sadly, no surprises anymore, just a shake of the head and a silent acknowledgment that things might only get worse...

if you're wondering why so many people who got the jabs don't seem to recognize it or face it, one top geneticist actually believes it's due to a neurological 'hijack' that is erasing their memories and changing their personalities... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/sheep-brain-top-molecular-geneticist?r=8ypo0

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By researching and writing and providing these, Mark is keeping us all safely within reality….some day we will be able to actually use it to prove something….so frustrating!! But all our thanks until then….

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Amazing, actually unputdownable book!

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The cost of compliance has the world in its grip.

Those who won’t stand against it will be the end of us all.

Time to make a stand.

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That really resonated Don..time to make a stand!!

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But what does that mean?

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Most Doctors

Enjoy Being Proven Wrong

Far Less

Than They Tolerate Killing You.


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But failed their oath and their ability to check the safety.

Not Doing their job as we expect them to has cost many their life and their health. Can be no excuse for them.

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Do no harm has been removed from the oath, I believe

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deletedApr 25
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Probably was they’ve been setting this up for a very long time.

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Yes, here in Croatia - athletes died on the playground, young people, so sad. But, ordinary people, too. Here in my country, vaccines were not mandatory - but they conditioned people to show up at work, i.e. if you don't get vaccinated - you don't work anymore. Also, those who travel a lot, the whole EU forced them to get vaccinated. Yesterday on N1 television, which is a branch of CNN in Croatia, a journalist publicly stated that this is the first time he has heard that vaccines have harmed someone, he knows how they have helped. It was in a conversation with our representative in the EP, Mislav Kolakušić, who with a small number of EP representatives called out and spoke publicly against covid terror and vaccines. Much greetings Mr. Miller, you are doing a phenomenal and great job. Thank you.

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There are within my experience on social media those who post "No one I know has any negative side effects or consequences from the vaccination. (I use the term loosely). I really don't know what to say. I suppose it is possible that they know not one person who has had a bad outcome. The variability in the batches was precisely to cause this sort of outcome. Mixed results and therefore built-in plausible deniability. Evil genius.

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So I'm seeing this is VT William. Entire state, around 600,000 people. Obviously the initial 2 shots would be benign. In this small state adverse events would have been way too obvious. Then add we're a very blue state politically. The people who have gotten 3+ shots however seem to be experiencing major health issues and an obvious diminished immune response to everything... they're constantly sick.

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Same story here in Massachusetts....although I personally know several people in the dis-ease industry who have been stricken by 'coincidence', including an ER physician's assistant for the biggest trauma center in the area who developed a leukemia last summer (4 shots and counting) and continues to be a huge promoter of the fake and effective deathshot. Another is a young nurse who developed swollen lymph nodes a few weeks after her first shot and then full blown lymphoma right after her second. She now is disabled and has to take a two hour nap every morning after she walks her two young children down the driveway to catch the school bus. She is fully aware that it was the shots that did this to her....she was aware after the first shot, yet it didn't stop her from taking the second one. All to keep the job that she ended up losing, along with her health and her whole future. It's so insane how the ability to think and draw conclusions, then make appropriate decisions seems to have been lost.

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"All to keep the job that she ended up losing, along with her health and her whole future."

This. The irony is lost on most people. Taking a drug to "stay safe" from the common cold and keeping the paychecks coming leads to still catching the common cold, getting serious side effects and losing the paychecks. And still they would do the same thing over again if they had the chance.

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Unfortunately, yes. Muzzled slaves were already scurrying around everywhere outside in the early days of the covidcon. At that time, I still had my job in downtown Springfield and I would go in and out of the building using the back stairwell because damned if I was ever going to put a muzzle over my face. To this day, many are still wearing muzzles at the grocery stores, and even outside. These poor cult followers insist on believing that the harmful, humanity-destroying plastic-woven strips of paper actually "protect" against ......something. It's incredibly sad and horrifying.

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They seem to have it down to around 10°/° affected and well spread across the recipients. We had a friend die in the Drs surgery when receiving their first shot. Very healthy 50 year old.

