Thank you for compiling this information. I began something similar in 2021 because I kept noticing in the news people dying suddenly and the lack of information - no cause. Also, I am in my early 60s and many were a lot younger than me! I send the emails to a relative titled ¨Another one bites the dust...¨ I am currently up to 658 emails. Each email has over 4 people listed, some have even 10 listed! And these are mostly celebrity people, so imagine the average person out there that does not get to be in the news! I did this also because I do genealogy research on my family and in 2020 I had over 8 relatives ¨die suddenly¨¨. Last month my uncle died suddenly from blood clots and sepsis. He was athletic, a vegan, extremely health conscious - so much so that he had gotten the shots. He was well then he died within two weeks of not feeling well and trouble breathing.

Yesterday I got the news that a friend of mine is ill, again, he has been sick on and off for the last few years. He is in his 40s. He drives a taxi so he had to have the shot and boosters to keep his job. Yes, everyone around me is sick here. All the time.

I wrote about what is happening in the hospital - experiments on patients - we are living in a medical tyranny: https://open.substack.com/pub/aztec8888/p/covid-19-program-e0aae11be212?r=prmxc&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thank you for your testimony Renee. So many are willfully blind.

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The words below were written by someone named -SaBi- who has captured much of what I struggle with. Thank you all for your friendship, faith and kindness.

“Sometimes it is a curse to be 'awake'. While awakening is the most liberating, empowering and far-reaching journey, it is also the loneliest and most confusing journey of all.

No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening, or the grief that comes with it. You mourn not only the life and illusions you once had, but also the realization that almost everything you once thought you knew is a lie. The beliefs you held onto, the people you learned to trust, the principles you were taught.

You mourn the loss of many relationships with people who simply won't and can't "see" it. You feel alone, ridiculed and shamed, not only by the masses, but for many of us by your own family and friends. You feel like you no longer have much in common with the people around you.

It is difficult to have useless and superficial conversations that lack substance with those who are still in deep sleep. Some even mourn the loss of their ignorance, because ignorance makes many things easier.

There is no way to sugarcoat it: waking from twilight sleep is brutal. You will go through the full range of human emotions. You will dive down the darkest rabbit hole, processing information only to emerge and cope with daily life. You will feel more and more disconnected from family and friends, as if you were living in another world.

If you recognize yourself, know that you are not alone. Not only are you not alone, there are many of us. We may be separated by distance, but we are deeply connected.”


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What I am feeling now is worse than anything before in my 67 years - the loss of a future, the loss of the future for my son and daughter to live a life.

Relationships seem just about dead. People cannot develop close relationships these days when there is spike protein shedding that compromises health.

The technology that was supposed to bring people closer, does the opposite.

The world is full of violence and sexual perversity.

The threat of war is constant. Innocent people dying is prevalent.

A cult of death.

It is called the new normal.

I know how bad it is when I talk to my son and daughter about my own life when I was young and it is like I am describing life on another planet.

I want the future back.

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I hear you. It’s like PTSD on steroids, day in, day out. My childhood friend Peggy hung herself, out of the blue in 22. Patsy died of a brain aneurysm 2 days after being boosted. Dave recently retired and diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Ria diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. Mr. Brown hospitalized with stomach pain, stage 4 bowel cancer, he was dead in a week. I could continue but I won’t. I care for my unvaccinated father in law who was recently hospitalized with pneumonia at the VA. We got him home before they could kill him with Remdesivir. OMG, the tsunami of death every day is very difficult to navigate. The cumulative loss staggering. I don’t know if anyone is waking up but I’m losing my ability to interact with those that are asleep. I just dont care if the friendship is damaged by the truth. If their to stupid to see what’s happening at this point I’m done.

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John 11:25-26

King James Version

25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.

2 Timothy 3:1

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

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For your reading pleasure

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I feel like I am living in the middle of a very bad sci-fi movie.

The Zombie Apocalypse Part I.

Hang in there.

As for people who are still asleep, I cannot help them. The filters are on and they don´t listen to me even when the evidence that something is very wrong is hanging right in front of them.


My cousin works for the CDC. He told me and my son right after we got over Covid19 that we had to get the shot or we would die! My uncle and aunt will not listen to a thing I say about any of it. My cousin´s adopted kids got their vaccines - I tried to warn my aunt that they should wait a bit - autism is a serious problem from early multiple vaccines. I sent her research papers - she is a nurse and intelligent - but no...she does not even try to research. Now one of the daughters is autistic and my aunt talks to me about the child´s autism as if this is just the most common thing. Like I never said anything. My uncle got boosted even though he already had some health issues. He now has the unset of dementia and his kidneys are failing. Within a year!

My sister: smart but dense: she was literally discussing how she was thinking of getting the vaccine because she did not want to have any ¨down time¨. Even though I sent her information and discussed how everyone is getting sick around me that had gotten the shots and she has her own health problems that might be exacerbated by taking this vaccine. Now, she does not even talk to me at all. She made her husband and daughter get the shot to protect her. Her husband began acting very erratic last I spoke to her. Her daughter, my niece, works in a lab making...you guessed it - bio-weapons. You cannot make this stuff up.

My daughter is living with a guy who works in a hospital, he had the shot and had been boosted. My daughter now complains of menstrual problems. I explained to her about shedding and sent information to her about it. She will not even discuss it. To do so would be questioning her relationship with a guy who has made no move to get married and who she is dependent on.

My many friends and other relatives - non existent - I do not know if they are even still alive. Phones numbers changed, calls go unanswered.

I give them all information about functional medicine so that they can get some help.

But they ignore it.

They are in denial that there is even a problem.

It is like they are sleepwalking through life.

To survive you cannot sleepwalk.

I was greatly inconvenienced by being wide awake and realizing I had to sell my house, my car, give away most of my accumulated stuff and take an early retirement to move out of the country entirely. I moved to a country I had never even visited before and I had to learn a new language - at 60. I moved because I was surrounded by people who were not awake, were not going to do anything to help themselves, and are in denial. My son was a lifeguard and described how a drowning person can drown the rescuer. I am the type of person who does not plan on drowning.

Since 2017 I have been living in paradise. But there is no escape. I see they are spraying the skies here, they are trying to implement 15 min cities, they are making sure people get their boosters.

They are now building a larger cemetery.

I stay because there is a growing resistance here.

My son and daughter that I tried to raise and educate so they could live a better life are not even getting a chance. The future I am handing them is nothing. There is no value in suffering medical harms being mandated, in trying to raise a family in such an environment that is polluted.

This, for me, is the source of my greatest sadness.

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Matthew 8:22

But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

Luke 9:60

Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.

Unfortunate, but this is what Yeshua has said

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My dear Renee Michel, Thank you for your story. No, you can’t make this stuff up. You’ve shared so much for me to reflect on and I appreciate the writing.

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