I expect this one would've been noticed? Dr Mosly from UK


Thank you so much for the LT collection of the sudden deaths. It is truly reflecting how unnatural this all is (understatement of the year). In my country we're being told how much worse the CV deaths would've been without the interventions of lockdowns & jab. The lying is breathtaking, one wonders how these people sleep at night.

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He was in last week’s report: June 3 - June 10

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They are psychopaths.

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True they are

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Well researched thanks.

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At this rate there’ll be nobody left in a few years.

Maybe that’s why they’re flooding the UK & Ireland with young African men so that the streets don’t look too empty?

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Thanks for your on-going work Mark and team.

A technicality: the entry for Damien Mellarkey belongs in the United Kingdom section as Co. Fermanagh is in Northern Ireland (part of the UK)


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Shane Hale died in a motorbike / car crash.

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From above on the cardiac arrest of an 11-year-old girl: "An inquest has recorded a verdict of death by natural causes after an 11-year-old died having been diagnosed with constipation." Huh? DEATH BY NATURAL CAUSES for an 11-year-old girl?!

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