Feb 8·edited Feb 8

Anyone else noticed?

All these “vehicle crashes” mostly do not involve other vehicles and impact damage suggest slow speeds which should be survivable.. seems these people are dying at the wheel before crashing… not dying due to the crash itself… another example of the perfect internal kill shot being blamed on events outside the body.

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Totally. It's a feature of modmRNA auto accidents.

Thanks to God, innocent "anti-vaxxers" were not affected by these lone vehicle crashes.

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Totally. It's a feature of modmRNA auto accidents.

Thanks to God, innocent "anti-vaxxers" were not affected by this lone vehicle crashes.

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“But there is one consolation: Cosette can still save the lives of other children.”


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"Peter Ricken died suddenly and completely unexpectedly at the age of only 47 - as a result of a routine procedure in the hospital, as they say."

Oh, and what kind of "routine procedure" might that be? Something that starts with the letter "V"?!

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