Finally someone said it-one death from Ontario-as a result of C-vax injury!!!!

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Mar 14
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He’s about 10 obits from the end. Of course funeral home has to put a C19 statement at the top of his obit!

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Thank you, "a reader (and customer of Talewind Books)" for the info on bookshop owner Bev Shaw. Alas, yet another of the "conscientious" and undoubtedly well-meaning Canadians who, through misplaced trust in corruptible doctors and scientists, in politicians and public health officials, in "experts," in media personalities and celebrities, were hoodwinked by the clever manipulators who engineered the covid operation.

At least she was willing to order those books for you! (Unlike the "conscientious" librarian who flatly refused to purchase for the library system some covid-questioning books I had suggested...)

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So much tragedy, so much pointless death among the young. Ronnie King's death hits me particularly hard; I was of the generation that grew up with the Stampeders' songs. The "sudden, unexpected" downtown in his health does suggest a possible link to the Covid vaccine.

As a young teen, one of the very first records I ever bought was their debut, Against the Grain, with Sweet City Woman. At that time, you could hardly go anywhere in Western Canada without hearing that song on the radio, or in jukeboxes. I got to not only see them perform live in Trail, BC a few years ago, my buddy and I met the band signing autographs afterward. Such friendly, down to earth guys. Ronnie could have had a career as a stand-up comedian – he was telling jokes between every song, cracking up the audience. Most of the jokes were at the band's own expense, mostly about getting old. "When we were young we were stallions to the women. Now we're just the horse's ass." One joke he told that night that I remember.

God, I'm getting so sick of losing my musical heroes. I feel like a little part of me dies with each one of them. When will the government and medical authorities admit to this tidal wave of excess death?

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