If you click the link for Malta’s 43 yr old Lorenzo Vella it states: “He also served as chief of staff to former health minister Chris Fearne during the COVID pandemic”. I guess that wasn’t high enough up on the food chain. 🤷‍♂️🧐

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Also this from Denmark:

'Nybyggerne' couple in mourning: Have lost baby at 21 weeks

'Isabella and Naphtali Normann Noer from 'Nybyggerne' 2023 were in their greatest happiness when they went for a malformation scan a few weeks ago to greet their future son, but the happiness quickly turned to sadness.

The malformation scan in week 20 showed a small malformation in the little boy's organs, which cost him his entire life, Isabella writes in a post on Instagram, and to HER&NU/Realityportalen she elaborates:

- I hadn't had any pain, discomfort or bleeding, so we had no idea that anything could be wrong. We really just thought we were going to go in for the scan and say hello to him. We had been to both a 12 weeks scan and an extra gender scan at week 15 where everything had looked fine, so it was a huge shock that turned our whole world upside down, Isabella explains.'


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There has been a shocking drop in 'fertility' and live births since 2021 in Denmark:

Fertility graph: https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/emner/borgere/befolkning/fertilitet

Live births graph: https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/emner/borgere/befolkning/foedsler

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