Sad story on my side. - Montreal- A 47 y.o. husband and father of 2 died in his sleep on the night of December 31st. This man is like a nephew to my sister and brother in law. I can just imagine the wife's devastation when she discovered her lifeless husband (who was fine the previous day...). I don't even think my sister is aware of that "died suddenly" post-vax plague... Thank you for keeping us informed.

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sorry hear that. yes, I can't imagine waking up in the morning and finding your spouse will not wake up. There's a youtube channel I've watched occasionally called Camping with Steve. He had the same experience. The way he told it was he and his wife went to bed together but he was the only one who woke up. Horribly sad.

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Poor guy... it's so sad... I lost my husband this past year. He was an older (than me) man, got endocrinated into getting 2 shots. His heart report was fine the previous year. He went to the hospital with arythmia from effort -shovelling-, tests showed his heart valves were finished, and on top caught a nasty lung virus at the hospital. His cardio/pulmonary system couldn't sustain his life anymore. I will never know for sure the real cause of his death. The devastation is horrible.

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so sorry to hear. Losing a spouse is beyond sad. And yes, you'll never the real cause, but odds are it was the shots. My wife succumbed to peer pressure, got one shot, soon after she got the shot, a colleague had horrific reaction to the second shot (severe neurological damage, could no longer walk without help and a walker), so fortunately my wife did not get the second shot. However, she was diagnosed with breast cancer later that year. Did the one shot she got cause the cancer? We will never know for sure, but odds are it did.

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May God bless you and your spouse in your battle... We're living is a science fiction movie it seems, and the ennemy can strike whichever way, and it's impossible to prove the root cause. We're like frontline soldiers trying to navigate through a mine field and tend to the wounded...

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Jan 11, 2024
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long story. surgery, chemo, radiation (I wouldn't have done the chemo, maybe not even the radiation). She's okay now, but of course there's always the concern that it may come back.

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Damn them. Unfortunately, the mRNA induced cancers often (always?) come back very aggressively. And anyway, the surgery/biopsies cause primary cancers to metastasize; a weakened immune system will not be able to fight as well. I hope I'm wrong, and one shot will not do that.

I cannot tell you what to do, but if I were in that situation I'd try a long-term urine fast first - it has (according to testimonials) cured so many of so many different, and often very serious, conditions that I can not ignore it. Personally, I've had great success curing (very quickly) a number of non-serious conditions including a very nasty looking open boil (healed in a day!). It can do no harm, and even if it doesn't work it is 100% certain that the cancer will not grow whilst on a urine fast.

Anyway, there's a bit more information (books/testimonials/protocols) here:


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thank you. I will check it out.

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Most welcome. On the subject, there was a paper done by Ernst H. Krokowski, M.D., Ph.D., which was the first convincing proof that cancer surgery triggers metastasis. The article is not to be found anymore, so I uploaded to GoogleDrive:


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Jan 11, 2024Edited
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thank you.

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Jan 11, 2024
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The shots depress and permanently alter your immune system, so I think it was definitely the shots...they do terrible things to hearts, and then you have to go to hospitals where you pick up any germ around and can't fight it.

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Jan 11, 2024Edited
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yes, truly heartbreaking. I discovered his channel from another channel (foresty forest), so I don't know what he was like prior to losing his wife, but I sense that that grief is still with him.

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Jan 11, 2024
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You're right Zoë. Johnny was the love and knight of my life, and the best person I've ever known. Everything and everybody don't match the amazing strong yet tender soul he had. I get by, go to work, take care of our cats; my support team is awsome, but the best is in the past. I have to come to terms with that without becoming sour about the shots. He knew I was against them. He told me much later how sorry he was to have taken them. God is in control and the details of every story in his hand.

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Vaccine genocide.

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it is, you're right. How can people be so blind?

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Jan 11, 2024
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I'm shocked at how uninformed people are

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Suspended in ignorance year after year since the shot roll out.

So many vaxed do not know about Vitamin D, or the other preventative

supplements that can help them. The uniformed live in a different world.

The media drove the narrative and succeeded with their messaging.

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I bought it and so did many of my friends who are generally skeptical. So many of us were desperate to "escape" from solitary life that we wanted to believe and didn't look deeper. I was living alone with my dog and just recovered from a long illness. I couldn't afford to get sick. I wanted to believe the vaccine would get me back out into the world. Now we know that it couldn't prevent me from getting Covid and I feel very fortunate to have escaped it so far, but I regret getting the shots. I also feel very fortunate to have at least so far not had any significant negative results from the shots - at least that I can trace to them. In any case, I wish that there was less judgement around that choice, even if I'd make a different one today. I did know about Vitamin D and my acupuncturist gave me a whole protocol of supplements to take to help me stay healthy - which I did religiously until very recently (because my body was saying no to some of them after almost 4 years). So yeah... Some of us just threw the book at it and hoped for the best and I sure wish that were better understood.

