Cindy Williams; cinematographer Jacques Haitkin; rock bassist John Regan; NFL lineman Ronnie Lee; show biz reporter Francesca Cappucci; comics artist Rachel Pollak; & more
We had a girl die from a car wreck in high school, and then another girl had a riding accident on her horse and died, but no heart attacks, no cancers, no suddenly's.
Right after high school, 3 from my grade school but they were both (separate) motorcycle accidents. 2 together but that was it. College I knew no one but like Mark said even with the drugs, we were lucky on that account. No grade school students ever had a heart attack, a stroke, cancer. Nothing.
Same here. We lost one to a car accident. One was hit by a truck. One was murdered by her stepbrother. Many died after graduation from drunk driving to suicide. Not one unexpectedly died at home.
We had one basketball player die of an undiagnosed heart condition when I was in college. But most of the others I knwo that died your were from accidents
There was one previous student that died in a motorcycle accident a year after graduating high school, and then a couple of years after high school, I had one friend that committed suicide by hanging. When I turned 32, an acquaintance overdosed and passed away. There was only one student that had a heart-related issue and that was congenital. It was my friend's brother and he had a pacemaker put in when he was 19, but he lived until he was 52. He passed away a few years before all the Covid mania started.
What really horrible about this is… it’s just the a few drops of water that will soon be a river and then an ocean of death. Most of the vaccinated will be gone in the next couple years.
It is dramatic for you, perhaps gains readers for you, to make this kind of guess. You've been making it for some time now--back in December of '21 you were predicting mass die-offs to begin around March of '22.
I admit we don't know what might happen, because we do not yet have a confident sense of the ingredients of the experimental jabs, nor a sense of how to navigate the "mild batch" or "inert b/c of botched storage" issues (i.e., there is reason to hope that many recieved a basically dud version of the meds), nor a fulsome map of all the possible processes the injections unleash. We remain, thanks to the Betrayal of all science orgs, hospitals, and regular media/politicians, without elementary research on nearly every type of adverse process, nor on what connects them.
So we can't yet rule out what you guess at, Lawrence, no. But what evidence do you have, really, for guessing this way as opposed to guessing other ways? What evidence do you have of likely-to-kill bodily processes unleashed by most injections taking three-to-four years, not one or two, to unfold?
I am not guessing about any of this... I have been reading the scientific papers and collecting them since May of 2021. I have been listening and (in a few cases) been communicating with the doctors and researchers who have raised the alarm. With all the information and knowledge I have about the shots, there is no other conclusion I can make. I am not the only one. I have plenty of company. Anyone who received even "one" hot shot is probably not going to make it. If we are talking about MRNA vaccines, then a hot shot is any injection with stable lipid nano particles encasing Spike Proteins. Many of the people, who we both follow on SubStack completely agree (privately) with me that we are headed toward a mass die off. As far as the evidence. I have a large file of papers, podcasts and videos about the effects of this injection from some of the best minds in the world. With that being said. here is just a recent example of why I am not optimistic. My oldest son has gone through a personality change after being injected and has had to start seeing a psychologist. Here are the reasons why. And if you read the article and then watch the video I attached and you are still optimistic about the future of the vaccinated... you are a better man than me.
And this is JUST about the brain issues. We have the immune system dis-regulation, the DNA repair system, the cancer fighting system, the cardio vascular system, the blood clotting, the vascular system damage, the prion caused neurological diseases and the reverse transcription of RNA into DNA. This is a multi-faceted poison that could not be worse for the human body. It is like Russian roulette with many guns each with 4 bullets in the chamber. Do I wish this is not true? Yes of course. I want to find something to be optimistic about. So far I have nothing that gives me hope for anyone injected with these MRNA "vaccines". 260 million Americans have been injected.... God help us.
You're raising more of the possibilities and pathways of damage (and I thank you esp. for the link to the new Huber piece, which is excellent), ones I have been aware of, but you're not providing evidence that would suggest the statistical degree to which they a) have been, or b) will be in operation. For example, if 5% of, say, the 3-injection recievers will suffer brain-damage that slightly shifts their personalities and intelligence, that will be very bad, and especially if the deterioration is progressive, but we only have 1) anecdotes so far, some of the very subjective and intuitive sort (i.e., personal interaction signals picked up by Naomi Wolf's attennae) and 2) evidence that supports theories of process-pathways by which such damage could be occurring (i.e., things like this Huber piece). We are absolutely nowhere with respect to research which could lead us to confidently predict, say, that a) the percentage will be 5%, as opposed to 50% or 0.05%, or b) that the damage will progressive, or c) non-reparable, etc.
