Rappers Hurricane G, Aaron Carter & Tame One; filmmaker Douglas McGrath; true-crime writer Rebecca Godfrey; 2 cops & 4 first responders; 3 teachers (& a coach); 2 in the news media; & many more
Oh Grasshopper. These are important dreams, or omens, or warnings, as it were. I had one too. I seldom remember any dreams, maybe once or twice a year I will remember a dream. (perhaps I am related to Rip Van Winkle, I sleep about 9.5 hours a night and always have)....but I had one 'nightmare' after my ex partner got jabbed. It was simple, just dreamt I woke up with a little round bandaid on my arm. I had such a sense of loathing, in the nighmare, but no details. I do know that was the last night I slept with my now ex. I fully believe it was from shedding, and that I was truly being infected with something, be it nanos or spikes or who knows what. Othes have told me that this was just due to my stress and fear of the jabs, but I feel like it was more of a physical origin, my body trying to tell me I was in danger. GK I am keeping you in my thoughts and will see if I can spring some funds your way next week. Our bodies are smarter than we are. Best
Ah good, the melatonin I have heard of some, in this context. Nac and Glutathione is what I am trying, though also when I can...but these dreams, I think they are something else. Maybe others have had jab dreams too?
Indeed, like that. The story someone told me was of a dream they had a decade ago, of being chased and injected. They only remembered the dream after they got this injection and they were kicking themselves for not heeding their old dream. I do not know the person, a Substacker I think. Worthy topic I think. Like the ground splitting apart beneath our waking, our walking.
Good on you for taking that dream seriously. Once again God has demonstrated his unrelenting love for you.
I heard of a young lady who seldom dreamt like yourself. But this particular night she had a dream. In that dream, she saw herself in a car with her friend travelling to Cali. On arrival, they went into an argument with someone known to both of them and a gunshot was accidentally discharged in the course of the melee. In the dream she was jailed. Anyway, the following morning came around and she didn't think too much of the dream and it happened just like she saw in her dream. Today, my understanding is that she is serving time in jail for that murder or so.
The sense of loathing you woke up with is particularly important...
Anyway, moral of the story is to heed your dreams and pay attention to the clues heaven maybe sending your way. That said, some dreams may also be a result of the day's hectic business.
The wisdom of life is deciphering between the two.
Thank you Stepping22, for the sentiments and that other dream story about the shooting. I did hear about a post jabbed person who's dog would not be near him. The animals know too I think, to avoid danger. I do wonder how many folks have had jab nightmares, would be good to collect them in one place for study. Our bodies are smarter than us, and they try and keep us safe if we listen to their 'call'. Best
Aaron Carter made a video saying that the music execs were going to kill him because they owed him 10 million dollars and didn’t want to pay. They told him he would make them more money if he died. Then the cops came to his house for “no reason” because someone told them he was “suicidal”. He said they were all in on it, and even his real estate agent refused to sell his home. He was asking to raise 100k so he could relocate to a safe house.
His last tweet was to Kanye West asking to speak man to man.
Then he was found dead in a bathtub, which is odd….considering how many celebrities die in bathtubs….
An odd thing I have been seeing is a number of people are having their deaths announced a good while later after they have passed away. There were a couple listed here. Why is that?
Carter had a long history of drug addiction, very possible he OD'd, but doubt we will ever know.
Weird how there was a run on teachers, cops, and car people.
Our Church prayer list had a rushed to the ER w/a heart attack, and another w/blood clots this week, every week there is a vaxx injury or death to pray for, and it is a very small church.
Crone: If you send me links to the relevant death notices / obituaries from your community, I'll write them up for this In Memoriam project. I'm part of the team working on this. Email me: annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks.
Words fail me. The cumulative power and undeniable truth of these weekly reports is truly startling. No one who follows this will rest peacefully until the whole wide world acknowledges what is happening and the criminals (at the very least) confronted and banished from ordinary routines.
For those that didn't read the article about surfer Loch Eggers, his 51 year old brother Hunter Eggers died suddenly during a canoe race in April 2022. What a nightmare.
