No one even knows who is dying in their own communities and towns. My neighbour doctor who told me he was unwell a year ago but his doctors didn't know what from passed last November and none of my neighbours even knew. Just found this out last week. He was fit and healthy otherwise. What kind of neighbourhoods do we really live in? Deta…
No one even knows who is dying in their own communities and towns. My neighbour doctor who told me he was unwell a year ago but his doctors didn't know what from passed last November and none of my neighbours even knew. Just found this out last week. He was fit and healthy otherwise. What kind of neighbourhoods do we really live in? Detached and afraid to speak about any topic of importance? A friend tried to post an obituary in our recently bought out local paper and they were going to charge $1,200. There are no obituaries other than on line and even then minimal and hard to find. Cause is also rarely cited as you know. Sorry you have to do this job but clearly needs documentation of murders ......I'll repeat murders as long as they refuse to acknowledge this is happening and fail to protect or care.
No one even knows who is dying in their own communities and towns. My neighbour doctor who told me he was unwell a year ago but his doctors didn't know what from passed last November and none of my neighbours even knew. Just found this out last week. He was fit and healthy otherwise. What kind of neighbourhoods do we really live in? Detached and afraid to speak about any topic of importance? A friend tried to post an obituary in our recently bought out local paper and they were going to charge $1,200. There are no obituaries other than on line and even then minimal and hard to find. Cause is also rarely cited as you know. Sorry you have to do this job but clearly needs documentation of murders ......I'll repeat murders as long as they refuse to acknowledge this is happening and fail to protect or care.
$1,200?? Criminality all around! And the online obits are swarming with ads!!!
The pop up ads on obituary pages infuriate me! What is left that can’t be commodified?
Not much... except maybe ads on church pews?? 😹