I never imagined in 2014 personal research would lead me down so many dark rabbit holes. I reflect on this when pondering how I ended up here, supporting MCM today. In 2014 I stumbled across the DEAD banksters lists which was filled with strange suicides and accidents. Wild stuff. Then I found the DEAD wholistic doctors lists, more suicides and accidental deaths. DEAD friends of the Clinton’s, DEAD big pharma peeps (Barry and Honey Sherman, and the courageous Brandy Vaughn, who tried to warn us all). Now the DEAD Vaxed athletes, DEAD vaxed zoo animals, and my personal list of DEAD or Vaccine injured family members and friends. So many crimes, so much suffering. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide us all as the evil amongst us are exposed.

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I knew an acupuncturist who, in attending a seminar, was told that an herbalist who discovered a successful herbal formula for a chronic condition had disappeared and they should be wary of a similar fate should they develop a successful herbal formula. I thought it was crazy histrionics. Not anymore. Goodness gracious, two whistleblowers on Boeing problems dying mysteriously? Add to this bizarre, nonsensical cases brought against Trump but no investigation of Hunter or his father. And students protesting a conflict that a number don't grasp coherently but don't question forced injections with possible long-term consequences. We are in a bizarro world.

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yes they are after us indeed

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Praying for Holy Spirit intervention and angels watching over us.

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Thank you Bee.

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I have never seen such a horrifying list…my mind cannot conceive…the talents, jokes, personalities, gifts and stories which could have been in all these people…..that these committees and leaders have been capable of such madness….to save the world, and give themselves more space,…, Ai yi yi.

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This episode of the Why Files will make you angry. Talks about inventors and their disappearance. Killer patents and Secret Science


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A new list to add to the collection. DEAD inventors who died suddenly. We truly are living in the matrix.

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Yes, I’m sure it will. I’ll check it out.

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Well written, patrick.

You have a curious mind and use it well.

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These postings are getting longer and longer...

God help us all.

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Children now. This is sickening. Parents are irresponsible. Idiots. Praying 🙏 for the children.

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I was thinking exactly the same. 2024 now - the big vax year was 2021 and it fell off rapidly after that. And still! All these unexpected, "complex disease" (that's new) "sudden" ...

Idiotic "grief-porn-of-the-week" award goes to Tiffin U "President Lillian Schumacher " morning the death of an 18 yr old student: "things happen, and we don’t necessarily understand why. We can never understand why " ... how very, very convenient for the Rulers to have the executive suites of post secondary education populated by such intellectual nullities!

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A client, mother around 40, with three children, she , vaXXed them. 10 and 11. Herself and husband. The youngest she couldn't supposedly she said, cause was under 5 yrs old. The conversation was silent after she told me this. I am heartbroken. Yet she admitted to holding off on the HPV vaccine for her 11 year old. Un *";! Believable! These parents are ill informed, idiots. I pray for these children. 🙏

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Same boat w/ my sister and her kids. I sent them lots of information. All we can do.

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Remember the good ole' days, only 3 years ago, when "died unexpectedly" were euphemisms for the tragic deaths by either suicide or overdose?

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Yes. So very true. No one wanted to talk about suicide. But taking the vaXX is like suicide.

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May 9·edited May 9

Omg I read that as "talking about the vax is like suicide".

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Here's another:

Musician/Producer Steve Albini Has Died

The founder of Electrical Audio and member of Shellac and Big Black was 61.

Steve Albini, who produced seminal albums by Nirvana and many others and was guitarist for Shellac and Big Black, has died at age 61. According to Pitchfork, staff at Albini’s Chicago-based recording facility Electric Audio confirmed his death from a heart attack.


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He was a big time vax nazi according to his twitter posts

Another one of those that took one for team tyrant.

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As good of a job that MCM does compiling these deaths, I wonder about all the sudden deaths missed? Are MCM compilation 10% or 40% ? I'm guessing these are only 1-2 %.

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I'm pretty confident that Boeing whistleblower Joshua Dean was murdered either way: by the same people who "suicided" John Barnett or by the kill shot. Horrible.

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“Coinciditis” is a lot more contagious and lethal than the Scamdemic CONvid.

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My God, it never ends! These posts continue to get longer and I imagine that will be the trend for years to come! Nuremberg trials 2.0 can't happen fast enough!

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Unreal. How anyone can miss what's happening is beyond me.

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May 9·edited May 9

I wonder if the Dicks singer took the jab. I am guessing yes. It seems like everyone who was around me in the "punk/alt" music community in the 1980s identifies the jab, vaccines, masking, and on and on with ... liberation? liberalism? anti-fascism? freedom? progressivism? being smart? Dear lord, it's so sad. What I once thought of as post-Enlightenment "secular liberalism" (if such a thing ever really existed) is probably not going to get us out of our current predicament. That political narrative has been captured by bio-tech, Blackrock, big capital. I am praying for God's wisdom and discernment about what to do.

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They used the masks, vax virtual signalling etc. as a way of getting back at the 'other side' aka deplatformed deplorables.

And a good number of those also genuinely wished the hoax deadly pandemic pantomime was actually real so all their enemies would die.

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I agree with you. That is indeed part of their plan. I notice several people I knew in the 80s in that punk/alt circle were first taken in by Obama, and then in reaction against Trump. I believe both of these puppet assets were brought in to degrade, confuse, and destroy any vestiges resistance from whatever remained of "the old and new left," those that escaped destruction from the drugs, mind control, popular culture, music and other CIA chaos of the 1960s.

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Steve Albini, musician, record producer, audio engineer and music journalist died yesterday at just 61.

The Shellac and Big Black frontman, who recorded classic albums by Nirvana, Pixies, PJ Harvey, and more, died of a heart attack.


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Whoa. A heart attack too. Terrible. He always struck me as someone who would be skeptical of the entire COVID oppo, and of taking the jab. But apparently, he was super into the jabs, and was religiously masking up for the entire COVID thing. What a shame.

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I had no idea he bought the scam hook, line and sinker. I am actually not surprised because so many in the music biz were(and still very much are) Covidions. It´s like all those fake punk rock posers who are now middle-aged dads that went right along with the plandemic like good little sheeple. Adios, Albini.

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Over 30 minutes to read...oh I'm sad

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"We just need to mess around. There's a lot of lipid nanoparticles, and some are very self-assembling ..." -- Bill Gates, democide architect

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I don’t know if this teenager was jab or not but he died suddenly after playing a game involving chasing and running with his peers. I can’t bear to regurgitate all the talking points from local media and race hustlers to get this death that the coroner said was due to sickle cell disease and cardiomyopathy into racism. I think it deserves close scrutiny and analysis. Search for Harrisburg pa teen death.

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It seems that the Gaza massacre and this one are nothing exceptional as a matter of fact the murders has been in full swing at least since the conquest of this new continent. Nevertheless it is the now ubiquitous dissemination of knowledge far and wide that demonstrates the curious collapse of

the human beings. Truly the most monstrous atrocities are occuring exactly as the Tower of Babel information onslaught renders knowledge some category of mental

Conflagration. It's not the barbarism the

Mengelesque treachery but that everybody who cares already knows but

By a precise ration is that much more impotent to vent the desperation of our lot.

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My thoughts too. If our government has no problem killing its own citizens then why would it care about the Palestinians? It’s definitely shown through the decades of war that civilian deaths are no big deal.

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