We are blind here, in area after area. No program of mass autopsies, brain-scans, blood-samples, heart-tests, surveys of embalmers, etc. Citizens cannot even see the "death statistics correlated with vax status" data which already exist, and which Steve Kirsch clamors for the release of.
There are lights, which only dissident eyes follow, which dimly illuminate maybe 1/20th of the dark mass of biological ignorance before us, and of course, we cannot even yet discern the borders of that darkness, i.e., where the thousands of questions we ought to be asking and trying to answer about the jab harms are finally cease. Shapes of things do emerge here and there, allowing us, for example, to be somewhat sure that the deaths-by-jabs number so far in the U.S. is somewhere in the 100,000-800,000 range. Or to be somewhat sure that the top causes of vax-death so far are: myocarditus, a large set of strokes and cardio events causeed by the Hirschman "clots," and turbo-cancers.
But as you know, there are thousands of distinct adverse events! As you know, we don't know what the ingredients were--and if there were mad scientist culling or nanotech testing plots afoot, a full list of ingredients will be the very last thing we learn--, we don't what the variance of ingredients in batches or due to storage errors, was, and on and on. So much is unclear, so much is dark simply, and we know we could be getting many things wrong, and blind to key processes at work.
But why, confronted with all this, do you keep gravitating towards confident prediction about the scariest, and the most damning-of-the-vaccinated, possibilities lurking amid that area of darkness? Below this comment you dare to suggest the vaccinated may essentially be, or are becoming, subhuman in terms of brain function. Combine that with fears of shedding--fears I do not dismiss--and the case for an absolute division and segregation becomes unavoidable.
It's like you've taken the capacity for absolute fear, which the Covidians used to great effect in the roll-out of their Disaster, and turned it around to a fear of the jab as opposed to the virus. Admittedly, we objectively know it is a much more fearful substance. Still, this isn't, I feel compelled to note, a Christian reaction to the possibility of death, disease, and totalitarian enslavement. Maybe see the recent talks between Christian thinkers at Regent College on the churches' general failure to live up to that stance. I link to one of them in my most recent:
Or see one of my best essays, which I wrote a year ago, on why the taste for the apocalyptic scenarios among those of us like you and I who refused to be jabbed can be sign of a wounded desire for over-vindication, and revenge. Grafs 5 and 6 esp.
That last piece also illustrated how a philosophic pagan of evident wisdom, Xenophon, dealt with uncertainty and fearful things.
First, I appreciate anyone who takes the time to actually write something of substance. As I have said many times before.... The reason I am "dark" or not optimistic is because of what I known and the scientific papers, pod casts, videos that I have accumulated over the last three years and a few real conversations with the scientists and researchers working on this. I have tried to find "something" that would lead me to believe that there was some hope for the vaccinated. I have found nothing. There is no good news except maybe (we are talking about MRNA injections here) if you received shots without stable lipid nano particles. That could happen of course. But the more injections you get means you will probably get at least one "loaded'" injection. Once the spike proteins are released into your body and enter the blood stream, they begin to attach to the lining of the blood vessels. The immune system sees this foreign protein as a problem and attacks it. The resulting attack ruptures the blood vessels allowing the spike protein into the internal organs. Now you have a piece of a respiratory virus (that would not normally be able to reach organs) attaching (thanks to its H2 receptor affinity) to the heart. reproductive organs, etc. This causes inflammation and the destruction of normal cells in your body's fight to defeat the spike protein. The same thing is happening in the brain as the spike protein passes through the blood brain barrier. So, Ok you say... you get the shot... some of this happens and some people are hurt and some are not hurt, right? No... the more shots you get the more spike proteins you flood your body with AND the spike protein is designed to turn your cells into a spike protein factory without an off switch. Yes, no one knows when the body will stop producing the spike proteins. So your body is mass producing a poison with no off switch.
