It feels like the deaths are ramping up in Denmark, but not sure. Recently, there were three frontal car crashes in 3-4 days, and now there has been yet another 'drowning accident' with a 53 yo who was found lifeless at the bottom of a public swimming pool on Thursday and died Saturday.


The head of Danske Fragtmænd, Jørn P Skov has also died after a short illness, 58 yo.


And Tommy Truelsen who was just 32 years old. He was found dead in his apartment by his mother on the last Monday in February. The article says that even though his health was badly affected, his death took those closest to him by surprise and pains them.


And regarding the politician Søren Pape who died of a brain haemorrhage - today the local newspaper wrote about the owner of a hot dog stand who had also had a brain haemorrhage yesterday, Tuesday, but fortunately survived.

How much in people's faces does it have to be!

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'Why is it that lately there has been an increase in deaths, when young people who still had many years ahead of them are leaving?'

For the first time, I've noticed other MSM articles asking the same sort of thing. The 'people' who orchestrated the whole shit show must be starting to feel a bit uncomfortable right about now. Contrary to what many say, I think the carnage is coming thicker and faster than they wanted. Also with fingerprints, ie diseases that are acting in a novel hyper-aggressive way; else autopsies which can unequivocably state the mRNA protein was the cause.

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Quite telling how “information censorship” works once a president of a European country threatens anyone who says anything about mRNA being anything but good with jail time if three years and a 45,000 euro fine.... the listings for France suddenly grew very short.. amazingly effective at silencing truth…. But prolonging an avoidable disaster.

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Tobias Welte, 64-year-old vax-promoting professor (head of department) in Hannover, Germany, dies unexpectedly (unerwartet) on 10 March 2024. As late as October 2023 he was promoting injections, including "boosters".


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Nickarry= 2 bird brains? Makes one full repto brain? Reptos go back to your cloning facilities and you can make Nickarry!

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Welcome ......to the machine....

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