I used to have an astrological client who was brought to me by a concerned family member. He was a very interesting man in his 30's with a law degree but a large problem attracting clients. To me he was clearly someone with the symptoms of Asperger's. He not only had few social skills, but had an abiding contempt for human beings, and seemed ot consider himself clearly above the average human. His politics seemed more appropriate to the 19th century than today and he expressed an interest in running for political office although I don't know how he'd get votes as he did his best to avoid people. That is the kind of personality I fear is possessed by a good number of those fomenting this insane plan for world control. Sometimes people can even fake social skills, such as Bill Gates foes, but my feeling about him is that he has no capacity to care about anything other than either things or ideas, and despite his own lack of education, he seems to have no problem sharing what he considers to be sound thinking. We are in thrall to people incapable of human expression or feeling. How do we wake up from this? I have a friend who is avoiding me ever since I begged ehr to reconsider getting a fourth shot. I hear from her what I've heard from some other friends - she can't take a chance because she has a chronic illness, in her case MS. I have read that one of the possible causes of MS is vaccines. The more I read, the more I'm suspecting that just about everything outside of accidents is caused by vaccines, and maybe sone of them as well. What kind of reasoning is it that taking a potentially lethal jab is somehow protective if you have a disorder that makes you even more susceptible? I usually don't say anything but this is a woman whose intelligence I respect - outside of this faulty reasoning. I discovered today that a spiritual group to which we both belong is madating proof of vaccination to attend live events. For me, it means I am no longer a member but her commitment to this group explains her trust in this jab. If the medical crime cartel can;t be held liable for the horrific harm they are doing for profit, what about organizatiosn with zero medical training who insist on these as a condition of attendance. Why can't, why shouldn't they be held responsible. If they get sued, perhaps they'll think, not twice, but at all, about demanding control of other people's "health" care. This is disastrous! And I feel, they, those who created this scenario, are exulting at their success. We are being controlled by beings who've long since lost their humanity or else never had any.
Thanks for sharing, sorry to hear about your indoctrinated friend!
This may help;
There is a website called “the control group dot org” and I recommend you familiarize yourself with the data presented there and find a way to share it with your friend. The data shows the chronic illness rates among vaccinated and completely unvaccinated adults. Pretty much every common serious and non serious disease can be linked/exacerbated by vaccines. This is because pre-covid vaccines usually contain Aluminum adjuvant (Aluminum mixed with salt which is a truly diabolical poison). Aluminum does not belong in the human body in any quantity and cannot be broken down and expelled by normal functions by the immune system. At best, the Aluminum is sequestered in non-neural tissue and at worst, gets lodged in the brain tissue or spinal tissue where it can cause serious issues like Gulian-Barre syndrome, MS, autism, autoimmune disorder, etc. Aluminum is an FDA recognized neurotoxin and although they claim that the amount of Aluminum found in shots is safe, they have no evidence to support this claim because a safety study, (clinical trial) has NEVER been conducted to prove how much of this substance is “safe” to inject under the skin. To make matters worse, not a single vaccine ever created from the smallpox vaccine to the covid bivalent booster vaccine has ever been tested properly against a placebo control group. If you’re ever told that they do conduct placebo control groups, that’s because the “placebo” they use is always a “similar” or older version of the vaccine they are currently testing and NOT a truly “inert and non-bio reactive compound” like saline or a sugar pill or some other form of an actual placebo.
You can find this relevant info in a recently published book called “Turtles All The Way Down.” I also recommend “Dissolving Illusions.”
Another great resource is from Dr. Paul Thomas in Oregon. He wrote a book called “The Vaccine Friendly Plan” and later published medical data on his patients from birth to adolescence, over 10K children, proving the vast difference in chronic illness between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. For his blessed work, he was suspended for practicing medicine by his medical board 5 days after publishing and had his peer reviewed, third party verified paper forcefully retracted by the board and considered a “threat to public health and safety.” He is currently suing the medical board of Oregon for $35 million.
I am starting to become surprised there aren’t more sudden deaths with all the people around me that are jabbed, multiple times. My rehab roommate is 90. Her son is 52. They are both multiply jabbed. They’ve also both had covid colds. I mentioned lightly, it doesn’t seem that the jabs are working, to which the son replied - well their cases were mild because of the jab. To me either it works or it doesn’t. They both just received flu shots. Do those also work like the covid jab or don’t they? Are the new flu shots deadly as well? I don’t trust jabs anymore. I’d rather take my chances and use NyQuil, DayQuil, Tylenol and hydroxychloraquin to battle colds, flu, etc. and take my vitamins.
