Have a dear friend whose Aunt and Uncle have had “The Covid” now 4 times. They cannot understand. They exclaim they’ve had the Vaxxine and 4 boosters. Still, even in the face of Nightly News they can’t figure it out. Sad. They have been injected as well. I keep quiet.

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I just texted my favourite Aunt that I wished she wouldn’t take another useless vaxx jab, but I’m pretty sure she’ll be taking jab #4 or 5 this coming week along with her flu jab. She’s been such a great Aunt and had generally been quite discerning in life, but she didn’t stand a chance against the vast corrupted forces brought to bear on everyone. She is simply too trusting and naive. I’m not getting into any more discussions with her other than that 1 comment as she was concerned that I didn’t submit to my government of Canada mandates and risked my job and home. She knows my concerns, but is convinced she needs these evil jabs, just like another useless flu shot. I’m going to miss her. Poor dear is already fighting serious health issues. 😢

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You mean WORSE-than-useless flu shot!

DEADLY flu shot.

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My favorite aunt who I adored was found in her bed deceased

She lived in a senior community on her own. But was found a few days after.

Her suitcase packed for a trip she was about to embark on for her 80th birthday then next day.

Ticket on nightstand.

She was sharp as a pin and lite up every room. Loved to do her workouts and walk.

Her son thought maybe it was her high

Cholesterol or blood pressure.

All so sudden and unexpected

I know how senior communities operate and nursing homes wrangle the seniors into getting every jab known to man.

Seems many of us have had that loosing our favorite Aunt pain in the past two years


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Uncle. 73 stitches to the scalp after blood clot removal, & still couldn't accept it was the kill-shot. Never made it to booster 4...

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Someone who was once pro covid vax and has come to see the truth is John Campbell. He has a number of excellent videos on you tube with guests who talk about the details. Dr Been also on you tube gives more details on the vax and the impact/dangers etc.

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So Sad.. how deeply indoctrinated people are.. All is not lost... there are remedies becoming available.. everyday. Check out Dr. Peter McCullough”s Wellness Company. He has a product to help diminish the damage The Spike Protein may cause. There’s also.. rootsbrand.com. It’s a combination of detoxing and immune supporting products. It’s has good reviews

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Thank you. Do you know anyone who will "help" w/school vax cards?

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Like sheep to the slaughter. The ones who were home schooled, read their Bibles, or just don't care what others think fared better in this Darwinian exercise in self-deletion.

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William do not keep quit, tell these relatives why they probably well get mad or don’t want to hear but you are doing right and planting a seed which might help them or some one else.

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Agreed - don't stay quiet. If you think they will not receive direct information, come up with at least one question (hopefully more) that could lead to a pathway of enlightenment for them.

DONALD WOOD is right. Don't worry about a total conversion.



* Have you heard that the vax could possibly backfire and weaken your immune system? Do you think that might be what is happening to you?

* Some doctors are saying now that natural immunity is the best way to go. Have you heard that?

* Since it doesn't seem to be working for you, do you think it's wise to continue getting jabbed?

* Have you guys found any alternative news sources lately? (Then suggest someone online, maybe even substack -- and help them subscribe so they get automatic updates.)

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I like the way you phrase these rejoinders. I'll try some of them out on my loved ones.

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WHile this is not an "alt news source" for covid, it IS a great article about flu shots and I'd put them in the same category. It could be a good "starter alternative" health news source. Hard to go wrong with Dr. Mercola: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/10/17/flu-shot-ineffective.aspx?ui=5ad9b39505f232150c4d144478ec4963fa49754ea9415b171853f2a65fee861a&sd=20221024&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art3HL&cid=20231017&foDate=false&mid=DM1478544&rid=1940370376

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Keep us posted on how it works out.

But since it's "seed planting" don't expect too much on the first go-around -- it may take a while.

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That may have worked 2 yrs ago. But the fear was too high. Only 1 made it unscathed (for now)-w/just 1st 2jabs. And we were praying for him like crazy. He finally read a WSJ article about CDC/Top brass not being 100% forthcoming, & that tipped the scales. Its amazing to me how much credibility people place on sources that deserve it least! (Time. Vogue. People. MSNBC. Georgetown.) Sad.

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Sure, but be prepared to be unfriended, screamed at, called names, (Domestic Terrorist is my personal fave)....Sigh.

They were sleeper infidels, never true friends to begin with.

