NPR’s Bob Edwards; reality star Taytian 'Nugget' Diaz (11); stuntman Ron Sarchian (59, C); guitarist Donald Kinsey (The Wailers); rocker Dexter Romweber; Reds' hurler Don Gullett; & more
You tendered a "correction" that a recent death was ruled a suicide.
I consider it jab related. If I had this garbage in my body I would contemplate suicide. Hell, just opening my eyes and looking around is a very dark, sinister place...
A friend who had MS for 25 years had an exacerbation starting a year ago. Her health deteriorated to the point that she felt so hopeless that she decided to check out. She wrote her note in November and did the deed in late January. She was the kind of person I imagine who was multiple boosted. Sixty years old.
People have enough to worry about. Most that stopped early should be ok.
Excess deaths and disabilities are up, but it's not like they are 2x, 3x, etc. The people still on the booster train are the ones that should be most nervous.
And getting right with God is a good idea no matter what your vax status.
Nobody knows for certain. We are forced to find out over time. If I had made the mistake of taking covid shots I would choose hope over the original comment in this thread.
The main variable seems to be batch. There was a batch study I think in early 2023 that showed huge divergences in adverse events based on batch. People that received placebo or a very low adverse event batch are in a much better situation than people that got a bad batch.
Something worth considering is many of the rise in suicides can be in unvaccinated people as well. I agree many who have taken it maybe experiencing serious complications and know they’ve been betrayed and abandoned be society. But I can also see unvaccinated people who similarly feel betrayed and abandoned feeling hopeless wanting to check out — especially if they have no spiritual grounding or belief in God. Just saying.
Exactly. I can’t imagine being a young person looking at their future prospects and being optimistic. That’s why I think there’s a lot of willfull blindness going on. It’s simply a defense mechanism. We were blessed enough to come into a world where we could imagine a bright future, but imagine being a young person today. I really worry about my children and grandchildren — even as I constantly try to warn them about the very real dangers we are all facing.
I have loved ones who are fully jabbed as well. I am sick with worry about all of them. My dear friend's husband had a mildish stroke a year ago at age 69 and has been working on full recovery from that but a couple weeks ago had a stroke in one of his eyes leading to permanent blindness in that eye. Now they say he has a "clotting disorder" (no kidding!!) and want to do testing to see if it's hereditary. He is fully jabbed and boosted. Sadly, I don't see things improving for him as time goes on.
This is an obituary of a former co-worker who only made it to age 59. She died of a sudden heart attack. Please note this in the body of the obituary: "Much of her free time was devoted to community projects connected to her role with the NAACP. She recently participated in the painting of Stapleton UAME Church, helped seniors access COVID vaccinations, and regularly supplied food pantries in Mariners Harbor and other communities in need."
This quote stuck out as well. ““God has been picking a lot of flowers lately,” she added, referring to her own son’s death in June.” But it’s not God doing the picking of souls.
Same goes for what they are doing to manipulate crime statistics by listing people of color who have been arrested for crimes as being "white" when clearly their mug shot shows that is false.
There’s a YouTube channel/podcast devoted to stillbirths that has been around for a while now. It’s called “Still A Part of Us” or something to that effect. Seems to be happening quite a lot these days.
On the uptick in violence on campuses, a Dover H.S., Dover, NH, recent graduate said she was so glad to get out of there since there were almost two horrific fights a day happening. The school promised to look into it but nothing came of it. Combination of poisons shot into these kids and very high levels of wifi or dangerous medications or all three?
Now some hospitals are getting into the business disposal of the evidence and handling the whole thing so it never reaches a funeral home outside of a cremation container if ever. Fewer autopsies and even for ones who do them, they do not check crucial things. I'm so horrified to continue to witness what this death cult is doing. Time for everyone to speak up in massive numbers locally, regionally and state.