November 2, 2022 - Police responded to a three-car accident at the intersection of West Central Street and Union Street just before 3:30 p.m. An investigation determined that a Toyota Highlander was stopped at a red light and a Chevy Equinox was stopped behind it when a KIA SUV rear-ended the Chevy, which then hit the Highlander.
When officers arrived on the scene they found the driver of the KIA, a 58-year-old woman from Wrentham, unresponsive in her car. First responders quickly began CPR before she was transported to a local area hospital where she was later pronounced dead.
Police said the woman had suffered a medical episode while driving which caused the crash.
I wish there was amnesty for the dead that they could come back. All a bad dream.
Funny you say this.
I had a bad dream Friday I was being injected.
Later that day my housemate crashed his car, lost his job, and was pulled off the Golden Gate bridge Monday on the wrong side of the railing.
He got so angry with me today when I said the vaxxident was from his injections, because he is still so virugandized.
He is a nice man, and tis a great shame that he has to suffer the Harmacide.
At a minimum it certainly did nothing to help him, but I have seen the evidence of Harm
Another older friend jabbed thrice and his wife got ill despite injectioning.
My housemate hasn't been ill per ce, but he certainly has cognitively declined since....
That is also observed by others.
The inability to think clearly has always made me angry too.
Luckily I only dreamed that injection, but how many who got the thing in reality will continue to be sufferring the ill effects moving forward?
And now I need yet another job to cover his lost income....
Oh Grasshopper. These are important dreams, or omens, or warnings, as it were. I had one too. I seldom remember any dreams, maybe once or twice a year I will remember a dream. (perhaps I am related to Rip Van Winkle, I sleep about 9.5 hours a night and always have)....but I had one 'nightmare' after my ex partner got jabbed. It was simple, just dreamt I woke up with a little round bandaid on my arm. I had such a sense of loathing, in the nighmare, but no details. I do know that was the last night I slept with my now ex. I fully believe it was from shedding, and that I was truly being infected with something, be it nanos or spikes or who knows what. Othes have told me that this was just due to my stress and fear of the jabs, but I feel like it was more of a physical origin, my body trying to tell me I was in danger. GK I am keeping you in my thoughts and will see if I can spring some funds your way next week. Our bodies are smarter than we are. Best
I have been taking melatonin after being around injectioning folks...
When I can.
The only thing I can do and not worry over....
Ah good, the melatonin I have heard of some, in this context. Nac and Glutathione is what I am trying, though also when I can...but these dreams, I think they are something else. Maybe others have had jab dreams too?
Probably for the shedding would be my guess.
I'll post a stack about this later.
Dreams are all I have , hence my specialty delight.
Tell me if you know that others are having them?
Tis the rampant viruganda narrative imposed into our cells and beings, like an inj e xtion of mushy brains.
Like the ground splitting apart beneath our waking
Indeed, like that. The story someone told me was of a dream they had a decade ago, of being chased and injected. They only remembered the dream after they got this injection and they were kicking themselves for not heeding their old dream. I do not know the person, a Substacker I think. Worthy topic I think. Like the ground splitting apart beneath our waking, our walking.
Good on you for taking that dream seriously. Once again God has demonstrated his unrelenting love for you.
I heard of a young lady who seldom dreamt like yourself. But this particular night she had a dream. In that dream, she saw herself in a car with her friend travelling to Cali. On arrival, they went into an argument with someone known to both of them and a gunshot was accidentally discharged in the course of the melee. In the dream she was jailed. Anyway, the following morning came around and she didn't think too much of the dream and it happened just like she saw in her dream. Today, my understanding is that she is serving time in jail for that murder or so.
The sense of loathing you woke up with is particularly important...
Anyway, moral of the story is to heed your dreams and pay attention to the clues heaven maybe sending your way. That said, some dreams may also be a result of the day's hectic business.
The wisdom of life is deciphering between the two.
