on to clean the tub afterward. And keep meticulous hygiene internally and externally. Avoid packaged and processed foods like the plague. Make those things a regular habit from now on. Stay well.
blessings Rabbitgirl, how does potato vodka figure in to this? /s time for a good soak tho, had not heard of borax for drinking or bathing. sounds nice. I do avoid eating out these days, always felt bad afterwords.
lol, jacquelyn, can't go wrong with potato vodka, haha. Sounds better than from gmo grain or corn, lmao. Yeah, but jacquelyn, stay with the Borax, it's good for us. Hug.
I am age 73, unvaxxed, mixing with the crowds each day as I sit in a Food Court for breakfast for over an hour. I am sure I am exposed to shedding of the spike proteins, graphene oxide and other undisclosed nano-bots, etc. My wife had Covid twice even though she was vaxxed with Sinovac vaccine. We share the same bed.
However, I have one protective measure...the ancient Urine Therapy ( just rub on the skin, if one is squeamish about urine). I am illness free from 2020 till now. Also illness free the past 25 years. UT works well for me and will continue to be my best protection.
Never heard of that, I suppose one needs to have a diet low in sugar for this to work well. thanks.
I've been hearing about urine therapy a lot from Jonathan Otto's docuseries Brave & Brave 2 which is a docuseries about all this stuff including what supplements might help heal those vaxxed, etc. Many years ago I tried it myself and it did nothing noticeable for me. My question regarding urine therapy has been, since we all pass toxins including heavy metals, molds, etc. through our urine how is it that urine is safe to use and not recontaminate use with these substances?
Urine is not medicine nor a one-time miracle. Urine is 95% pure water, 2.5% urea and 2.5% of over 2,000 biologic substances. Some heavy metals, etc. may also be shedded but you are talking of nano-quantities.
95% plus of the urine I put on my skin never get absorbed. Our skin is our largest protective layer and not everything can penetrate. Plus whatever gets in has a long journey to reach the blood vessel and it must get pass the blood vessel walls. So, rest assured, very, very little of any undesirable contaminants will every re-enter your body via urine therapy.
If this blog allows websites to be posted, here is the UT website a cancer survivor composed for me. I have no cancer, diabetes, cardio-vascular and thousands of the illnesses.
By the way, the kidneys are for balancing the blood. The liver gets rid of most of the waste in the body. Read on my website what UT experts say.
Thank you. I didn't know the details as you've listed them. Interesting and helpful. I'll take a look at your website. What is it in the urine that helps the body to heal and to stay healthy considering all the variables at play that cause so many illnesses? It must help the body's pathways eliminate toxins that are throughout the body. I'm just wondering about the mechanisms as to how urine works. Also, blood isn't the best form of identifying toxins in the body because it's got to be in homostasis (balance) or one is in trouble. Both the kidney's and the liver do get compromised by toxins including estrogen, copper, other heavy metals, mold, drugs, etc. So, both these filtration organs in the body can't always do their job well due to toxins and genetics. That's why I wonder how urine works to help the body function better and clear these toxins.
Scientists do not investigate the power of urine, dismiss UT as folklore, pseudo-science, etc.
However, a few million people worldwide use it and there are many testimonials on its healing properties. I have pondered over the matter for years.
Nature is very complex and yet can be very simple at its core. Scientists still do not understand much about Cell biology and the incredible interactions within our body.
Urine provides a feedback loop to the body. For instance, those dying from cancer reported amazing recoveries from using urine. At that stage, they are desperate, have tried all conventional medical therapies and have lost hope. Yet, using urine, they recovered to write their testimonials.
How does urine tell the body exactly where is the cancer? How does urine trigger the body immune system to start attacking the cancer? And also the cancer mass, once removed have to be replaced by new cells or the body will have pockets of void.
Urine cannot re-enter the body within the urinary system. The lining of the urinary tract does not allow absorption of urine as Nature has been designed to void the urine. However, when re-introduced via the skin, mouth, intestines, etc. it can direct the body exactly to where healing is required.
I reason that it is the body's natural immune system that heals us. Medical intervention is mostly pallative. Any recovery must come from our natural immune system.
The micro-ingredients within the urine are like cells with a GPS system. It tells the body exactly where to focus the immune system. Without urine, the body seems to be blind-sided which explains why cancer can grow silently and even spread unchecked.
I use cancer as the example as it is a complex disease. However, urine also heals falling hair, stomach ulcers, piles, sore gums and many other lesser ailments.
Urine is not a medicine. It serves as a message system. It has to be the micro-ingredients. Scientists have extracted some micro-ingredients and used them in cosmetics and other applications.
Urea is known to help in combating cancer and urea comes from urine.
To sum up...Urine provides precise feedback to the body, triggers the immune process and also triggers the regenerative process. All dead tissues and cells are gradually removed and replaced by new healthy cells.
Urine therapy should be daily over the years. It should not be used only on an urgent basis and then discontinued. The long term application ensures continuous protection.
Very interesting. I'm sure there haven't been enough studies to truly understand the mechanism(s) completely because studies need to be funded. I'd be curious to know if fasting (intermittent fasting or others) when combined with urine therapy would help the body heal more completely or faster considering fasting causes autophagy (the elimination of damaged cells). It's all so fascinating.
BTW: fasting is supposed to help greatly for those who have been vaxxed so I would expect it would be helpful for those unvaxxed but shedded upon (the rest of us), too.
Thank you for your explanation. Very helpful.
Hussains story of here ultimate death was heart wrenching.
Sounds like everyone is still standing around wondering what happened. Could it be long covid ??
When will a deeper dive be taken by family and doctors
I know...
Never most likely
More every week.
Given the excess deaths reported by large US insurance firms, this blog will run in to dozens of pages if most of the sudden deaths are reported. One frequent word is "sudden" or "unexpected". If one dies of a long illness, trauma from crime or accident or fire, that is understandable.
The most alarming was the young athletic lady who had two Covid episodes, was reduced to being a cripple (almost) and died. 2023 may see an upsurge in "sudden" deaths as some experts point to long term disability and deaths from 2023 to 2030. It is now fully two years since the jabs were mandated or given.
They're now avoiding those telltale adverbs; and one funeral home I know of has stopped including birthdates!
"She complained about a lot of doctors not believing long COVID is even a thing."
I'd say first they need to determine if Covid is even a thing.
"...but her friends and family are convinced she died from long COVID"
I guess family and friends can diagnose, now.
The media's choice of words is always interesting.
Thank you MCM.
The SEAL was declared as a suicide.
and everyone who took the vaxxes did so voluntarily, by wrong.
Thanks for the work.
If the waves of covid hitting japan and china now come back to the US and europe what with all these people w weakened immune systems from these shots you might need to hire a staff to help u
This seems to be a neverending story sadly.