I know that calling the vaccinated a new human subspecies is really hard to wrap our heads around. And I would not do it unless I believed it to be true. First from a genetic standpoint, if the man made RNA that is in the injections is reverse transcribed into DNA, the vaccinated ARE genetically altered and different from the vaccinated. The genetic experts seem to feel that the sequence of the RNA has been specially designed in a way that allows it to be reverse transcribed into human DNA. So they believe this will happen to anyone who is exposed to this MRNA. Second, my real world observation of people I know and the people I encounter. It is obvious to me that something has changed. I had my oldest son (2 injections) go through a personality change and is (at my request) seeing a psychologist. I have young clients from my business who can't seem to do simple things like pay their bill correctly. I drive twice a day on the same road for years now for my business. I have people passing me at 60 miles an hour now (30 MPH zone). We have accidents and deaths all the time now in places that are unbelievable. And if you follow the news at all, you will see a growing trend of violence and insanity among what used to be ordinary people. The vaccinated are losing their higher brain functions and becoming emotionally driven brutes. I have said this before: I don't know if we will be able to live with any of the vaccinated who do happen to survive.
So in conclusion. I am just calling this entire situation as I see it. It is what I have done my entire life. I don't want any of this to happen. But it is happening. I always say you need to approach everything with "eyes wide open". In other words, find out as much as you can about something so you can know "exactly" what is going on. It is what have done here and why I think we are at the beginning of a mass extinction event.
Thanks for sharing your posts and I will read and comment later. I just finished writing (ghost writing) and publishing a book and I'm in the middle of all that. I am not sure if you are a Subscriber to my SubStack. Anyway, there are two pieces of fiction about the future of our vaccinated world and one piece that has a poem that all my Christian friends call a prayer. Anyway here are the links:
Yup - I was shocked about the mental effects of the injections. I appears that they have created a new subhuman species. The question is: Can we coexist with any of the vaccinated who manage to survive?
I think this is about the loss of higher brain functions. They are becoming emotionally driven brutes. They are a new branch of the human tree. And I agree with you, that I don’t think Pure Blood humans will be able to live with those who do survive the injections.
With my experiences with people jabbed, I don't think we can coexist. One of my best friends of over 30 years hasn't spoken with me in almost 2 years after she took the jab. Another friend, a staunch Trump supporter, Harley rider, and Vietnam Vet, took it and his personality changed. He told me I should "take the covid challenge" sense I didn't believe it was a deadly virus, when I even told him I would fly out to US and give him Hydroxycloroquine if he got sick. After his vax, he said "Biden is our president and we need to respect him". Ugh!
Yes - the personality changes are just amazing. I don’t think the vaccinated are coming back to the real world. We have a small business with clients we have had for years. Suddenly they are having trouble paying their bills correctly. I have one client that tried to pay a bill three times and got it wrong each time. I finally went to their office and he handed me a 20 dollar bill to finally get the bill paid. My x wife and my adult sons are all vaccinated. Both sons have had personality changes. They don’t have anything to do with me anymore. I am the crazy old anti-vaxer now. My brother is vaccinated and 4 years younger than me. He looks like he is 85 years old and has lost much of his cognitive abilities. He recently got mad at his mechanic because he called Biden “sleepy Joe”. I can’t (and don’t) talk about anything political with him. He is completely gone. So this has destroyed families and relationships and lives. Here I am approaching 72 with my dog and my best friend with really no family left for me to rely on. I worked all my life to end up like this? Yes I hate the people who did this to our world. I hope there is a special place in hell reserved for them.
another good source of documented information of what these injections are doing to people is from the Pfizer documents themselves. Naomi Wolf and a team of 3,500 experts in diverse fields has broken down the documents that the FDA wanted to keep hided for 75 years, but thanks to Aaron Siri, were released through FIOA. Here's Naomi's video talking about it: Plus her site,
stating the awful truth to people, of which many have been jabbed with mRNA is not going to gain readers. Many don't want to believe it, so they won't read it.
There seems to be more cases of pneuma -> sepsis -> and they are being attributed to the “flu” or “long covid.”
I know of a very physically fit 20-something who collapsed, was resuscitated then rushed to hospital; he’s still in ICU from: flu-> pneumonia-> sepsis -> MRSA.
How many of these died unexpectedly after brief illnesses have followed a pattern similar to this?
Many people seem to be passing away at home peacefully w/family, not sure how that works when they are fairly young. I am left to assume it is cancer. So why don't they say?
I would like to know what brief illness is, by their definition. Brief illness is certainly killing lots of people.
The inverse to that is died suddenly and / or unexpectedly. I think major publications are editing obits that are submitted to them and are reducing the suddenly and unexpectedly. For some reason peacefully surrounded by family sounds so bucolic and maybe "expected".