My son, 40 yo, 2jab, 2 boosters, had a sudden onset vertigo episode last evening that sent him to the ER. One sister in law was worried (pastor’s wife) because they have so many young people in their church who are being diagnosed with stomach cancer, bile duct cancer, and aggressive breast cancers. It looks like the second wave of cancers is over taking sudden deaths. We see it our own church as well, I am starting to notice more people with pale anemic complexions and wonder if they have underlying problems that are yet undiagnosed.
On Sunday, January 14th, my dad unexpectedly passed away. It has been almost a week and it still feels extremely surreal. There are so many great memories with him and it pains me that there won’t be any more. To me, he was always the expert of making people laugh and making sure people always had a smile on their face. San Antonio, TX Wes Dalton
It's interesting that a significant number of people included here are black or Latino. The media made it seem like these groups weren't taking the jab...
I believe the political framing of this issue shows the eugenicist hand behind it all. I’ve thrown all caution to the wind in speaking out to my own small social circle because I could see it from day one. As a traditionally trained journalist and natural skeptic I was prepared to listen to all credible sources and verify them. I was acutely aware that blacks — particularly through Trump playing the heel — were being herded into a silo where we perceived anyone opposing the pandemic counter measures (lockdowns, vaccines etc) as Republicans and those pushing them as our friends — liberals and celebrities etc. Of course there’s an obvious larger attempt to engineer civil strife along lines which has also long been a part of eugenics. So I’ve had to actively seek out traditional liberal voices like Mark, RFK Jr, and the few black voices exposing the truth of what’s going on. Thank God for them, but it still grates me to the core that nearly all my family members who sat around the table on Thanksgiving 2020 and expressed skepticism and said they wouldn’t take it, took it under Biden by the Spring of 2021. My mom’s twin sister died suddenly a few days after being vaccinated. I suspect that I’ve lost upwards of 25 people now that I know personally. I’m losing count.
I know we're not supposed to use the words holocaust or genocide. But it seems like that's what happened to your family. It's heartbreaking. My sincere sympathy to you.
Most of my family took the jabs and boosters. Mostly white people. Politics didn't seem to matter when it came to getting the shots. Biden supporters and Trump supporters all in the mix. The vaxx mandate hawks also spanned the political spectrum. One Trump supporter seemed to be gleeful contemplating the danger I was in for not being vaxxed. A Biden supporter lauded all the "smart" people who got their jabs while also declaring that Trump must not ever be spoken of again. (Trump pushing Warp Speed and getting vaxxed wasn't mea culpa enough for being Trump.)
One person had a mild stroke after the 1st booster. Five have/had either an unexpected recurrence of cancer or a sudden, new cancer. Two deaths. One child born to 2 vaxxed parents had significant birth defects.
I have no doubt that I would have gotten the shot if my child hadn't suffered a vaxx injury 24 years ago. I appreciate your perspective on eugenics. When my child was diagnosed disabled, we found ourselves confronting the legacy of eugenics in special education and in healthcare for people with disabilities.
Cognitive dissonance is unbelievably powerful. It threatens people's view of reality and they can't handle it. Vaccines are like a religion so they must not question it. They don't get that they have a choice. They've been successfully indoctrinated. It's ironic to me. We are encouraged to question faith and the reality of God. But not science. We're told to follow the science. After covid, a meme became popular in anti-jab circles. It said, "I followed the science. It led me to the money "
Bingo! That’s the true religion: money. For most of these people, it’s not that they believe in vaccines. It’s that they follow the money and trust in the people supplying the money.
My family had a family reunion last summer at Dr. King’s church and I took exception to the vaccine being required by the church! Half a year later, Dr. King’s son Dexter dies suddenly.
Another sad weekly report. I received a notice from the Arizona State University Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict (ASU is my Alma Mater) and I attend lectures the CSRC produces: Gaymon L. Bennet, a CSRC faculty affiliate, died one day after turning 52, at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale on Feb. 1. He was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2021. The obit that ASU sent out reveals he was an amazing person. So sad.