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A very close coworker of mine's mother died the day after hers. My sister in law died four days after hers. My ex wife's best friend's husband died a week after his. A close friend of mine had his cancer, which had been in remission for ten years, return and kill him in a matter of weeks. A childhood friend of mine's wife died weeks after hers. Two of my friends now have aggressive cancers. One of them relayed to me his doctor told him, "It's as though all of your internal organs are metastasizing". Coincidences I'm sure.

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I have read that statistically the red states had significantly more harms and deaths.

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I read Red states were deliberately targeted with more deadly batches. They knew exactly what they were doing. Never forgive, never forget.

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Mark's readers might appreciate this "By the Numbers" presentation of our New Abnormal.

I think I'm going to make these data nuggets a recurring feature for my Substack.


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Thank you for posting this, Bill! Those numbers were enlightening, and I loved that you sprinkled humor in there too!

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Thanks. It would have been good to add this line:

XX - Number of "Died Suddenly" articles Mark Crispin Miller has published on his Substack in the last three years.

... If somebody really wanted to do a deep dive, he or she could count up all the people mentioned in all these articles. Even if 90 percent did NOT die from vaccine adverse events, that would still mean 10 percent did ... and that 10 percent would still be a massive number, certainly a large enough number to ban the shots ASAP.

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That's precisely the statistic I thought you'd done on your substack! And asked for on here before. Sigh

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Hope your fundraiser did well, MCM!

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Thankyou again Mark. This grizzle spectacle is so necessary because the sheeple forget and if wecan keep it alive maybe the world well not fall for it again!

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Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal's sister Dimple from the photo was clearly special needs. https://www.indiaforums.com/article/jennifer-mistry-bansiwals-sister-dimple-passes-away-days-after-being-hospitalised_206823 I struggle with dark thoughts of how many defenseless souls were unknowingly "helped".

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All ridden down under the bloody hooves of the First Horseman.


All of his dread companions are following closely.



Keep the Faith.

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deletedApr 25
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Well shedding is real.

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A Midwestern Doctor/The Forgotten Side of Medicine here on Substack has come up with a plausible mechanism for the shedding that we're observing. He/she proposes that spike covered exosomes are being exhaled by people who have taken the shot. He/she has also done a great job of compiling anecdotal shedding symptoms. https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/unraveling-the-mystery-of-mrna-vaccine?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=748806&post_id=140771514&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=16n8yp&triedRedirect=true

Also Dr. Pierre Kory did an excellent 9-part series of articles on shedding. I highly recommend both AMD's & Dr. Kory's Substacks.

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Agree! AMD and Dr. Kory are the best!! It was AMDs shedding article that connected the dots for me about being in exposure with my cleaning clients as I’m a housekeeper.

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I also wonder if there have been "shedding" after the flu shots of 2019-2020 and, especially, 2020-2021.

The huge spike in "Covid" cases, hospitalizations and deaths occurred in Year 2 of the official pandemic - from November 2020 through February 2021. This was after large percentages of the country had gotten their flu shots. Also, the make-up of the flu shots had changed significantly the flu season prior.

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Shedding is real! All my clients are vaxxed and I have been terribly sick! Been on a high does of Ivermectin and other supplements hoping to clear the biotoxin. Unfortunately, I’m still in exposure. And I have CIRS so I don’t clear bioroxins well and my innate immune system is haywire.

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deletedApr 25
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Creeping Death, are you familiar with Nick Pineault, the EMF Guy? He's doing a great job of getting the word out about the harms of ubiquitous EMFs. He just finished a free summit a couple weeks ago with interviews with doctors who understand and with entrepreneurs who provide tools to help shield ourselves. Nick is a also great source of info on what is worth buying and what's a waste of money.


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BTW Creeping Death, I'm sorry that I didn't realize where you were headed with your comment above about the non-vaxxed showing signs of degrading mental function. You're probably right that EMFs can play a role in that. I had assumed incorrectly that you were referring to shedding. :)

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I’ve been a sickly child ever since infancy I believe due to vaccines kicking on CIRS. I have the HLA gene defect. I’ve been reading A Midwestern Doctor’s articles and the dots are connecting. Thank you AMD!!

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RemovedApr 25
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Troll alert

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Click on the three little dots on the right and report it

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Thanks. I didn’t know that option was still there.

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