The 40 year old woman from Texas sending out those Facebook posts about her organs shutting down one by one is particularly sad. I'm sure her doctors were left baffled.

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For those puzzled by the death of film director Sean Stone, it should be made clear that action movie director Sean Stone is NOT Sean Stone, son of Oliver Stone and the author of New World Order: A Strategy of Imperialism, and of the film short, Singularity (https://www.seanstone.info/work/singularityshort).

I would have found it as unbelievable that he had been jabbed as I do that King Chuck and Jacob Rothschild had been!

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As always it's all too much and I know that I said that I wouldn't read the "died suddenly" posts anymore, but granted: I once again spent the entire morning scrolling through all the misery all over. I also want to share here that last week I went through a lot of old videos from Jordan Maxwell, Bill Cooper, Dr Bill Deagle and Davide Icke and although everyone will call them "kooks", "conspiracy theorists", "lunatics" and "downright badshit crazy", I have to say right here, right now, that they ALL predicted exactly what's happening right now. Videos from 2001, 2006 and a bit later, but all of them way, way before any of this bullshit was even near us and -without exception- they all, at a certain point, have a part in their videos where they extensively go into the subject of an upcoming fabricated disease or plague that according to the powers that be can only be countered with a "vaccine", which will then, in return, lead to massive amounts of deaths and the onset of depopulation. All of them. Some of 'em even also turned out to be, in hindsight, spot on about the aids "epidemic" from back in the day. Isn't that amazing? Try it. Look these guys up, watch and listen to their videos and you'll be surprised to hear how many times that whatever they say has come to pass. At times it's chilling. But here we are.

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How ironic the Dolly Parton thing is. Remember her singing Jolene but replacing it with “vaccine.” A minion of satan, that gal.

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Lots of people from California are now dropping from the kill shot.

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yet another installment of the long sad scroll down the page... however the truth shall set you free where this information needs to be published/highlighted even if some bots leave lame comments its no coincidence people are dropping dead - all ages, races and creeds!

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Two songs of vaccine injury and death.

THE SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY. A man reluctantly takes the jab in order to see his mother in a nursing home. Listen to the hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-summer-of-died-suddenly

A Modern Day Shakespearean tragedy: Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Watch PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-music-video-release-perchance

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Dying in your twenties, thirties, forties of natural causes. How dare they? I've noticed that in many cases they were predeceased by far too many family members that should raise alarms. Husband and then wife within a short span.

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Lots of vaxxidents. Lord knows I am not flying, but now I am worried about driving.

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Language alert:: the term: - medical emergency - appears 21 times in this post.

It does seem that is the term used by (mostly)local media (and not a term inserted by post authors).

I find it very peculiar, novel language. Has anyone ever heard prior to 2021 that someone "suffered a medical emergency" or "died after a medical emergency" ? Strange times indeed.

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thanks for this work. just a correction, Rick Jarrow definitely did NOT take the jab.

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I know it doesn’t speak well of me but I have a hard time empathizing with many of these.

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Interesting to read about the death of Charles James Jerome Miller, PhD, who died of cardiac arrest, given that he got his PhD at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in molecular biology and genetics (the same institution that Ralph S. Baric worked at and the same institution that was awarded several of the various patents on the SARS-CoV-2 virus - I've printed them out to study) and should have known better than to submit himself to this experiment like a lab rat. I guess the level of faith those in the medical and pharma communities have in gene therapies is beyond belief.

We have to remember that nothing from nature can be patented unless there is human alteration or manipulation that changes the nature or function of a "natural" thing. I researched this over a year ago after finding the patents on the virus. Too many have been duped! And died!

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Cheyenne Collazo (24), mother of two toddlers ages 2 and 4. They were told it was an adrenal crisis but it was later discovered to be a sudden seizure at home and heart attack in the ambulance. She died. https://www.gofundme.com/f/emergency-medical-funds-for-mother-of-two-babies?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_content=facebook_cta_variant&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook

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The horrors of the cabals continue.

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