And I still have to refresh to see the scroll bar on the right....this is fuckery that Substack allows or cannot stop...is anyone else having this problem - last few weeks only on Mark's site...

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Did you try another browser?

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It's the same every week. I use a browser on my phone. Every other subscription scrolls fine. Except yours. The refresh fixes it.

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I have to do the same.

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same, here. after landing there's no scrollbar and scroll doesn't work on the mouse. refresh, and everything's fine. it's pretty weird but the refresh doesn't take long...

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oh the fuckery!

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I switch between Chrome and Edge. It's the same for me. I haven't encountered this anywhere on Substack except for your Substack. I forgot; reloading corrects the problem for me too.

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I have the same problem, but I just reload the page and it’s fine. I don’t think it’s a big problem, but yours is the only site it happens.

I use an iPad and I just can’t scroll down unless reloaded.

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Mark, when I had this issue I did try multiple browsers. None worked until I followed the suggestion of one poster to click on your email link and then immediately refresh the page. Then it works perfectly every time.

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I am on proton mail. I find I need to refresh the page each time I navigate to a new page

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Yes..me...if I stop scrolling and reading really fast, it sticks...can't move the page. have to close and reload.

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Yep - truly fuckery at its finest - as some will not take the extra steps (refresh, or new browser) to read it...


so many, esp the Canadian ones - "no cause of death reported" ... they will do everything they can to cover it up, minimize it, or shiny object everyone..."look over here"

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I use Brave. Works fine.

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Ditto on Mac OS.

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yes I have same problem apple both desk top and iphone this has been an intermittent problem

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Quickly killing us off while importing the 3rd world into our country. This goes for the entire Western world. It's getting disturbing seeing this many young people just drop dead. I told my wife when that jab came out, it wasn't going to end well. I hate being right sometimes. I already had a distrust of the medical community after dealing with them for nearly 30 years due to being injured in the military. I just have to keep in mind that God is in control and a plan. This evil needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

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It doesn’t seem to be slowing down at all...

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I’m wondering how long it’s been since those that died were jabbed? That’s a study I would be interested in especially if people stopped after the first 2 jabs. I think if that’s the case then a lot more people are going to die. Like others have said that was the devious part of the plan so that people don’t tie it to the jab.

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Batch lot is also an important variable. The odds over time must be worse for people vaxxed from hot lots.

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All are at risks...the on-coming driver, the tourist coach driver, the pilot, perhaps a heavy equipment operator, etc. Even the unvaxxed can be a victim of an accident by such sudden deaths. We pray for ALL.

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This is SO true.

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Every week these reports leave me speechless. In an ideal world, the surviving, grieving family members would soundly bring the perpetrators behind this unprecedented global democide to justice.

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Where is the outrage of these families?

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They are in denial.

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Denial is a short lived position. Reality hits hard. I am hoping and looking for the reality strike for these families currently in denial.

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I dunno, it has been almost two years now and my brother isn't catching on, he has had a bunch of people die. I keep hoping he will wake up, he is vaxx'd and apparently where he lives the area got a bad batch. Lots of people under 60 dying.

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Is it just fear that if he says it out loud he may be next? Or does he really believe that the poison saved lives and collateral damage is ok?

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We don't have in-depth conversation about it because the times we see each other are at the holiday table or funerals. My guess is he knows and it is fear. I did tell him to not take it, he did, works in the school system, and then I told him if he wanted to live long enough to be a grandfather he should not take anymore vaxxines or boosters. He has not asked a single question like 'why not?'. At a funeral I did ask in front of four other people, he was one of them, if the deceased had been vaxx'd. His response he didn't know, but he wondered about it.

So my guess it is fear related, heck I have fear for him and the rest of my family. I would not want to walk around w/that thought daily in my head, but I do it anyway even though I am not vaxx'd. My frustration is lack of questions or open discussion about it.

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Our government granted immunity from prosecution to all vaccine manufacturers.

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I have no words..

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May God rest their souls to rest, I realize not all due to the frankenshot, but some… and the beautiful young people dying of CA. Like my dad, though 69, he definitely was killed by the cancer that ensued suddenly after the jab he was mandated to take for his healthcare position, I will scream it off the rooftops the rest of my life… I used to also work in healthcare, but unfortunately or fortunately, like my dad, did not buy into the bullshit… r.i.p. dad.

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I am sorry you lost your dad.

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Thank you…

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Here is a story with more detail on Michael Snyder. Dies at 42 of a heart attack while rocking his baby to sleep, leaving behind a wife and 6 kids. Thank you CDC, WHO and big pharma!


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You can thank the DOD and gov sub contractors too as this is their doing. Big pharma followed dod orders. Only in Satan/clown world can such blatant hatred of God’s creation occur.

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When I shared your Substack with a college buddy he informed me that we both took a class from you at Hopkins about Youth and Vietnam. While I have been reading your pieces for months, I had no idea they were being written by one of my former college professors. I met with you briefly to discuss “Full Metal Jacket” and that class was one of my favorites during my college experience. But now I feel like such a dork.

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Horrible, horrible, horrible. Thank God, Dr. Miller and others are witnesses to this democide.

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Matt Napolitano from Fox Headline News - I have heard that name a hundred times, as I listened to Fox News on XM when I drove out of town. It feels as if we are in a war where the casualties should be listed as died in action but instead they are listed as Cause Of Death Unknown Now Please Forget About Them. It is disrespectful to say the least.

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I found that if I enlarge the post ever so slightly on my screen, which is an apple iPad, I can scroll.

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I look at this posting each week. It is stunning but what's more, nobody is asking why there's never a known cause.

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I”ll miss Ian Punnett even though he belittled those of us that refused the vax when I last heard him live on Coast to Coast Am radio show.....

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I read and reflect...a tourist bus driver went off a bridge in Italy and killed dozens of tourists. The driver died suddenly. Will both pilots die mid-flight? Then hundreds of passengers will die too. It causes me to think....should I travel or best to wait for a while. Even on local roads, it is best to be extra alert. Only God knows...

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Right. We cannot live in a constant state of "what if" fear.

I no longer want my water, air, soil tested. The agencies just lie...

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ya, a Motocycle went off the road and right into a tree both husband and wife deceased... not another vehicle in sight at the time...

I guess I should start wearing my seatbelt at least and using my 1990s heavy pickups...

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Dec 27, 2023
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Exactly, Tex. Untold millions of us share your sentiments.

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