I wonder if they are still treating people with Remdesiver for pneumonia. They rebranded it Veklury. I have personal experience with that drug and hope one day I will be "normal" again. They nicknamed it "Run death is near". I think Veklury should be called, luckyifyoulive. This madness has to stop.
My good friend's brother was "offered" it at the Mayo in Arizona this past Sunday. He would have taken it if his daughter hadn't given him actually papers about it's dangers to read. He had gone in for Covid. He has enthusiastically had all shots recommended.
An acquaintance of my son (both in their 20s and gay) was vaxxed, boosted, and had the monkeypox vax sometime last year. Within the past several months, this previously-vital, if promiscuous, young man has been hospitalized with pneumonia, had Covid several times, is suffering neuralgia, and has a full-body rash that won’t go away. All his tests come back normal.
My kid is more suspicious and cautious with his health (thank God) than his friends; he remains unvaxxed and unpoxxed.
I hope many people will watch Naomi Wolf’s recent talk at Hillsdale re: the Pfizer Papers.
Kinda makes you wonder why fauxi et al, tested his AIDS “injection” and then its “cure,” on the young, gay male population, first. (And IV drug users - who share needles.)
Let’s presume that this promiscuous young man was very sexually active prior to becoming so ill that it was obvious to prospective partners... and let’s presume that whatever he has is contagious in the sense that it is capable of spreading via transfected ...
Easter Sunday my sister drove by my mom's house and saw a package sitting on her front porch and came in the backway to tell mom (99 y.o.). Sister saw package was meant for mom's next door neighbor's daughter - a 46 y.o. woman, a public school teacher, who moved back home last fall when her marriage dissolved - so sister went next door to deliver package. Her father answered and looked at the package then said, "Elizabeth died this past Thursday in her sleep." He did tell her they plan to get an autopsy, he is a retired police officer.
I used to read the Boston Globe obits every week for years. And every year, the average age of death of ALL the deaths, seemed to increase. I was constantly amazed at how many over 85 years olds were listed, but very, very few under 75s. And now, it's mostly under 75s.
these are standouts from this particular paper's column, the majority listed therein are actually late 80's to well into their 90's, but the weekly counts of sudden, and younger deaths appear to be on the rise...
"Amy Kathleen McAuliff, 41, of Papillion, Nebraska, passed away suddenly on Sunday morning, March 26, 2023, at Omaha’s University of Nebraska Med Center, following a brief and violent illness." Wow. That is just so expressive. It must have been a horrible death.
Re. female artist (O'Leary) who posted photo getting 2nd Pfizer shot in April 2021 - that's a full 2 years ago. I guess she may have also got boosted. If not, it's worrying. I was thinking most of my family - who stopped at 2 - were out of the woods, but that might not be the case.
My peer group late 50's early 60's all complaining about sudden onset of older peoples ailments. But no one wants to attribute it the vax, but that is , slowly but it's taking sudden and unexpected deaths for anyone to question this. Oyyyyy.
And all these in just one week! Thank You for posting these people from newborns to kids to young adults and the elderly- that we may recognize these wonderful beings as very vital human beings who had families; partners, children People who served their communities in many different ways. People with lots of love in their hearts! I wish we could honor them like they did in the UK throwing white roses and carrying posters and photos of their loved ones! Of course only Telegraph carried the event.💕🙏🌈🦋🌹🌎
When I was in high school and university, there never was a student who died suddenly and unexpectedly.
Same here. Northwestern University, 1967-71. I knew one kid who
drowned himself. And that was it, even with all the drugs. (A friend
from junior high o.d.'d.)
We had a girl die from a car wreck in high school, and then another girl had a riding accident on her horse and died, but no heart attacks, no cancers, no suddenly's.
Right after high school, 3 from my grade school but they were both (separate) motorcycle accidents. 2 together but that was it. College I knew no one but like Mark said even with the drugs, we were lucky on that account. No grade school students ever had a heart attack, a stroke, cancer. Nothing.
Same here. We lost one to a car accident. One was hit by a truck. One was murdered by her stepbrother. Many died after graduation from drunk driving to suicide. Not one unexpectedly died at home.
In high school, one student died in a small plane crash and one in a car crash. In college - well I went to college during the Viet Nam conflict...