Thank you Stepping22, for the sentiments and that other dream story about the shooting. I did hear about a post jabbed person who's dog would not be near him. The animals know too I think, to avoid danger. I do wonder how many folks have had jab nightmares, would be good to collect them in one place for study. Our bodies are smarter than us, and they try and keep us safe if we listen to their 'call'. Best
Thank you.
Don't worry, I am Okay.
Shedding Skin, so sad, I am sorry.
At least they let him come home...
The cat missed him
Aaron Carter made a video saying that the music execs were going to kill him because they owed him 10 million dollars and didn’t want to pay. They told him he would make them more money if he died. Then the cops came to his house for “no reason” because someone told them he was “suicidal”. He said they were all in on it, and even his real estate agent refused to sell his home. He was asking to raise 100k so he could relocate to a safe house.
His last tweet was to Kanye West asking to speak man to man.
Then he was found dead in a bathtub, which is odd….considering how many celebrities die in bathtubs….
An odd thing I have been seeing is a number of people are having their deaths announced a good while later after they have passed away. There were a couple listed here. Why is that?
Carter had a long history of drug addiction, very possible he OD'd, but doubt we will ever know.
Weird how there was a run on teachers, cops, and car people.
Our Church prayer list had a rushed to the ER w/a heart attack, and another w/blood clots this week, every week there is a vaxx injury or death to pray for, and it is a very small church.
Crone: If you send me links to the relevant death notices / obituaries from your community, I'll write them up for this In Memoriam project. I'm part of the team working on this. Email me: annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks.
Will do. Many of them are word of mouth, but if I find links or their obits I will pass them on. Thanks for doing the project!
Words fail me. The cumulative power and undeniable truth of these weekly reports is truly startling. No one who follows this will rest peacefully until the whole wide world acknowledges what is happening and the criminals (at the very least) confronted and banished from ordinary routines.
I too want such a reckoning to come to pass, though I have not much hope. I think our voices will be dampened, like with the 9/11 Truth movement.
It isn’t our voices that will be heard, it’s the voices of the dead.
For those that didn't read the article about surfer Loch Eggers, his 51 year old brother Hunter Eggers died suddenly during a canoe race in April 2022. What a nightmare.
So sad the one about the 24 girl that died after having medical episode on a boat.
Her dad wrote a Facebook post https://tinyurl.com/3t7pfde4 and there are several comments about the Vax causing the death.
I used to have an astrological client who was brought to me by a concerned family member. He was a very interesting man in his 30's with a law degree but a large problem attracting clients. To me he was clearly someone with the symptoms of Asperger's. He not only had few social skills, but had an abiding contempt for human beings, and seemed ot consider himself clearly above the average human. His politics seemed more appropriate to the 19th century than today and he expressed an interest in running for political office although I don't know how he'd get votes as he did his best to avoid people. That is the kind of personality I fear is possessed by a good number of those fomenting this insane plan for world control. Sometimes people can even fake social skills, such as Bill Gates foes, but my feeling about him is that he has no capacity to care about anything other than either things or ideas, and despite his own lack of education, he seems to have no problem sharing what he considers to be sound thinking. We are in thrall to people incapable of human expression or feeling. How do we wake up from this? I have a friend who is avoiding me ever since I begged ehr to reconsider getting a fourth shot. I hear from her what I've heard from some other friends - she can't take a chance because she has a chronic illness, in her case MS. I have read that one of the possible causes of MS is vaccines. The more I read, the more I'm suspecting that just about everything outside of accidents is caused by vaccines, and maybe sone of them as well. What kind of reasoning is it that taking a potentially lethal jab is somehow protective if you have a disorder that makes you even more susceptible? I usually don't say anything but this is a woman whose intelligence I respect - outside of this faulty reasoning. I discovered today that a spiritual group to which we both belong is madating proof of vaccination to attend live events. For me, it means I am no longer a member but her commitment to this group explains her trust in this jab. If the medical crime cartel can;t be held liable for the horrific harm they are doing for profit, what about organizatiosn with zero medical training who insist on these as a condition of attendance. Why can't, why shouldn't they be held responsible. If they get sued, perhaps they'll think, not twice, but at all, about demanding control of other people's "health" care. This is disastrous! And I feel, they, those who created this scenario, are exulting at their success. We are being controlled by beings who've long since lost their humanity or else never had any.
