My finger hurts from scrolling on and on.

Me thinks a pattern is emerging...

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They won't. To them we're crazy because we don't believe in the big bad virus.

THE VIRUS IS MY GOD. The “virus” is claimed to have invaded a town in the old west and soon worshiped as a new idol among the populace: Watch the music video here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-virus-is-my-god.

“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and his “patient” Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch the hit music video TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/trust-the-science-rag

TYRANNY TRAIN. Hop on board! Destination: Slavery! https://turfseer.substack.com/p/tyranny-train

BONUS: Free PDF Download. BEST OF SUBSTACK VOLUME 1. Gems culled from Best Substacks with links to the full article. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/best-of-substack-volume-1

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So heartbreaking 💔! Thank you for remembering them !

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

Met up with a client today, a firefighter. He agreed there is a lot of deaths happening, but insisted it's the unvaxxed who are dying. I tried to smile, but it may have looked more like a grimace. It was.

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Why on earth would he assume brain bleeds, turbo cancers and heart attacks have anything to do with NOT having a cv jab? How does that make sense at all? Is it being touted as an AntiDeath Vaxx? So if you die you must have rejected the LiveForever Juice? Smh.

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It's like watching TV but live....

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Yeah. The Twilight Zone.

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thanks Jamie, you know, you reminded me of something else the firefighter said too, which was that he didn't even think the vax even worked. All I could think was that the vax works great, but not for the advertised reason. Don't think he will ever realize it, and he will probably die alot sooner than would be natural.

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Then the unreason comes full circle. The unshot are dying more, the shot may not even work, people are dying...hmm.

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I'm glad to hear that you tried to smile but it likely looked more like a grimace. I think this perfectly captures the frustration I (we all?) feel every day. Namely, we CAN'T TALK ABOUT ANY OF THIS. Isn't it so nuts? Any other subject, and you could say, "Oh, well, actually, maybe it's this other thing." But this whole subject is so taboo we cannot even name it out loud. It really is insane.

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Jun 15, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023

Thanks Becky, yes indeed. Like with many novel ideas throughout history, it's the people who have education in a particular area, like a firefighter who has a base in medical (mis) education, it ends up making them even more likely to uphold the status quo, misguided though it is. They are the perfect unquestioning minions of those that would prefer us all dead or enslaved by the cloud. I have to doubt that any of them will be able to grasp it.

Made me think of Galileo. https://youtu.be/_d9OkDLd-iw (on his persecution)

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This is so true.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Our plumber, Brad Belknap, just dropped dead a week ago apparently from a heart attack. Healthy, athletic, 53 years old. In addition to his plumbing business he had a maple sugaring operation. He loved the outdoors. He fell over at his home and died. No history of heart disease. Bizarre. But no one will talk about investigating the mRNA treatments he had. So sad.

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Good Lord this week's list is long. I do not believe that actor committed suicide. Anyone else?

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I don't believe it was suicide either.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Yesterday I was waiting in a restaurant for my take-out food. I overheard the woman next to me talking to another woman. The lady was a 5th grade school teacher. She said one of her favorite students, who made her "smile every day and was the sweetest boy" passed away from something wrong with his heart that "usually only adults get." She said she told his brother and his family that she us there for them. It was very weird to hear two women talking about this, but neither one of them mentioned the forced innoculation. People are staying willfully ignorant about people dying, including children, and instead waxing poetic about it. We're in for some even weirder times because a lot of people will never acknowledge the cause of all this death. Many of them encouraged if not outright forced people to take the kill shot and they'll never own their role.

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

Batayeh died of a heart attack in his sleep according to some reports and now they're saying he hanged himself? This seems pretty suspicious



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I don't believe the "cleaned-up" version that it was suicide. I felt better after reading his nasty, braggadocious statement. Better luck, next incarnation!

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Yeah, it seemed like his sister was definitely sending an "it was the vax" message. Perhaps someone came in to shut that down right quick!

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I'm assuming everybody who reads Mark's website has seen this video, but it's worth showing again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojK05pVOlhs

The man in the video is Dennis Meadows (author of THE LIMITS OF GROWTH). He's explaining how the “Population Must be Reduced” (ie: Genocided) to “1-2 billion” -- he hopes it can be “slow and done in a way that’s relatively equal… so people share the experience…”

Everybody is sure sharing the experience these days...

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Hey Dennis Meadows- how about you sign up to depopulate yourself and your family first?

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They never do.

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The deaths of the 2-day-old infant and the young children really break my heart and make me livid at the same time. When you're a parent, it's incumbent on you to be fully informed and protect your underage child at every turn. Christ. I practice more due diligence regarding the health, happiness, safety of my dogs than some people do of their children. If there's a living creature or being in your care, STEP THE FUCK UP! OMG, 2 days old . . .

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For these young healthy people with no known medical conditions, 1st assumption is that it's the VAX, unless proven otherwise. The suicide could be from the VAX since it causes neurological damage.

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true, and others are in so much pain they can't go on and some have doctors who can't figure out what's wrong with them and the people feel like no one hears them and these suicides are also from the vax.

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Everyone seems so young on the week's death list this week. Based on the postings, cancer seems to be on the rise. Maybe the America Cancer Society could start a fund raiser or something. So sad and so unfortunate. Most of the photos show people that appear to be full of life.

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You haven't been paying attention.

The American Cancer Society is captured and a big part of the problem.

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Founded in 1913 and still unable to come up with a cure after 110 years of funding.

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1913, the same year the filthy Banksters established The Federal Reserve in the U.S., a private racketeering money operation that is NOT 'federal' nor does it have any 'reserves'.

Down She Goes...

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Founded by rockefuckers.

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When these people - especially spouses and children left behind - finally realize that the government, in cahoots with Big Pharma, mandated the death of their loved ones, they will have anger and a desire for justice like we've never seen before...

...and what about all the companies impacted by the deaths of significant employees - many of these positions will be filled by less qualified people as the talent pool continues to "die off".

It really is EVIL.

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I predict a new form of vigilante justice, whereby these folks hire assassins to "pay back" ("an eye for an eye") govt. officials and big pharma crooks when they can't get justice through the court system.

"This gun's for hire..."

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"The King of Thailand is holding tears." Woe to those deemed responsible for maiming his favorite daughter.

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Let's see him act then.

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I am wondering after reading these every week for awhile now why I haven´t seen one death from California.

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True, especially given California’s high population. Could it be “batch related”?

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Perhaps it is "batch related" but the jabs given in the blue states were toxic as well just maybe not as toxic. It´s been 2.5 years since the vax rollout so I expected to see deaths in very liberal states like California as well considering so many people in those states were jabbed.

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Good point. I personally know of two CA deaths I think were jab related but did not make MCMs lists. Not sure how he compiles the deaths- does he lack a volunteer from CA to compile CA deaths?

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Thanks for sharing your knowledge of a couple of deaths in CA. I am not sure how he and his team glean information regarding deaths. Like you mentioned, perhaps he lacks someone to help out from CA. It seems like he and his team collect information from just a handful of the same states. I am almost positive he and his team are only scratching the surface regarding keeping up with recording deaths nationally.

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How the hell does one die of a heart attack in sleep get ruled a suicide?

Someone is lying...

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It doesn't let up! Thank you for continuing your work~~

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The greatest crime in all of the world's history is black holed by mainstream completely but the leaks keep expanding light into it and it is very powerful and that hole is about to explode.

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