Looks like the BPC needs to come up with an antidote fast, otherwise their customer base will be eradicated in a few years. It's hard to imagine however, that the thinning of the herd will ever be noticeable with the blind eye. Will my morning commute be more like it was in the 80's? If it ever comes to that, I think we'll be in serious trouble. Current elevated excess death numbers are a drop in the bucket, esp. with millions pouring in as replacements. Yes, but they got rid of Trump. One has to wonder, was the cure worse than the disease? Were the promotions under the Biden administration worth millions of dead Americans? Will the final solution take the new Reich right over the cliff like it did the Nazis?
We live in a semi rural area. It does seem like there is less traffic now. There also seems like there is an increase in bad driving. People taking obvious risks - cutting other drivers off, driving aggressively. We pretty much avoid major roads when we can now.
We have seen a few drivers make right turns from the far left lane, crossing several lanes of traffic to make the turn. We had a person make a turn in front of us (we were only a few feet away) as if he did not even see we had the right of way. Makes me wonder about the jabs every time.
You tendered a "correction" that a recent death was ruled a suicide.
I consider it jab related. If I had this garbage in my body I would contemplate suicide. Hell, just opening my eyes and looking around is a very dark, sinister place...
Agreed. We're working on a new feature highlighting suicides, since the number has skyrocketed since 2020.
A friend who had MS for 25 years had an exacerbation starting a year ago. Her health deteriorated to the point that she felt so hopeless that she decided to check out. She wrote her note in November and did the deed in late January. She was the kind of person I imagine who was multiple boosted. Sixty years old.
I'm so sorry. That poor soul.
So sad
People have enough to worry about. Most that stopped early should be ok.
Excess deaths and disabilities are up, but it's not like they are 2x, 3x, etc. The people still on the booster train are the ones that should be most nervous.
And getting right with God is a good idea no matter what your vax status.
Most that stopped early should be ok? How do you know this?
Nobody knows for certain. We are forced to find out over time. If I had made the mistake of taking covid shots I would choose hope over the original comment in this thread.
The main variable seems to be batch. There was a batch study I think in early 2023 that showed huge divergences in adverse events based on batch. People that received placebo or a very low adverse event batch are in a much better situation than people that got a bad batch.
2 Corinthians 6:2...behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation
Something worth considering is many of the rise in suicides can be in unvaccinated people as well. I agree many who have taken it maybe experiencing serious complications and know they’ve been betrayed and abandoned be society. But I can also see unvaccinated people who similarly feel betrayed and abandoned feeling hopeless wanting to check out — especially if they have no spiritual grounding or belief in God. Just saying.
True. The fact that our governments want us DEAD impacts ALL regardless of jab status.
I'm not jabbed but I have many loved ones that are. I'm worried SICK about them...
Exactly. I can’t imagine being a young person looking at their future prospects and being optimistic. That’s why I think there’s a lot of willfull blindness going on. It’s simply a defense mechanism. We were blessed enough to come into a world where we could imagine a bright future, but imagine being a young person today. I really worry about my children and grandchildren — even as I constantly try to warn them about the very real dangers we are all facing.
I have loved ones who are fully jabbed as well. I am sick with worry about all of them. My dear friend's husband had a mildish stroke a year ago at age 69 and has been working on full recovery from that but a couple weeks ago had a stroke in one of his eyes leading to permanent blindness in that eye. Now they say he has a "clotting disorder" (no kidding!!) and want to do testing to see if it's hereditary. He is fully jabbed and boosted. Sadly, I don't see things improving for him as time goes on.
Childhood friend, late 60s has nag herself after the jab. retired, successful, cheerful person. Friends shocked.
I'm sorry, Patrick.
This is an obituary of a former co-worker who only made it to age 59. She died of a sudden heart attack. Please note this in the body of the obituary: "Much of her free time was devoted to community projects connected to her role with the NAACP. She recently participated in the painting of Stapleton UAME Church, helped seniors access COVID vaccinations, and regularly supplied food pantries in Mariners Harbor and other communities in need."