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Where I live the nightly news keeps telling everyone how grand the not-a-vaccine is, how important it is to get boosted, and how everyone should take the new mRna not-a-vaccines that are being rolled out for everything under the sun. I know people who have had it numerous times and keep getting boosted and are annoyed but can't seem to make the connection and say to hell with this. The conditioning must be so strong that it only needs a little reinforcement to produce behaviour.

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The side affects I see most, are heart conditions, falls, (along w/broken bones), shakiness, diziness, confusion...and the habit of telling ME,

"Stay safe!"


Can anyone tell me if that's an MK-Ultra handler-tag?

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You could try the general question 'Do you think drinking poison is a good idea?'

Then assuming, hopefully, they say 'No' you can say 'Did you know vaccines contain poisons?'

Perhaps they may begin to stop and think.


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Hi Baldo! Guv Nuisance is waiting in the wings out here on the Left Coast of the United States of Amnesia to take over for Bare Shelves Biden when the day comes and then WHAM!! The Hammer will come down, Trudeau-style. I pray daily for this maddest era of history to come crashing to its end but soon!

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Fuck yeah!

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And this Mary Lou Retton pneumonia thing is weird. Unless she took a ton of steroids when competing that would break down her immunity in later life...I’m guessing the jabs have weakened her immune systems.

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Off topic

I can't comprehend how does she not have insurance.

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Exactly what I said!!

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Buried lead.

As Bannon likes to say.

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Just saying ... so please do not shoot the messenger.

People think that Steroids are like these MUSCLE BOOSTING drugs that weight lifters and and take; THEY ARE NOT; well they are, but they are SYNTHETIC in the most ...."Anabolic Steroids" ...

To quote - "The word has different meanings. Steroids are chemicals, often hormones, that your body makes naturally. They help your organs, tissues, and cells do their jobs. You need a healthy balance of them to grow and even to make babies. "Steroids" can also refer to man-made medicines. The two main types are corticosteroids and anabolic-androgenic steroids (or anabolics for short)."



Now if you live in the UK or read their mainstream news as I do (read the news that is plus read the EU news in English); article after article goes baning on about HRT for women in the menopause ... FROM the ages of 13 - 80 now ??? (ERR WHAT ?, massive coverage of male menopause and lack of hormones and and ... PLUS PLUS....

ALL ABOUT HORMONE IMBALANCES IN PEOPLE NOW ... (sorry but after the jabs).

Now the hormones basically regulate everything from organs (including your mnd think, plus the obvious like fertility and and...

IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT IF YOU HAVE HAD THE JAB ... go for a full blood test of your hormnes... any problem or imbalance is easily countered.

CORTISOL, TESTOROSTORONE AND YOUR GIRLY EQUIVALANT are crucial; strangely enough at my age; followed by "GROWTH HORMONES".


Please do your own research asap, because they are taking down the research articles and changing the ones the masses will see.


There is nothing strange about the Mary Lou Retton, case.. people get the illness and become sick or die and have done everyday, since the beginning of humanity.....

BUT, is there a trend ? .... https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/

STay safe and get that blood test.

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Thank you. I don’t doubt it. On a ventilator.....

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?; err; stay safe and God bless.

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No me! Mary Lou Retton is on a ventilator!

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Oh right ...sorry.

To be honest I cannot keep up .. even around me personally. With the greatest respect I am not a Yank so no idea who MLRwas, until I looked it upand assume - "Mary Lou Retton is an American retired gymnast. At the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, she won a gold medal in the individual all-around competition, as well as two silver medals and two bronze medals.".

So 1 ... somehow get her the hell of the ventilator.

and 2... PLEASE SEND STORY TO https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/

TOP RIGHT ... CONTACT. and just remember this is for atheltes ONLY... there are others for pilots, military, fire, poilce, etc etc... IF WE ALL WORKED TOGETHER and send the common information; people could understand the magntitude.

Sorry about Mary Lou ... AND NO COMMENT REQUIED OR WANTED; but they did it to my Mumas well this year (1st Jan if you can effing believe that)... said it before on here...dehdrated, stopped the good medication and then ... the ventlitor and "Good Death" ... satanic bastards.

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I never noticed a died suddenly article for Israel. The Israeli government pushed it on 85℅ to 90℅ of their population. I remember in July 2021 the Israeli Ministry of Health had excellent data of the affects of the shot. I used that information to inform my Jewish doctor as to one of the reasons why I won't inject. He thought he had me until I dropped that data on him. So he told me that he can't convince me to inject the shot.

