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these fires imo are not natural...weather controlled so little to no rain for weeks or months in some places; ecoterrorists setting fires on purpose, other arson-related fires, DEWs, etc.

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Satellite video shows all the fires in S Quebec Canada were ignited at the exact same time. Ugh.


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WTF is going on?

Why would any person or group this?

The trees, the animals, the environment...,

I'm at a loss for words.

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Dosamuno - they really do want us dead. And every little bit helps them get to their < 500 million pop goal. Their pharma, their fake food, fake meats, their air quality, their chemicals in water/food/air, etc., etc., etc.

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I agree :(

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Dossamuno: Take this link - take special look at the second video this link brings up - at about 8:45 it mentions NJ fire.


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HorribleтАФlike Dar's video below.

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What if this is not coming from above, but from below. A shifting in Earth's crust ...? Think about it.

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I don't know.

Not enough info.

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Dosamuno - ok - so I watched dar's video below - and also ran this by a friend of mine who listens to a guy (forgot his name, sorry) who watches earth and cosmos stuff. I just cannot fathom THAT many fires igniting simultaneously. I do not believe this is eco-terrorism. I believe it is the earth's crust shifting - causing earthquakes, volcanoes, and, yes, fires to ignite all over the place. I understand that in the past, fires were used to steal land; however, I think this worldwide scale is just too big. It's something else. Could we be headed for a cataclysmic event? Your thoughts?

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I don't know enough about the event to comment.

We'll learn more, I imagine, in the following weeks.

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mais oui, mme H, from those in-the-know... [vid]


'All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames

Evidence suggests that militant level arson is responsible'



A Heinonen-

In British Columbia we have watched many fires get out of control as they wait for permission to fight it and get permission to use the planes... Something strange going on...

Just Sayin'-

When this video was posted, we had fires in Alberta and Nova Scotia, but Canada was not on fire. It is now!

All of SE Quebec just caught fire, also fires in Ontario,

down into the states, and Mexico.

These are not natural fires.

In Alberta,

88 started at the Same Time,

hundreds of miles apart. No lightning.

Same just happened today in Quebec, on a clear day.

S S-

All engineered. You will owe nothing and you will be happy.

A Heinonen-



Good Citizen-

For the blanket of 'climate change' that wraps all tyrannies into one snuggly future of subservience. DEWs. State on behalf of non state. Same in CA, OR, WA, ID, MT since at least 2015. OR you know, magic lightning bolts, followed by magic flames that only strike and burn houses and leave trees alone.


I don't know

if a match would do it without accelerants. In June things aren't so dry. That's why that graph looks that way. Unless Quebec has been hot for a month or more, but it appears to have been cool and mild. Even lightning strikes don't always start wild fires. They burn out after x or xx amount of hectares.

They already used DEWs in Paradise and Santa Ana and near Tahoe last summer.

Probably Oregon in 2019 and so on. Easy to use, gets us labeled "conspiracy nuts" and gets the job done. The fact we're even having this conversation is insane. Just look at these fuckers...



Thanks ...its all a grift.

Black Rock puts pressure on Anheiser Busch (sp)to go woke.......while Bill Gates, quietly investst in Heineken...then after Busch tanks and Heiineken soars, he sells, makes his money,

Then BlackRock is scoops up the Busch shares at fire sale prices.

Because you know, they will own everything, and you will own nothing. Rinse and Repeat...they did it with Coke/Pepsi (remember BLAckrock vanguard and SS own the vast majority of shares in these twin companies)...then moved on to AB and then TARGET, and it is a BIG GRIFT. WHERE the hell is the FEC/SEC?

It will go on until the country crumbles.


they will continue to buy farmland and huge swaths of real estate and gold. While pushing to have cows killed...can you imagine the price of beef in a year?

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there are fires all over British Columbia including Vancouver Island...they just closed Highway 4 the only way to get to the rest of V.I. from Tofino and Uclulet on the coast and Port Alberni, they are now cut off.

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Appalling and terrifying.

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