These dead people have family and friends. Their silence is absolutely deafening...

There has been a steep increase in overdoses and suicides among young folk in my neck of the woods. There is NO question this is a jab related outcome. Hopelessness is NOT "mental illness." It is the response to an ever growing unacceptable reality...

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I agree with you that the silence is deafening. One of my oldest friends told me we couldn’t talk about the vaccines so whenever I bring it up she just ignores me like I’m not even talking like she can’t hear the words I’m speaking. it’s very strange, very strange indeed.

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Same here.

Lifelong friend of fifty-five years goes deaf and mute when I try to warn her.

I felt impotent, angry and helpless at first. But our fates are our own.

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I see lots of people saying that it’s still Covid that is killing people. And it doesn’t help that many doctors and med journals tell people that is what’s causing it.

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Even if it were Covid that would just show that the injections are a complete flop.

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Totally agree about "deafening" - could be lots of reasons - censorship/visibility filtering needs to be considered. I recall 2021, 22 - you would see lots of videos of someone vax injured or a family member was - seemed like 90% of them would start with this testimony: "I am not Anti-Vax, but ...." - I bet the IC (Intelligence Community) viewers would break out in a big smile every time they would see that! But, I cannot recall the last time I have seen any "vax injury" testimonial video. Strange and getting stranger!

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Wonder how many people died or were maimed after their CVS jabs?

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The linked story of the CVS pharmacist included in this summary is interesting. Anderson died at 41 from a heart attack at work in 2021. Her story is resurfacing as they are trying to sue CVS for supposedly creating the stress that killed her.

Pretending the problem is work related stress and you can sue your employer seems like waving red meat for lawyers to go after much softer targets than Pfizer. And unsurprising to see Eric Topol in the linked article supporting the farce.

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Here’s the list of all the people under 57 that I knew of, or heard of, in my life that died unexpectedly- not including accidents, before 2021:

- no one

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I starting commenting simply "how did they die?" whenever a friend posts the death of a personal friend or celebrity but it got so much that i tired of doing it and the few people who responded would say, " people die" like why am i asking. The thing is, until now, listing cause of death in an obituary was standard. Now, it seems not to be, and people are normalizing this.

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Are we done yet? I guess not since it’s still being injected everyday.

Does anyone have a heatmap of the 2021-2024 US died suddenly view to see what states are the worst?

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What I really want to know as someone who took the initial pair of Pfizer in Spring 2021 is how many shots these victims had. I.e., what is the relative risk of 2 jabs vs 5 or 6? I doubt this kind of data will ever be compiled and analyzed.

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Several studies have shown that the more jabs you take, the worse the outcome. Bottom line: Don't take any more of these MRNA jabs, ever.

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Feb 15, 2024Edited
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The more jabs the riskier...

Many died or were severely jab injured before receiving the second dose...

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💔💔💔💔this is getting worse💔💔💔💔

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"Mourning for Cecilia Gentili: the transgender activist and actress dies at the age of 52"

Thank you Pfizer.

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Details were sketchy with this one so it may have been jab related or possibly a suicide given the alarmingly high gender-bender suicide rate. I refuse to use the term transgender as there is no such thing. You are born with either XX or XY and the parts to match 99.9% of the time.

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Are you kidding? Jesus Christ.

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The plane crash on the highway was due to engine failure.

'The jet was minutes from landing at Naples Airport when the pilots told air traffic control the aircraft’s two engines malfunctioned, King said.'

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Feb 15, 2024Edited
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I also wondered how both engines could fail. Your comment made me think of people who get injected together and then later die around the same time. It it could be some component failure specific to these specific engines. Really sad and unfortunate course of events.

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I stand corrected. You are right. And I am shocked.

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I wonder how many of these folks could have benefited from chlorine dioxide solution (CDS). It's cheap, easily available and works marvelously on viruses, bacteria, fungi, prion and spike proteins. You can learn all about it at TheUniversalAntidotedotcom. CDS, Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and Mebendazole all work very well on turbo cancers. Do a search for Joe Tippens. Stay out of the hospitals, those folks will kill you.

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It is sad to hear people weekly ask for prayers for people who are recently diagnosed with late stage cancers, and then ask why so many recently. I see also more people who have new chronic conditions that are impacting their quality of life. The multi vaxed do not want to confront the possibility that they may be next.

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That Indian students death was one of five University Indian students, it was profiled in the India Newspaper I saw at the local restaurant. Its so shocking to read it and think they can come to no possible conclusion, like nothing at all... https://indianexpress.com/article/world/indian-origin-student-dead-us-indiana-sameer-kamath-9148428/

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Don't be surprised if racism isn't the blame.

"Kamath is the fifth Indian-origin student to be killed in the US since January 2024." Interesting the word killed was used, sounds like to me all of them died except for one that sounds like was murdered.

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They can't put 2 and 2 together

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A childhood friend who is now a pediatrician and pushes the vax and all childhood shots heavily posted on her FB this week:

“We are still struggling to comprehend this, but my sister, Angela Moore Dillard, lost her sweet husband, Gerald Dillard, today. He was a wonderful part of our family, always funny and clever and kind and thoughtful. Everyone is in shock. This was sudden and unexpected. Please pray for my sister and Ashley Hodges and Greer Dillard. “


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"From the Romweber Family,

'It is our sad duty to inform the world that our beloved youngest brother John Michael Romweber II – you know him as Dexter [of the Flat Duo Jets] -- died at home on Friday, Feb. 16, 2024. He was 57 years old, and found by his sister Monica. It is believed he died of natural causes; a medical exam is pending.' "


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I asked a funeral home about a young person's obituary that doesn't state the cause of their unexpected death and her answer was that it was probably a suicide or a drug overdose so the family doesn't want that disclosed. This young man was capable of neither. Ignorance, purposeful blanking out and ignoring truth to prevent painful truth sitting right in front of them.

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Note the family of the pharmacist who died of a cardiac arrest at age 41 blamed her death on her job. It is true pharmacists have stressful jobs (I have a family member who is one) but odds are this gal died from the jabs. Fortunately my family member who is a pharmacist got only one jab before waking up to the truth. But he has many colleagues who got every covid mRNA shot and booster.

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Is it better to tell people that they have been injected with a deadly poison and have them live in fear of what they allowed themselves to be injected with, or is it better for them not to know and just die while being ignorant of the harm they allowed onto themselves?

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I don't say anything to people who took the vaccine(s) and then complain about their heart problems, shingles, blood clots, etc. What is the point? They didn't listen before they took the vaccines, they are not going to listen after. I have moved on from the whole Covid Clown show.

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All the info they need has been out for a long time. If they wanted to know, they would know. If not, nothing you tell them will ever convince them. That's why "long covid" exists, it gives them something to blame for every possible health issue.

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That is a difficult dilemma. I do not want to rub salt in the wound of those who are ill or mourning, so I often choose to say nothing unless the person asks me based on emails I have sent out since the beginning of the PlanDemic recommending NO mRNA shots at all.

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Better to tell people. We need a critical mass of red-pilled, pissed off people to make any difference.

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