Another very long list of died suddenly/after a brief illness. So many young ones. May they all Rest In Peace.

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40.2 wks is a FULL term baby, not a preemie.

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I have been following MC substack on all these young people’s deaths. Suddenly Passing with no cause or warning. It is really is distressing to see and yet a veil of silence from the medical community is baffling. Normalcy about what has taken place is not and should not be the New Normal. It really breaks my heart for all if these people. The lack of curiosity as to what is suddenly killing all these lovely souls is astounding. I am sure it is Not Climate Change. ‘ Something’ was introduced to society in the past 3 years ..and yet .. silence from the MSM media, and health officials.

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Hey buddy, my cousin Coby didn't die from MAID assisted suicide, vaccines, or whatever stupid narrative you're trying to push.

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