Also, no school shootings
We had one basketball player die of an undiagnosed heart condition when I was in college. But most of the others I knwo that died your were from accidents
There was one previous student that died in a motorcycle accident a year after graduating high school, and then a couple of years after high school, I had one friend that committed suicide by hanging. When I turned 32, an acquaintance overdosed and passed away. There was only one student that had a heart-related issue and that was congenital. It was my friend's brother and he had a pacemaker put in when he was 19, but he lived until he was 52. He passed away a few years before all the Covid mania started.
It’s hard to get through all of these… Unbelievable
What really horrible about this is… it’s just the a few drops of water that will soon be a river and then an ocean of death. Most of the vaccinated will be gone in the next couple years.
It is dramatic for you, perhaps gains readers for you, to make this kind of guess. You've been making it for some time now--back in December of '21 you were predicting mass die-offs to begin around March of '22.
I admit we don't know what might happen, because we do not yet have a confident sense of the ingredients of the experimental jabs, nor a sense of how to navigate the "mild batch" or "inert b/c of botched storage" issues (i.e., there is reason to hope that many recieved a basically dud version of the meds), nor a fulsome map of all the possible processes the injections unleash. We remain, thanks to the Betrayal of all science orgs, hospitals, and regular media/politicians, without elementary research on nearly every type of adverse process, nor on what connects them.
So we can't yet rule out what you guess at, Lawrence, no. But what evidence do you have, really, for guessing this way as opposed to guessing other ways? What evidence do you have of likely-to-kill bodily processes unleashed by most injections taking three-to-four years, not one or two, to unfold?
I am not guessing about any of this... I have been reading the scientific papers and collecting them since May of 2021. I have been listening and (in a few cases) been communicating with the doctors and researchers who have raised the alarm. With all the information and knowledge I have about the shots, there is no other conclusion I can make. I am not the only one. I have plenty of company. Anyone who received even "one" hot shot is probably not going to make it. If we are talking about MRNA vaccines, then a hot shot is any injection with stable lipid nano particles encasing Spike Proteins. Many of the people, who we both follow on SubStack completely agree (privately) with me that we are headed toward a mass die off. As far as the evidence. I have a large file of papers, podcasts and videos about the effects of this injection from some of the best minds in the world. With that being said. here is just a recent example of why I am not optimistic. My oldest son has gone through a personality change after being injected and has had to start seeing a psychologist. Here are the reasons why. And if you read the article and then watch the video I attached and you are still optimistic about the future of the vaccinated... you are a better man than me.
"Brain injuries after COVID vaccination"
And this is JUST about the brain issues. We have the immune system dis-regulation, the DNA repair system, the cancer fighting system, the cardio vascular system, the blood clotting, the vascular system damage, the prion caused neurological diseases and the reverse transcription of RNA into DNA. This is a multi-faceted poison that could not be worse for the human body. It is like Russian roulette with many guns each with 4 bullets in the chamber. Do I wish this is not true? Yes of course. I want to find something to be optimistic about. So far I have nothing that gives me hope for anyone injected with these MRNA "vaccines". 260 million Americans have been injected.... God help us.
You're raising more of the possibilities and pathways of damage (and I thank you esp. for the link to the new Huber piece, which is excellent), ones I have been aware of, but you're not providing evidence that would suggest the statistical degree to which they a) have been, or b) will be in operation. For example, if 5% of, say, the 3-injection recievers will suffer brain-damage that slightly shifts their personalities and intelligence, that will be very bad, and especially if the deterioration is progressive, but we only have 1) anecdotes so far, some of the very subjective and intuitive sort (i.e., personal interaction signals picked up by Naomi Wolf's attennae) and 2) evidence that supports theories of process-pathways by which such damage could be occurring (i.e., things like this Huber piece). We are absolutely nowhere with respect to research which could lead us to confidently predict, say, that a) the percentage will be 5%, as opposed to 50% or 0.05%, or b) that the damage will progressive, or c) non-reparable, etc.
We are blind here, in area after area. No program of mass autopsies, brain-scans, blood-samples, heart-tests, surveys of embalmers, etc. Citizens cannot even see the "death statistics correlated with vax status" data which already exist, and which Steve Kirsch clamors for the release of.
