To anyone that still believes this is normal...FUCK YOU!

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Howard Stern sidekick Ralph Cirella died Monday night from a sudden and rare form lymphoma, it was announced on the show today. He was 58.

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"41 years old-- died unexpectedly from natural causes" (in obit). Are you serious?

Always gets me.

(Not to mention a dead baby's spike-filled organs being given to unsuspecting donor children!)

Mark and team--thanks so much for all your dedication to documenting all these obscene, unnecessary deaths.

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Howard Stern was the original “vaxx Nazi” who required that anyone who came within his presence be vaxxed and boosted. Not surprisingly, he was a proponent of forced vaccinations.

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It is the deaths of so many in their teens, twenties ..... fifties that are most horrifying. They never had a chance to really experience all that life has to offer. Dr D Rancourt has stated categorically that the jabs killed off the elderly first, so it appears that the lingering side effects are now hitting so many of the younger generation. Absolutely tragic. This is a clear case of democide, and ALL who pushed the jabs should be brought to justice.

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I should also mention that Stern’s co-host Robin Quivers recently underwent treatment for (an unspecified?) cancer. Just putting it out there...

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I just seems like so many it is hard to know, but I can say just in the past month, at work, 2 coworkers brothers had heart attacks, one of the brothers this heart attack was after he had already suffered a stroke earlier this year, antoher co-worker diagnosed with breast cancer, email from work colleague, sorry for delayed response our team was shaken up by a colleague who died unexpectedly, a doctor from our church who was 46 had funeral services held last week, antoher co worker had a stroke last year at this time, another co worker losing eye sight and diagnosed with CML. All of my co workers are in their 40s to 50s. Yet no one seems to think anything unusual about it.

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Has anyone else noticed many young athletes are dying of heart attacks due to "genetic heart conditions"? Its seems there is "suddenly" a high incidence of genetic heart condition in youth these days.

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This mass murder was evidently years, probably decades, in the works.

Here is Obama’s ‘Obamacare’ architect, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, back in 2009 being outed as a promoter of Nazi-like euthanasia (after being accused, at the 3:00 mark he flees the scene) (Worth saving before video gets scrubbed from the internet):


Dr. Emanuel was appointed to Biden’s Covid Advisory Board. He is the brother of former President Obama’s Chief of Staff, and former mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel.

Dr. Ezekiel Emmuel wrote an article for The Atlantic titled


‘An argument that society and families—and you—will be better off if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly’”:


And guess who happened to turn age 75 in the year 2021??? The leading age group of the Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), and who are a much larger demographic age group than those preceding it (the smaller Silent Generation-born between 1928 and 1945) and succeeding it (Generation X-born between 1965 and 1980).

Our puppet masters would rather just kill off the elderly and other ‘undesirables’ and ‘useless eaters’ who drain the National Treasury via Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. And heck, from their perspective, who needs people around anymore with robots and Artificial Intelligence and all the world’s knowledge and discoveries up till now being able to be contained likely in a laptop computer?

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While deaths in this ongoing compilation have come from all over, It seemed in any given week there were geographical clusters. It was often PA, IA, WI, NY, TN, MA featured prominently, among other states.

But what is up with TX over last 6-8 weeks, particularly the Austin and San Antonio areas? This week it seems like the Dallas area. Is it just me? Are there more active researchers in these areas supporting this effort?

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Whoever orchestrated this genocidal plan—and I don’t care who they are, and whether or not they believe themselves to be doing good—they are, in my estimation, truly evil. I cannot believe how utterly divisive and diabolical “COVID” and the “vaccines” are. There does not appear to be a way out, absent reactionary violence, which then—while perhaps momentarily emotionally gratifying—causes more destruction and chaos for us. These fuckers have really got us by the balls, don’t they?

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And now according to Prof. Konstantin Beck of Lucerne University in Switzerland, that country has now experienced an unprecedented increase in cancer cases in 2022 and beyond. The numbers can only be explained by an extraordinary causal factor at work - three guesses what that might be.


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22 year-old footballer dies from an "undetected genetic heart condition". Undetected for 22 years eh? Murdered.

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I just learned today that if you have in/out surgery you cannot be a DNR. That really pisses me off especially reading about all these folks dying. They truly do not want you to make or have any health decisions of your own.

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Everyone who took the Covid jab are at risk of heart attack, strokes, cancers, various diseases that may kill them. There are solutions. Mine is the ancient Urine therapy. Connect with UT groups. Or contact Dr. Jake Ames, Naturopath, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Watch his video on urine fasting.

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It's absolutely heartbreaking what is going on. I'm always dreading a phone call about all my family members who got the poke out of fear.

I'm not sure what email to use to report deaths. So here goes.

The son of a couple high school classmates of mine was only 26 and died 3 weeks after his first symptoms. He had leukemia and died November 20.

The other is another high school classmate's wife who was diagnosed with brain cancer in January and passed away November 19.



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