Went to high school in San Diego in the 1980s. Fall practice started in August, when the Santa Ana winds were often at their hottest. East San Diego County, where the temperatures are hottest, has plenty of high school football. I cannot remember a single time in my life--except after 2020--when high school football players were dropping dead from "heat."

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

Prior to January 2021 the only young athlete I could think of dying suddenly and unexpectedly from something like a heart attack was Len Bias. That was drug related. Now it happens for reasons like it's hot outside. Climate change!

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No one even knows who is dying in their own communities and towns. My neighbour doctor who told me he was unwell a year ago but his doctors didn't know what from passed last November and none of my neighbours even knew. Just found this out last week. He was fit and healthy otherwise. What kind of neighbourhoods do we really live in? Detached and afraid to speak about any topic of importance? A friend tried to post an obituary in our recently bought out local paper and they were going to charge $1,200. There are no obituaries other than on line and even then minimal and hard to find. Cause is also rarely cited as you know. Sorry you have to do this job but clearly needs documentation of murders ......I'll repeat murders as long as they refuse to acknowledge this is happening and fail to protect or care.

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$1,200?? Criminality all around! And the online obits are swarming with ads!!!

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The pop up ads on obituary pages infuriate me! What is left that can’t be commodified?

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Not much... except maybe ads on church pews?? 😹

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Another week where over 30 nurses died most of them suddenly almost with no exceptions. Maybe one or two. Furthermore, no cause of death reported in almost all of them. As a physician, I would presume knowing what I went through that most likely the vaccines were mandated. I don't think it is beyond the realm of possibility that all of these nurses were mandated to take the vaccines at least two and perhaps a booster. I am an interventional cardiologist, and I was furloughed because I refused to produce a vaccine passport. I don't have the words to express my anger and my grief over this despicable carnage. To you, Anthony Fauci, Satan's acolyte I would say you would or should be ashamed, but I know I would be wasting my breath because you're not ashamed. You are a modern day, Adolf Eichmann. May God have mercy on your soul and all of you other eugenicists and murderers. There will be a reckoning gentleman and ladies. This is genocide. This is murder and there is no statute of limitations here on earth or in heaven unless you repent.

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Anger and grief... I hear you. 😞 I used to be proud of my profession. I can barely muster a polite conversation anymore.

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I cannot bring myself to pray for mercy for Fauci. I just want God to render His judgment, which is always perfect.

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These deaths are obscene. Vulgar. Revolting.

And preventable...

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And 80% of the democrats in congress say the vaccine caused no injuries!!!!!!!!!!! I guess we need to ask them about deaths. God bless all these victims.

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The 60 year old woman dead at her cubicle for 4 days without anyone noticing. Wow.

Maybe the covid shot or maybe not. I think that story is even more interesting from the perspective of modern work culture.

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Reminds of the handful of young up and coming bankers who checked out early. “If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?” People are so locked into the matrix, they can’t even save themselves from its predations, or what’s worse, they can’t even save their kids. Still striving for trophies and stuff while the reaper breathes down their necks. Still sending their kids to death and brainwashing camps to avoid “learning loss.” Learn what exactly? How to be an effin moron that can’t even acknowledge the basic objective of life, avoid death?

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Lost his leg, then had two brain tumors removed, then a blood cancer in his lungs (wtf even is this? Blood goes everywhere!), then kidney failure... when is enough enough?

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People seem like they get in trouble with the jab because they have taken their careers too seriously.

It’s like “ come on folks, your career is worth taking the death jab over, come on, relax ! “

Too many people seemed to think a big income or big reputation made it ok to take the plung( er ), and just dive right in.

I’m not putting these poor souls down, but I also can’t help noticing this.

The homeless people went largely unaffected. Unaffected probably by neither the actual Covid illnesses nor the illnesses caused by the jab.

They still are hanging out, living in tents, riding bikes, and taking it slow.

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I had a friend marvel about this. "If it was so bad wouldn't all the homeless ppl be dead?" 6mos later she was lining up for her shot... no joke!

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Back in 2020 I was saying the same thing. If the virus was so deadly that the world had to be shut down, why aren't there people lying dead in the streets? Why aren't the homeless keeling over from it? What about all the discarded masks laying all over parking lots? Why didn't they provide hazardous medical equipment disposal containers all over?? So much BS fed to the people of the world.

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It seems like more people died in the hospitals than on the streets.

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Yes absolutely true. I don't recall hearing of people keeling over in the streets unil AFTER they were jabbed.

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Most people with kids and mortgages and responsibilities were in a very difficult position. Deciding to go homeless is much easier when it's just you. And in 2021 most people didn't understand the actual risk or benefit at all. Even today most people don't understand the risks, though they understand enough to have stopped taking boosters years ago. Even the people who proclaim their love for The Science.

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I scrolled through the deaths in the United States only and 90% of them roughly at least have no cause of death listed. How can this be? How was the cause of death pursued? Was it aggressively pursued? Was "the question" asked, namely did they take the vaccines?

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They're also is no indication whether or not autopsies were done and certainly, especially in the younger people ; an autopsy should've been demanded because when there is a sudden death, you want an autopsy not only to indicate whether or not there was a pre-existing illness that might be hereditary and thus helpful to the rest of the family, but also whether or not there was evidence of foul play.my sick sad suspicion is the most sickening example of foul play is prevalent in most of not all of these namely the vaccines.

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I bet you’d find lymphocytes in almost all of these hearts. Igg4 antibodies and spike protein. Some mixture of autoimmune myocarditis and antigen persistence/tolerance. Some probably also have endothelial damage that finally gave way. The calcified wall patch cracked. It was really a perfect plan. People can carry and deal with cardiovascular disease at wildly varying rates and for very different lengths of time. The pattern disappears, especially if you want to make it disappear.

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They charge big bucks for autopsies.

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is there any way to verify vax status with these unexpected death events? That is the missing information. I would think the families and friends would, at this point, be seeking possible reasons/causes and would share that information...

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Yes, there is a way to verify vax status. It's called journalism. Not much of it these days.

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They don't know they CAN do this after the intense campaign played on all of us. Shame on the media for ignoring literally ALL of these red flags. The panic and chaos that will ensue once the media decides to inform the public...🙄

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“Sudden and Unexpected” x account lists deaths and vaccine status that is taken from FB posts

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I do a search to try to find vax status - looking thru facebook accounts, looking for possible employer mandates. It's not always info that can be found.

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The Osage Beach, MO police officer was killed on duty in a crash during a chase, so not sure she should be in on this tally. 😪

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You don’t suppose at some point someone is going to erase all these links online so the past just disappears??

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I continue to be stunned at this weekly column of yours but more so at the complete disregard of it by the media.

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Seems as though they are in their 60s and younger…

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