There are lights, which only dissident eyes follow, which dimly illuminate maybe 1/20th of the dark mass of biological ignorance before us, and of course, we cannot even yet discern the borders of that darkness, i.e., where the thousands of questions we ought to be asking and trying to answer about the jab harms are finally cease. Shapes of things do emerge here and there, allowing us, for example, to be somewhat sure that the deaths-by-jabs number so far in the U.S. is somewhere in the 100,000-800,000 range. Or to be somewhat sure that the top causes of vax-death so far are: myocarditus, a large set of strokes and cardio events causeed by the Hirschman "clots," and turbo-cancers.
But as you know, there are thousands of distinct adverse events! As you know, we don't know what the ingredients were--and if there were mad scientist culling or nanotech testing plots afoot, a full list of ingredients will be the very last thing we learn--, we don't what the variance of ingredients in batches or due to storage errors, was, and on and on. So much is unclear, so much is dark simply, and we know we could be getting many things wrong, and blind to key processes at work.
But why, confronted with all this, do you keep gravitating towards confident prediction about the scariest, and the most damning-of-the-vaccinated, possibilities lurking amid that area of darkness? Below this comment you dare to suggest the vaccinated may essentially be, or are becoming, subhuman in terms of brain function. Combine that with fears of shedding--fears I do not dismiss--and the case for an absolute division and segregation becomes unavoidable.
It's like you've taken the capacity for absolute fear, which the Covidians used to great effect in the roll-out of their Disaster, and turned it around to a fear of the jab as opposed to the virus. Admittedly, we objectively know it is a much more fearful substance. Still, this isn't, I feel compelled to note, a Christian reaction to the possibility of death, disease, and totalitarian enslavement. Maybe see the recent talks between Christian thinkers at Regent College on the churches' general failure to live up to that stance. I link to one of them in my most recent:
Or see one of my best essays, which I wrote a year ago, on why the taste for the apocalyptic scenarios among those of us like you and I who refused to be jabbed can be sign of a wounded desire for over-vindication, and revenge. Grafs 5 and 6 esp.
That last piece also illustrated how a philosophic pagan of evident wisdom, Xenophon, dealt with uncertainty and fearful things.
First, I appreciate anyone who takes the time to actually write something of substance. As I have said many times before.... The reason I am "dark" or not optimistic is because of what I known and the scientific papers, pod casts, videos that I have accumulated over the last three years and a few real conversations with the scientists and researchers working on this. I have tried to find "something" that would lead me to believe that there was some hope for the vaccinated. I have found nothing. There is no good news except maybe (we are talking about MRNA injections here) if you received shots without stable lipid nano particles. That could happen of course. But the more injections you get means you will probably get at least one "loaded'" injection. Once the spike proteins are released into your body and enter the blood stream, they begin to attach to the lining of the blood vessels. The immune system sees this foreign protein as a problem and attacks it. The resulting attack ruptures the blood vessels allowing the spike protein into the internal organs. Now you have a piece of a respiratory virus (that would not normally be able to reach organs) attaching (thanks to its H2 receptor affinity) to the heart. reproductive organs, etc. This causes inflammation and the destruction of normal cells in your body's fight to defeat the spike protein. The same thing is happening in the brain as the spike protein passes through the blood brain barrier. So, Ok you say... you get the shot... some of this happens and some people are hurt and some are not hurt, right? No... the more shots you get the more spike proteins you flood your body with AND the spike protein is designed to turn your cells into a spike protein factory without an off switch. Yes, no one knows when the body will stop producing the spike proteins. So your body is mass producing a poison with no off switch.
I know that calling the vaccinated a new human subspecies is really hard to wrap our heads around. And I would not do it unless I believed it to be true. First from a genetic standpoint, if the man made RNA that is in the injections is reverse transcribed into DNA, the vaccinated ARE genetically altered and different from the vaccinated. The genetic experts seem to feel that the sequence of the RNA has been specially designed in a way that allows it to be reverse transcribed into human DNA. So they believe this will happen to anyone who is exposed to this MRNA. Second, my real world observation of people I know and the people I encounter. It is obvious to me that something has changed. I had my oldest son (2 injections) go through a personality change and is (at my request) seeing a psychologist. I have young clients from my business who can't seem to do simple things like pay their bill correctly. I drive twice a day on the same road for years now for my business. I have people passing me at 60 miles an hour now (30 MPH zone). We have accidents and deaths all the time now in places that are unbelievable. And if you follow the news at all, you will see a growing trend of violence and insanity among what used to be ordinary people. The vaccinated are losing their higher brain functions and becoming emotionally driven brutes. I have said this before: I don't know if we will be able to live with any of the vaccinated who do happen to survive.