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Thanks for your well-expressed comment. I didn't mean to come off as harsh. I recalled 2 summers ago I traveled a long way to visit my brother and was met outside on the patio. I was not invited into their home because I was unvaccinated. Usually I stayed with them when traveling back to my hometown. My own brother took 2 or so walks with me and we had lunch once at an outdoor event in my 6-day stay. For them, it was about fear and politics--heavy MSNBC viewers. I'm grateful you have not experienced negative results but consider taking the supplement Nattokinase, recommended by Dr. Peter McCullough.

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I take nattokinese among others. Some recommended by other practitioners. My acupuncturist is also an RN and PA at our major trauma center hospital here but he's part of the FLCCC alliance and gives me straight scoop from that angle so I think I'm doing as much as I can right now.

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Their lives are being authored

- by their “authorities”

(So too for their final chapters)


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Safe and effective. Putting unwavering trust in "experts" makes life more tenuous than ever.

"What a magnificent wooden horse! Of course I'll sign for it."

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Rather “sad and effective”

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If you know someone who bought the Narrative hook, line, and sinker and is now in denial about health issues most likely caused by the "safe and effective," there *are* ways to help them (albeit difficult). These may help: https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/5-scientific-reasons-your-vaccinated

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Thank you

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On the “bright side” dying suddenly beats dying slowly. There’s that.

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It's good that these "died suddenly" are being documented. A friend of mine from high school "died suddenly" in October 2021. He was an amazing person and I wasn't at all surprised to find out that he was a counselor. I know he listened to me when I needed a friend's help. Such a terrible loss. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/shawn-griffin-obituary?id=31150353

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Too young to die "suddenly" !! breaks my heart...

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I look at RIP.ie here in Ireland most days....dropping like flies!

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Just adding to the communication about being UNABLE to scroll down when I click on the links in this substack. The link opens, but I’m still unable to scroll down and look at the information; thus, I’m wondering…

It’s my computer I use when looking at Mark’s site. I’ve been using the same computer for the past few years. Has my computer been sabotaged in some way by the Apple updates? Can Apple determine which computers have been watching Mark’s site and by way of the update, put something into the computer to disable it?

Why do I think this? Because when I use my Iphone to go to Mark’s site, an Iphone I almost never use for this business, it allows the opening of the link and the scrolling. Perhaps the Iphone’s not been disabled yet becuase it’s not been used for the purpose as often?

Bottom line: are computers who’ve been going to Marks’ site for some length of time targeted by the updating mechanism?

I don’t have the language for this kind of thing.

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refresh the page (upper left of my screen)

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Hit the browser refresh button

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Try refreshing. This is happening to everyone

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I went to the site and it didn't scroll, THEN I TOOK your advice-- I didn't understand what refreshing meant, but I copied/pasted the link into the address thingy and it worked. Thank you!

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Trouble getting into links and scrolling down the page. Tried multiple times. May just be me.

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Try refreshing

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Trouble scrolling too

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so odd, cancers are exploding in younger and younger people. i heard it on the news. whatever could it be? doctors are stymied. but pfizer has the answer, spend $43 billion on a $2 billion drug developing company. makes about as much sense as anything

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A new year and just as much extra death as the old year. And still nobody connects the dots. Nobody wants to know. An unexpected death from a heart attack is a tragedy but it's like an act of God. An unexpected death from a heart attack because everyone took several injections of something with no safety data because they had been fooled into believing a biblical plague was stalking the world? Well, nobody wants to confront that scenario - much better to believe it was just a random unlucky event.

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Opened up 8 tabs from clicking the links above, omg 🌿

Means soooo many people passed away that MCM was not able to document them on this main page!!

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"Untimely" I think is the denominator here. Or "unexpected." Because when a loved one is fine one day, doing some chore or a little thing which otherwise would be of no concern to the heart, then suddenly undergoes a heart-attack and dies, the thing cannot be reckoned normally, and IMO, there lies the EVEN GREATER source of pain for those left grieving.

The prevalence of these tragic events might condition us all to remember how temporary our lives truly are, and how honored and truly blessed we all are for each day we are given to enjoy each other and that of The Creator's making. Truly, we fail to realize what we've got, until it's gone!

Yes, mount up a resistance against tyranny, to propaganda, to Satanic influence of every type. But don't neglect the thanksgiving owed to the Creator for His handi-work, and for the daily protection provided by the guardian angels he instructs on our behalf.

Just some somber thoughts as I read these sad comments from others.

Yours most Sincerely,


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Are you aware that probate before 2020 took 16 weeks but because of the huge rise in deaths UK it has now reached 52 weeks.. there are not enough people to deal with the backlog.

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Michael Stein 32 yrs (bday: 01/21/1991) died unexpectedly on 12/23/23

Appeared on Americas got Talent

Was a lead dancer for Brittany Spears


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