Thanks for sharing, sorry to hear about your indoctrinated friend!
This may help;
There is a website called “the control group dot org” and I recommend you familiarize yourself with the data presented there and find a way to share it with your friend. The data shows the chronic illness rates among vaccinated and completely unvaccinated adults. Pretty much every common serious and non serious disease can be linked/exacerbated by vaccines. This is because pre-covid vaccines usually contain Aluminum adjuvant (Aluminum mixed with salt which is a truly diabolical poison). Aluminum does not belong in the human body in any quantity and cannot be broken down and expelled by normal functions by the immune system. At best, the Aluminum is sequestered in non-neural tissue and at worst, gets lodged in the brain tissue or spinal tissue where it can cause serious issues like Gulian-Barre syndrome, MS, autism, autoimmune disorder, etc. Aluminum is an FDA recognized neurotoxin and although they claim that the amount of Aluminum found in shots is safe, they have no evidence to support this claim because a safety study, (clinical trial) has NEVER been conducted to prove how much of this substance is “safe” to inject under the skin. To make matters worse, not a single vaccine ever created from the smallpox vaccine to the covid bivalent booster vaccine has ever been tested properly against a placebo control group. If you’re ever told that they do conduct placebo control groups, that’s because the “placebo” they use is always a “similar” or older version of the vaccine they are currently testing and NOT a truly “inert and non-bio reactive compound” like saline or a sugar pill or some other form of an actual placebo.
You can find this relevant info in a recently published book called “Turtles All The Way Down.” I also recommend “Dissolving Illusions.”
Another great resource is from Dr. Paul Thomas in Oregon. He wrote a book called “The Vaccine Friendly Plan” and later published medical data on his patients from birth to adolescence, over 10K children, proving the vast difference in chronic illness between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. For his blessed work, he was suspended for practicing medicine by his medical board 5 days after publishing and had his peer reviewed, third party verified paper forcefully retracted by the board and considered a “threat to public health and safety.” He is currently suing the medical board of Oregon for $35 million.
If you have not read it the below paper may be of interest
MC Miller,
I'm Sure You Made Their Living Loved Ones, Most Appreciative, In The Deepest-Welling Sense.
These Memory Traces...
Shall Never Fade.
Heavenly Blessings
To All Bestowers.
I am starting to become surprised there aren’t more sudden deaths with all the people around me that are jabbed, multiple times. My rehab roommate is 90. Her son is 52. They are both multiply jabbed. They’ve also both had covid colds. I mentioned lightly, it doesn’t seem that the jabs are working, to which the son replied - well their cases were mild because of the jab. To me either it works or it doesn’t. They both just received flu shots. Do those also work like the covid jab or don’t they? Are the new flu shots deadly as well? I don’t trust jabs anymore. I’d rather take my chances and use NyQuil, DayQuil, Tylenol and hydroxychloraquin to battle colds, flu, etc. and take my vitamins.
Here’s one from October.
https://www.classicchristianrockzine.net/2022/11/michael-tyrrell-former-mylon-and-broken.html?m=1 Muscian, Michael Tyrell died suddenly at the age of 62 on November 1, 2022 of a cardiac event.
Police: Woman suffered ‘serious medical episode’ before deadly 3-vehicle crash in Franklin https://news.yahoo.com/police-woman-suffered-serious-medical-174151913.html
November 2, 2022 - Police responded to a three-car accident at the intersection of West Central Street and Union Street just before 3:30 p.m. An investigation determined that a Toyota Highlander was stopped at a red light and a Chevy Equinox was stopped behind it when a KIA SUV rear-ended the Chevy, which then hit the Highlander.
When officers arrived on the scene they found the driver of the KIA, a 58-year-old woman from Wrentham, unresponsive in her car. First responders quickly began CPR before she was transported to a local area hospital where she was later pronounced dead.
Police said the woman had suffered a medical episode while driving which caused the crash.
Yes our window washer had to can cancel on us because a car crashed into the building he lives in. And then there is Anne Heche