What is with all these appendix cancers this week?

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Used to be RARE!

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Unheard of. I think they're calling every anomaly cancer. Interesting how quickly that appendix society popped up to collect funds for "research".

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Yes. Any medical professionals who can tell us what is happening?

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the 'professionals' is what got us into this mess...

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Okay. Honest professionals?

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here's the rub, they will no longer be 'professionals'

once they turn 'honest'...

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Was gonna say the same thing! I had not even heard to appendix cancer until like last year!

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Exactly what I was going to say... never heard of it!

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Made up diagnosis

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And it is regional! No appendix cancers in the Canada list.

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I ran into a former co-worker today. I haven’t seen him in over a year. He mentioned four former clients of ours who’ve died over the past year: two from brain cancer and two from late-stage organ cancers. This is becoming too commonplace for comfort!

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Yet did he seem horrified?

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Interestingly, no. I would say his reaction was…masked? He and I had “the discussion” two years ago and I know he was vehemently against getting vaxxed. I kept repeating in a low voice while he relayed these facts to me, “It’s the vaccine…it’s the vaccine…people are dying from the vaccine” but he didn’t agree or deny it, one way or another. My sense (and observation) is that he, like many people, is struggling with the enormity of what is happening and is struggling to process the horror and reality of it. We agreed to get together sometime this weekend. I suspect I will be hearing about more turbo cancers and “died suddenlies” when we do! 🫤

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I only have a few people in my life I can say that to... I've said it to others and it's as if they can't hear me or decipher what I'm saying.

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In my case friends refuse to even consider that the cause is the jabs. Probably because they all took at least one. :-(

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My goodness, this list. An endless scroll. The people that perpetrated this are less-than-scum. Truly awful, and even more awful walking around in zombieland while the normie talks to me about sportsball and Netflix, oblivious to the ongoing democide.

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Yes. I almost screamed at at a group of physicians talking about Taylor Swift... 😡. WFC!!!

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Jun 27·edited Jun 28

Apparently 90F is the new 106F according to the NYT and WAPO propagandists. If one looks at the temp data the 1930's were far hotter on average than present day.

The latest "Doublespeak" from WAPO:


Also, how are life insurance companies not collapsing yet with the excess death in working age folks?

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I would bet the government is giving them subsidies to change the data. The evil is all encompassing.

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Gotta keep pushing their hoax answers. It is a two-fer pushes Climate Change and the Vaxx.

One thing I will agree with is the notion we have become soft. The population at large has become heat sensitive because very few are out in it on a regular basis as in the past. Bodies adapt over time to being used to being in the A/C. Then throw in the brain washing that being out in that Climate Change heat is terrible it starts to seep into the brain and people believe it hook, line, and sinker. Besides it isn't the heat, it is the humidity. 😂

Many of these people are too young to even have considered getting life insurance.

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I keep keeping AC unit temp at 78° which is hot for a lot of folks and I only turn it on in the evening.

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I never heard of appendix cancer before. Is it because the appendix is acting as a sort of filter?


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Me neither, but I know a formerly healthy 45 y/o that has it. Mutiple jabs.

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This is all just terrible. I know of 4 died suddenlies but no turbo cancer -- yet.

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4 died suddenly, 3 cancers, one heart disease that came quickly after jab....

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I had never heard of it either until 2 deaths from it in my own town a few months ago.

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I listened to a CHD interview of Dr Paul Marick this week and he mentioned that during the Phizer trials appendicitis was the most common serious medical condition observed. The participants were hospitalized which is why it was serious. He speculated that the liver was filtering out the spike and dumping it into the intestine in the bile, which may be causing the increase in appendix, gallbladder, liver, and colon cancers. I too have a good friend who was just this week diagnosed with appendix cancer which looks to have already spread to his colon and his bladder.

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Dr. Marik's speculation does make sense. So sorry about your good friend's illness.

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Thank you for your comment. I'll go find that interview. In January of this year, actor Adan Canto died of appendix cancer and that might have been the first time I really noticed it because I liked him in the tv show Designated Survivor. Not so rare lately.

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All these babies

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I have never seen so many babies dying. Is it escalating? I wonder if these babies were just babies from C-waxed parents or they got some wax right away.

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That’s a good question

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It's the coverup of these horrendous deaths and such young ages that has to be exposed. They are accelerating the hiding of it all as we see with recent case supporting government censorship. They can try all they want but truth always floats to the top.

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Appendix cancer.

Let that sink in...

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Absolutely sickening. Bio-weapon brought to you by your own government.

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Yes. And we paid for this garbage with our tax dollars...

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Died Suddenly on June 10, 2024. 43 years old.

Obituary | Michelle Ann Stamness of Huntsville, Alabama | Berryhill Funeral Home & Crematory


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And in other news - I wonder if unemployment rates are going down with all these abandoned jobs opening up?

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Wow. Prior to today's post of "died suddenly", I knew of 3 deaths in my area of IL due to appendix cancer in late 2023 or early 2024 and I had never heard of appendix cancer before those deaths. Now today there are TEN appendix cancer deaths. Nine of them just in April & May of this year. According to info I looked up, it is considered relatively rare with just one or two deaths per million people in the U.S. This is an EXPLOSION of this cancer!!

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Donald Sutherland was 88. It's normal to die when you're old. 88 is old.

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Appendix cancer?! Never heard of it.

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Folks, it is my belief that 90% of so-called “professionals” are part of the problem. We are on our own unless we can find a good, open-minded practitioner. To hell with these so-called “professionals”.

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