My son, 40 yo, 2jab, 2 boosters, had a sudden onset vertigo episode last evening that sent him to the ER. One sister in law was worried (pastor’s wife) because they have so many young people in their church who are being diagnosed with stomach cancer, bile duct cancer, and aggressive breast cancers. It looks like the second wave of cance…
My son, 40 yo, 2jab, 2 boosters, had a sudden onset vertigo episode last evening that sent him to the ER. One sister in law was worried (pastor’s wife) because they have so many young people in their church who are being diagnosed with stomach cancer, bile duct cancer, and aggressive breast cancers. It looks like the second wave of cancers is over taking sudden deaths. We see it our own church as well, I am starting to notice more people with pale anemic complexions and wonder if they have underlying problems that are yet undiagnosed.
My son, 40 yo, 2jab, 2 boosters, had a sudden onset vertigo episode last evening that sent him to the ER. One sister in law was worried (pastor’s wife) because they have so many young people in their church who are being diagnosed with stomach cancer, bile duct cancer, and aggressive breast cancers. It looks like the second wave of cancers is over taking sudden deaths. We see it our own church as well, I am starting to notice more people with pale anemic complexions and wonder if they have underlying problems that are yet undiagnosed.