So in conclusion. I am just calling this entire situation as I see it. It is what I have done my entire life. I don't want any of this to happen. But it is happening. I always say you need to approach everything with "eyes wide open". In other words, find out as much as you can about something so you can know "exactly" what is going on. It is what have done here and why I think we are at the beginning of a mass extinction event.
Thanks for sharing your posts and I will read and comment later. I just finished writing (ghost writing) and publishing a book and I'm in the middle of all that. I am not sure if you are a Subscriber to my SubStack. Anyway, there are two pieces of fiction about the future of our vaccinated world and one piece that has a poem that all my Christian friends call a prayer. Anyway here are the links:
Poem is here:
excellent interview with Reiner, Naomi and Dr. Peter Breggin!
Yup - I was shocked about the mental effects of the injections. I appears that they have created a new subhuman species. The question is: Can we coexist with any of the vaccinated who manage to survive?
I should add that my friend is a liberal, but she was always open to discussing topics with an open mind before.
I think this is about the loss of higher brain functions. They are becoming emotionally driven brutes. They are a new branch of the human tree. And I agree with you, that I don’t think Pure Blood humans will be able to live with those who do survive the injections.
With my experiences with people jabbed, I don't think we can coexist. One of my best friends of over 30 years hasn't spoken with me in almost 2 years after she took the jab. Another friend, a staunch Trump supporter, Harley rider, and Vietnam Vet, took it and his personality changed. He told me I should "take the covid challenge" sense I didn't believe it was a deadly virus, when I even told him I would fly out to US and give him Hydroxycloroquine if he got sick. After his vax, he said "Biden is our president and we need to respect him". Ugh!
Yes - the personality changes are just amazing. I don’t think the vaccinated are coming back to the real world. We have a small business with clients we have had for years. Suddenly they are having trouble paying their bills correctly. I have one client that tried to pay a bill three times and got it wrong each time. I finally went to their office and he handed me a 20 dollar bill to finally get the bill paid. My x wife and my adult sons are all vaccinated. Both sons have had personality changes. They don’t have anything to do with me anymore. I am the crazy old anti-vaxer now. My brother is vaccinated and 4 years younger than me. He looks like he is 85 years old and has lost much of his cognitive abilities. He recently got mad at his mechanic because he called Biden “sleepy Joe”. I can’t (and don’t) talk about anything political with him. He is completely gone. So this has destroyed families and relationships and lives. Here I am approaching 72 with my dog and my best friend with really no family left for me to rely on. I worked all my life to end up like this? Yes I hate the people who did this to our world. I hope there is a special place in hell reserved for them.
another good source of documented information of what these injections are doing to people is from the Pfizer documents themselves. Naomi Wolf and a team of 3,500 experts in diverse fields has broken down the documents that the FDA wanted to keep hided for 75 years, but thanks to Aaron Siri, were released through FIOA. Here's Naomi's video talking about it: Plus her site,
stating the awful truth to people, of which many have been jabbed with mRNA is not going to gain readers. Many don't want to believe it, so they won't read it.
There seems to be more cases of pneuma -> sepsis -> and they are being attributed to the “flu” or “long covid.”
I know of a very physically fit 20-something who collapsed, was resuscitated then rushed to hospital; he’s still in ICU from: flu-> pneumonia-> sepsis -> MRSA.
How many of these died unexpectedly after brief illnesses have followed a pattern similar to this?
Many people seem to be passing away at home peacefully w/family, not sure how that works when they are fairly young. I am left to assume it is cancer. So why don't they say?
I would like to know what brief illness is, by their definition. Brief illness is certainly killing lots of people.
The inverse to that is died suddenly and / or unexpectedly. I think major publications are editing obits that are submitted to them and are reducing the suddenly and unexpectedly. For some reason peacefully surrounded by family sounds so bucolic and maybe "expected".
Agreed. They still haven't edited 'respects privacy at this time' but they will get there.
I get what you’re saying.
There’s gotta be a whole lot of denial goin on for peaceful death to happen when it was more likely a horrific murder of a loved one.
I wonder if they are still treating people with Remdesiver for pneumonia. They rebranded it Veklury. I have personal experience with that drug and hope one day I will be "normal" again. They nicknamed it "Run death is near". I think Veklury should be called, luckyifyoulive. This madness has to stop.
Did you have your kidneys checked ? That's the main toxicity associated with remdesivir.
