These reports are getting longer each month… with younger and younger people…. Anyone still thinks this is normal has less than half their brain working.

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It seems doctors are either missing a lot of issues or they are blowing off vax injured people as wackos and not taking their symptoms seriously. How many people who are vax injured have been told that it’s just anxiety?

But how in hell are they missing symptoms of cancers that are advanced enough to cause severe pain or lots of weight loss?

And as the carnage marches on people are still lining up to get another jab. Less tho, but still too many. And most of them dismiss that it’s the jabs causing the illness and deaths and say that it the Rona virus doing it.

Just today naked capitalism posted an article on how Covid wrecks the immune system and changes the immune cells into IG4. I think that’s right, but someone correct me if I got it wrong. The IG4.

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No wonder the ONS in England are now fiddling (hiding excess deaths) the figures now.

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