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We have posted a considerable number of reports from Israel, but we're hampered by (1) the lockdown on such stories by Israeli media (just like Canadian media) and (2) the fact that what reports there are are in Hebrew, and (3) our lack of reliable researchers there.

In any case, Israelis have been dropping dead all over, like everywhere else. Thus Netanyahu is a dedicated killer of the Jews AND Palestinians---being a globalist above all.

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Thanks, I will look it up!

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The Israeli health ministry was showing data that many of the "vaccinated" were dying of covid and proportionately more often than the "unvaccinated". Conveniently, by Sept 2021 the ministry hid and suppressed the data.

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The first skirmish for Israel’s military was with the clot shot.

Hope they can soldier on.

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He is a better doctor than most if you are able to say that about him.

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The Israeli soldiers are all jabbed. A Granada will go off, their adrenaline will flow, and they will

Have a heart attack ....

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get a new doctor?

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As of Oct 11, 2023

The State of West Virginia has over 1/3 of her population w C19!

Over 1/3 how is this really possible?

WV POP as of 2022 is 1.8 mln people

70% are elderly

Total cases COVID 662,339 as of Oct 11, 2023

Total Deaths 8,247 supposedly?


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Sorry to hear. I'll have to look this up.

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What many, including myself, find particularly worrying and disturbing is the fact that reports are mounting of the double- and triple-"vaccinated" dying now 3 years post-jab. That is an incredibly long temporal offset between the suspected cause and the tragic outcome. This really does not bode well for the hundreds of millions who got 3 and 4 shots.

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Traditionally, vaccines were tested for 5-10 years before being made available to the public--not the covid vax, though.

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They decided this time to test it on the world's population first to see if it works.

It does; it harms and kills as vaccines have always done.

I am in the unvaccinated control group and I'm still here!



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'You ain't seen nothin' yet!'

Clif High predicts the bioweapon die-off to escalate over the next three to five years.

Ed Dowd has already confirmed a staggering

40% in excess mortality rates to date. The lying media mafia, CIA subversives themselves, have been complicit in the coverup.

Link to Greg Hunter interview with Clif High:


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The more a person is vaccinated the weaker the natural immunity and the easier it is for the system to over react. It has been a set-up to kill a lot of people over time so they can't connect the dots.

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Mary Lou age 55 no HEALTH INSURANCE

Something is very wrong!

From West Virginia

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She's probably healthy otherwise and pays for concierge health care when she needs it. I doubt she expected to get pneumonia of all things and be incapacitated by it. Athletes seem to be hit especially hard by the vaccine. Or, maybe it just appears that way since they are prominent people.

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And the question the technocrats asked their AI program was, how do they reduce CO2 emissions faster.

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remove carbon footprint--man. We are living in evil times with diabolical anti-life leaders.

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We are all having our Dave & HAL moment. We were warned that you can't reason with the computer program.


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It’s the young people that hurt my heart the most because they had so much life ahead of them and who knows what the world has missed out on with their passing. Then it’s the kids of the family whose parents have died. If the death of my brother at age 35 rocked my world then what does it do to the kids who lost mom or dad that were their whole world? I hope I will never lose my capacity for empathy no matter how much it hurts me. And believe me all these deaths hurt me immensely.

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Thank you Mark for continuing to show what is unfolding.

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If Mark is right, and Bibi is a genocidal maniac who has embraced the Covid narrative and the subsequent Big Pharma gold rush, it's a terrible irony to consider, that in trying to avoid what was little more than a common cold, the Jewish people will have been duped by their own comfortable leaders to be injected to death, rather than gassed or shot.

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But now they are about to get shot.

(psst: there were no Gas chambers)

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Russ Francis plane crash, Lake Placid, NY..please note

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Could people be addicted to these shots? I’m just curious as someone I know just got over Covid like 3 weeks ago and went and got booster(shot number 6). I would think most people with a brain would by now see the shots are not preventing them from getting Covid. Perhaps they are putting something in the shots that makes people feel good for a few months and then they feel they must get another to get that high or fix. I just don’t understand why they keep going back. I also wonder if now their genetics and dna has been changed so much. Could people who are surviving shot 6 now become some transhuman? I am so baffled at this.

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Well it is a drug, like any other IV drug such as heroin. ALL drugs can become addictive.

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It's more like a deep ingrained fear and belief that the shots are good, effective and safe. Also a lack of willingness to see any other perspective. Imagine what it would be like to realize after you've shot yourself up with deadly jabs. The alternative is to turn a blind eye and not think about it.

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Thank you for the info

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Maybe the next booster will do the trick😒

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