My good friend's brother was "offered" it at the Mayo in Arizona this past Sunday. He would have taken it if his daughter hadn't given him actually papers about it's dangers to read. He had gone in for Covid. He has enthusiastically had all shots recommended.
That’s a very good question. 🤔
I hope you will recover from your experience with it; a poison by any name hurts just as badly.
Thank you.
An acquaintance of my son (both in their 20s and gay) was vaxxed, boosted, and had the monkeypox vax sometime last year. Within the past several months, this previously-vital, if promiscuous, young man has been hospitalized with pneumonia, had Covid several times, is suffering neuralgia, and has a full-body rash that won’t go away. All his tests come back normal.
My kid is more suspicious and cautious with his health (thank God) than his friends; he remains unvaxxed and unpoxxed.
I hope many people will watch Naomi Wolf’s recent talk at Hillsdale re: the Pfizer Papers.
Kinda makes you wonder why fauxi et al, tested his AIDS “injection” and then its “cure,” on the young, gay male population, first. (And IV drug users - who share needles.)
Let’s presume that this promiscuous young man was very sexually active prior to becoming so ill that it was obvious to prospective partners... and let’s presume that whatever he has is contagious in the sense that it is capable of spreading via transfected ...
@Vintage--There’s a really good Spin article from 2015 about “Fauxi” and his role in the AZT/AIDS crisis, and references another article from 1989. If you’re interested:
That is a good article.
Thanks for sharing. 😊
Or read RFKjr's book on Fauci for the whole story.
Excellent! I just finished watching Naomi's talk.
Thanks again Mark. It never lets up does it? The time of the great dying is hard to bear.
Here's a recent "died suddenly" report:
Easter Sunday my sister drove by my mom's house and saw a package sitting on her front porch and came in the backway to tell mom (99 y.o.). Sister saw package was meant for mom's next door neighbor's daughter - a 46 y.o. woman, a public school teacher, who moved back home last fall when her marriage dissolved - so sister went next door to deliver package. Her father answered and looked at the package then said, "Elizabeth died this past Thursday in her sleep." He did tell her they plan to get an autopsy, he is a retired police officer.
may God forgive me if I am trespassing where I do not belong.
This is so, so very fucked up.
I used to read the Boston Globe obits every week for years. And every year, the average age of death of ALL the deaths, seemed to increase. I was constantly amazed at how many over 85 years olds were listed, but very, very few under 75s. And now, it's mostly under 75s.
these are standouts from this particular paper's column, the majority listed therein are actually late 80's to well into their 90's, but the weekly counts of sudden, and younger deaths appear to be on the rise...
yes, understood. it's awful.
How sad to read of these deaths.
These were lovely people.
They didn’t deserve this whether they took the jab or not.
the 22 year old who passed 03/31, brain aneurysm per FB post of her father.
"Amy Kathleen McAuliff, 41, of Papillion, Nebraska, passed away suddenly on Sunday morning, March 26, 2023, at Omaha’s University of Nebraska Med Center, following a brief and violent illness." Wow. That is just so expressive. It must have been a horrible death.
On a lighter note: if John Goodman gets the right wig, he can take over for that drag queen. ;)
In support of Mr. Dowd’s excellent book, CAUSE UNKNOWN, I’m hoping awareness will make things better, hence this video to add to its promotion. (make things) BETTER
Re. female artist (O'Leary) who posted photo getting 2nd Pfizer shot in April 2021 - that's a full 2 years ago. I guess she may have also got boosted. If not, it's worrying. I was thinking most of my family - who stopped at 2 - were out of the woods, but that might not be the case.
My peer group late 50's early 60's all complaining about sudden onset of older peoples ailments. But no one wants to attribute it the vax, but that is , slowly but it's taking sudden and unexpected deaths for anyone to question this. Oyyyyy.
Often accompanied by the phrase “and the doctors are baffled!”
same here - can't be bothered with them anymore
And all these in just one week! Thank You for posting these people from newborns to kids to young adults and the elderly- that we may recognize these wonderful beings as very vital human beings who had families; partners, children People who served their communities in many different ways. People with lots of love in their hearts! I wish we could honor them like they did in the UK throwing white roses and carrying posters and photos of their loved ones! Of course only Telegraph carried the event.💕🙏🌈🦋🌹🌎
Disgusting. Vaxxed people I know when asked about this quickly disregard it because they're so afraid its all truly related to that Vax.