One would expect there to be mainly seniors among the obits, but instead it seems to be dominated by people in their 20's to 50's! It's shocking to see so many young people dying of cancer! I hope these Big Pharma criminals are brought to justice!
While reading these obituaries, I noticed growing anger in me. Where are the families of these victims???? What’s wrong with them???? I can’t take it anymore 😡😢.
I hate seeing the MAID stuff. And all the young people dying "sudden but peaceful" deaths. Someone clearly enjoys killing here. Why give them the pleasure? I imagine the WEF, elites and the devil himself are all laughing their a$$es off when someone "chooses death with dignity" (lol-got another one with our woke nonsense!) or died from a "safe and effective" jab (save granny-kill yourself instead!). Does anyone even care about life anymore?
One would expect there to be mainly seniors among the obits, but instead it seems to be dominated by people in their 20's to 50's! It's shocking to see so many young people dying of cancer! I hope these Big Pharma criminals are brought to justice!
While reading these obituaries, I noticed growing anger in me. Where are the families of these victims???? What’s wrong with them???? I can’t take it anymore 😡😢.
I hear you. Unreal.
I hate seeing the MAID stuff. And all the young people dying "sudden but peaceful" deaths. Someone clearly enjoys killing here. Why give them the pleasure? I imagine the WEF, elites and the devil himself are all laughing their a$$es off when someone "chooses death with dignity" (lol-got another one with our woke nonsense!) or died from a "safe and effective" jab (save granny-kill yourself instead!). Does anyone even care about life anymore?