This quote stuck out as well. ““God has been picking a lot of flowers lately,” she added, referring to her own son’s death in June.” But it’s not God doing the picking of souls.
I cannot wait for the most recent data to come out about average life expectancy in the U.S. Surely, it must have decreased by at least 10 years.
Like they've been so honest about all the other "data" 😣
Exactly, Kat. Data is ALWAYS manipulated to reflect the "safe and effective" narrative.
I stopped looking at the "data" years ago...
Same goes for what they are doing to manipulate crime statistics by listing people of color who have been arrested for crimes as being "white" when clearly their mug shot shows that is false.
There’s a YouTube channel/podcast devoted to stillbirths that has been around for a while now. It’s called “Still A Part of Us” or something to that effect. Seems to be happening quite a lot these days.
Can you share a link. A friend’s daughter who is in the Air Force had a stillbirth.
Thank you Mckeekitty
On the uptick in violence on campuses, a Dover H.S., Dover, NH, recent graduate said she was so glad to get out of there since there were almost two horrific fights a day happening. The school promised to look into it but nothing came of it. Combination of poisons shot into these kids and very high levels of wifi or dangerous medications or all three?
Now some hospitals are getting into the business disposal of the evidence and handling the whole thing so it never reaches a funeral home outside of a cremation container if ever. Fewer autopsies and even for ones who do them, they do not check crucial things. I'm so horrified to continue to witness what this death cult is doing. Time for everyone to speak up in massive numbers locally, regionally and state.
My son, 40 yo, 2jab, 2 boosters, had a sudden onset vertigo episode last evening that sent him to the ER. One sister in law was worried (pastor’s wife) because they have so many young people in their church who are being diagnosed with stomach cancer, bile duct cancer, and aggressive breast cancers. It looks like the second wave of cancers is over taking sudden deaths. We see it our own church as well, I am starting to notice more people with pale anemic complexions and wonder if they have underlying problems that are yet undiagnosed.
So many in San Antonio, Texas died. A lot in California and New York too. Maybe the shots were hotter in those places. Very sad.
On Sunday, January 14th, my dad unexpectedly passed away. It has been almost a week and it still feels extremely surreal. There are so many great memories with him and it pains me that there won’t be any more. To me, he was always the expert of making people laugh and making sure people always had a smile on their face. San Antonio, TX Wes Dalton
I read your dad's obituary. Handsome man!
I'm very sorry...
Not my dad but my nieces children's dad, thank you for the kind words.
So very sorry for your loss. So so hard to lose a parent. :-(
It's interesting that a significant number of people included here are black or Latino. The media made it seem like these groups weren't taking the jab...
I believe the political framing of this issue shows the eugenicist hand behind it all. I’ve thrown all caution to the wind in speaking out to my own small social circle because I could see it from day one. As a traditionally trained journalist and natural skeptic I was prepared to listen to all credible sources and verify them. I was acutely aware that blacks — particularly through Trump playing the heel — were being herded into a silo where we perceived anyone opposing the pandemic counter measures (lockdowns, vaccines etc) as Republicans and those pushing them as our friends — liberals and celebrities etc. Of course there’s an obvious larger attempt to engineer civil strife along lines which has also long been a part of eugenics. So I’ve had to actively seek out traditional liberal voices like Mark, RFK Jr, and the few black voices exposing the truth of what’s going on. Thank God for them, but it still grates me to the core that nearly all my family members who sat around the table on Thanksgiving 2020 and expressed skepticism and said they wouldn’t take it, took it under Biden by the Spring of 2021. My mom’s twin sister died suddenly a few days after being vaccinated. I suspect that I’ve lost upwards of 25 people now that I know personally. I’m losing count.
I know we're not supposed to use the words holocaust or genocide. But it seems like that's what happened to your family. It's heartbreaking. My sincere sympathy to you.
