Covid-Vaxxed Children 4423% More Likely to Die Than Unvaxxed…


We have a global humanitarian crisis and the Western Heathcare system is still acting dumbfounded. Forgive me for not trusting an industry that is financially dependent on its customers being sick and indefinitely on medications derived from petrochemicals and synthetic gene altering substances. Disgusting!

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c'mon, man. nobody's acting dumbfounded. they're baffled!

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Anyone who’s had even one Covid shot needs an EKG and troponin test. I know two Covid vaxxed within the past week diagnosed with “silent” heart attacks. One was having some arrhythmia when she got the news she’d had a heart attack and didn’t know it. And the other had zero symptoms at all. The only reason he knew was because he had an EKG. Imagine all the people who could have heart damage including myocardial infarction and don’t even know it.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

And how are they going to fix them? They aren't! Meds and surgery is all they can offer. From a friends experience, they told her she had ventricular fibrillation when she was wearing a heart monitor, but she never had symptoms. If your in V. Fib you'd feel it! Spent a week in hospital, they found nothing wrong. She works in HC so she's not uneducated. I trust none of them anymore. They just want your money and endless testing to feed their system. I'll die in blissful ignorance of what may or may not be happening with my body.

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I just had a friend, age 75, (who never met a booster shot he didn't like, unfortunately) require sextuple bypass surgery. He wasn't having symptoms, he just had a screening test ordered as part of a physical. A stress test I guess that indicated blockages. Next thing you know surgery! Was it the multiple mRNA shots? Was it natural (somewhat overweight, not a big exerciser but he walked a lot and was generally active)? Was it over zealous health care? God only knows, Kat Bro.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Unbelievable 🤯. No symptoms? My symptom will be death.

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I hear you. I mean, you want to be proactive in life. If there's something I can do now to prolong my "health span" I'm open to it. And I see a functional medicine practitioner (who I think is awesome) who is helping me optimize some changes based on blood tests, biomarkers, etc. But basic diet/stress/lifestyle change and optimization is the end of it for me. And I'm finding it's amazing what can happen just from those things. She is showing me that. But people like her are far and few between. My insurance approved PCP just wants to give me vaccines that I continually decline... And also wants to administer "depression tests" which I always answer "No. I never feel down, happy as can be". Under my breath "even though your whole profession seems to be a ruse to trick people to take as many pharmaceuticals as possible."

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So true! A ruse! Excellent practice you are putting forth. Not many know this as an option. Be careful on your next labs draw if your using insurance... mine nearly doubled in price in four months!

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Also get a D-dimer, it shows if there are any blood clots in the body.

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NB this doesn't appear to work for the amyloid clumpage

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I have recently noticed many of my wife’s jabbed friends having a variety of health issues. No idea if they are related to the jab, but it is noticeable. Wife's jabbed friends and family members issues in past two years: * One with sudden massive psoriasis and hair loss * One getting hysterectomy due to large number of cysts * One had thyroid removed due to massive number of benign tumors * One with narrow-angle glaucoma * Two with cancer * However, also many others jabbed with no visible health issues, including her 98-year-old father, who smokes like a chimney (perhaps the nicotine is beneficial to him?)

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Same here. Illnesses that never go away, turbo cancers, rsv, pneumonia. All of them vaxxed. Some boostered. Again I can't reconcile how so many of these people died "cause of death unknown." It's ridiculous for anyone under the age 70.

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Worse, many of these people—my wife’s friends—still buy into vaccine narrative. I don’t think they will ever change. This is their occult religion, even if they do not acknowledge it as such.

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It is their religion.

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Along w/Climate Change, their other occult religion.

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Climate change, "the science," "racism," "immigration," LGBTLMNOP, and on and on.

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Yes. It appears nicotine is beneficial.

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This week’s list seems to go on forever. So many young, otherwise healthy people.

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I thought the same too when I saw the scrollbar on the right looking like a tiny square compared to other weeks. It is getting harder to hide the truth, which may account for this? https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/and-like-that-the-claim-vaccines

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Very few will ever learn of this. Aaron Siri and the Highwire are responsible for groundbreaking info. FOIA requests etc.

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I wish the media would do an about face with the jab the way they have with Brandon.

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I thought what Whoppi Goldberg said about Brandon showed how truly hard it is for many liberals to see the light.

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this comment from a student says it all, "He just passed away out of nowhere"

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Gen. Mullen did not die from the vaxx, he was blown up in Ukraine by a Russian glide bomb attack. Soldiers found dead, "died in a training accident", etc. are just coverups for our shennigans around the world.

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I'm 70 and not even sure how I made it this far, so I'm not too shocked when those 70 and older reach their expiration date but all those younger than me, it's truly horrifying

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What about Rhonda Massie?

Still no cause of death.

Supposedly not injected.

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RIP to all those people..


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I wonder if mass culling as a virus mitigation strategy comes from the same text book that taught them 6 feet social distancing and masks.

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The last one has an obit that mentions two of his daughters also passed away. Maybe it was a vaxxident but more detail seems needed. Tragic but I don't know if we can pin that on Pfizer like so many of the others.

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