Appreciate your post. Thank You 🙏 for sharing what might not otherwise hear.



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What about the fan clubs in Europe, popularly known as hooligans or firms? They are, collectively, watching their beloved heros dropping like flies. Also, all the supporters who suddenly, post '21, have started having medical emergencies, after which they are hauled away in an ambulance or hearse.

They need to start getting some chants together which reflect the current reality. "You'll never walk again (after an mRNA jab)", "Here we die, here we die etc.".

I dunno, they can be pretty inventive. Maybe some on our side have influence with associated people, or else infiltrate and suggest.

Dunno about US sports, don't think they chant in the same way.

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Not going to happen even though a good idea. Every match in UK and Europe has the fans (hard core AND SOFT THAT MAY SPEAK) infiltrated by the police - serious and brutal thuggish police that actually cause all the trouble. These scum literally cause the problem with a few of them and then come from nowhere in their masses.

Stupid example - we had silly chants years back .. NOT RACIST, (please read until the end) but the referees were always dressed in black, so one of our chants when a decision went against us was a simple "WHo's the b'stard IN the black" ... harmless and then out of nowhere; you would get a smacking and the normal coppers would storm in ... and we were the soft core !.

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Wow….talk about censoring and intimidation…. What happened to the teasing and more genial audience harassment for competition in the sports world? How can you call out wrongdoing when you could be knocked out on the way to your car? Methinks not worth leaving your bathtub, have a good soak …! tv above the tub! LOL.

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Chanting in the bath ?; might trythat again, but now my kids are older, maybe get some flack . The match still hols something special even when we lose (again and an again)

The NL, Germany porkies etc are even worse.. brutal.

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LOL. Oh forgot that! chanting to the soap bar? Well don’t mind me, I’m an introvert who can’t handle lots of noise…. Once in a while it’s exciting, been to SF 49ers games, and basketball at Chase stadium, pretty exciting, and loved the venue! but a lifetime of it, nope… stay home with a book~~but you have fun!!

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An introvert women, chanting on a soap bar in the bath !!! - Christ what sort of site does Mark run ???....LOL.

AND NO, before some muppet states I am disrespectful, we win by mocking the globalist parasitical b'stards, NOT RUNNING and being polite.

Never lose who you are to them; we are us, we are together (or could be)...

SF 49s... baseball ?... oh if so .. do I have a story about when I visited a game (Houston) .. THE ONE and only game I will ever visit. Cheers enjoy, each to their own.

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Mark, thank you for continuing to document this atrocity.

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Thank you for your efforts Mark. 🙏 Hope the world wakes up to what’s happening soon! Lordy.

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Thank you, Mark!😢😡

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Thank you, Mark, for your continued efforts. I think those who developed "the countermeasures" and rigged the system so that these vaccines would be used wanted exactly this effect: a slow attrition of people dying without too much fuss or notice.

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I recently stumbled on a list of athletes and their fates on newsaddicts.com With such lists out there….where is the awakening?!

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McCullough and Polykretis referenced this site in a 'letter to the editor' of I think it is called Immunology:


They compile a list and have produced a 'brilliant' graph...

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newsaddicts.com is a pretty bad source of information, they recently posted an article saying that Japan had "banned the use of mRNA injections", which is, sadly for the Japanese which will keep getting injured or killed, apparently false.

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