Most of my family took the jabs and boosters. Mostly white people. Politics didn't seem to matter when it came to getting the shots. Biden supporters and Trump supporters all in the mix. The vaxx mandate hawks also spanned the political spectrum. One Trump supporter seemed to be gleeful contemplating the danger I was in for not being vaxxed. A Biden supporter lauded all the "smart" people who got their jabs while also declaring that Trump must not ever be spoken of again. (Trump pushing Warp Speed and getting vaxxed wasn't mea culpa enough for being Trump.)
One person had a mild stroke after the 1st booster. Five have/had either an unexpected recurrence of cancer or a sudden, new cancer. Two deaths. One child born to 2 vaxxed parents had significant birth defects.
I have no doubt that I would have gotten the shot if my child hadn't suffered a vaxx injury 24 years ago. I appreciate your perspective on eugenics. When my child was diagnosed disabled, we found ourselves confronting the legacy of eugenics in special education and in healthcare for people with disabilities.
I really pray people can learn to come together right now, stop what’s going on and get some accountability. 🙏🏽💯
Sadly they won't due to their ignorance and pride that they were not wrong in their decision. Only the few realize the mistake.
Cognitive dissonance is unbelievably powerful. It threatens people's view of reality and they can't handle it. Vaccines are like a religion so they must not question it. They don't get that they have a choice. They've been successfully indoctrinated. It's ironic to me. We are encouraged to question faith and the reality of God. But not science. We're told to follow the science. After covid, a meme became popular in anti-jab circles. It said, "I followed the science. It led me to the money "
Bingo! That’s the true religion: money. For most of these people, it’s not that they believe in vaccines. It’s that they follow the money and trust in the people supplying the money.
My family had a family reunion last summer at Dr. King’s church and I took exception to the vaccine being required by the church! Half a year later, Dr. King’s son Dexter dies suddenly.
Watching that interview, I had my mouth hanging open. You can see that Jason Whitlock episode on The Blaze too.
I always take Whitlock with a grain of salt, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day 🤷🏾♂️
My focus was on Vince Ellison("25 Lies").
Another sad weekly report. I received a notice from the Arizona State University Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict (ASU is my Alma Mater) and I attend lectures the CSRC produces: Gaymon L. Bennet, a CSRC faculty affiliate, died one day after turning 52, at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale on Feb. 1. He was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2021. The obit that ASU sent out reveals he was an amazing person. So sad.
Looks like the BPC needs to come up with an antidote fast, otherwise their customer base will be eradicated in a few years. It's hard to imagine however, that the thinning of the herd will ever be noticeable with the blind eye. Will my morning commute be more like it was in the 80's? If it ever comes to that, I think we'll be in serious trouble. Current elevated excess death numbers are a drop in the bucket, esp. with millions pouring in as replacements. Yes, but they got rid of Trump. One has to wonder, was the cure worse than the disease? Were the promotions under the Biden administration worth millions of dead Americans? Will the final solution take the new Reich right over the cliff like it did the Nazis?
We live in a semi rural area. It does seem like there is less traffic now. There also seems like there is an increase in bad driving. People taking obvious risks - cutting other drivers off, driving aggressively. We pretty much avoid major roads when we can now.
I saw a guy sit through a red light this morning with another car honking behind him the entire 30sec.
We have seen a few drivers make right turns from the far left lane, crossing several lanes of traffic to make the turn. We had a person make a turn in front of us (we were only a few feet away) as if he did not even see we had the right of way. Makes me wonder about the jabs every time.
Was the cure worse than the disease? Yes. 100% worse. I believe the shots were part 2 of the planned bioweapon released.
Flat Duo Jets circa mid-80s:
I've noticed that very few people have made it to 80 years old and over since 2020...
Bob Edwards, a good guy before I realized Russia had spread its errors
Yet he’s lost his daughter and brother within weeks of each other while he’s been on television pushing “Corona” since 2020. 🤔😒
I thought his daughter was injured by the stroke poke, did she die?
Sadly, yes.
Their doublespeak MO.