The Earth is Flat. Shingles and Monkey Pox are the same thing, caused by the Covid shots; don't get any more of them. Or call me BoBo.

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Have you kept that up?

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For the most part. There are a few more from the past week that I need to add. I have another one for children linked ^. In both cases I have not sought these stories out-they have all popped up in the yahoo news feed. I was also scrolling to the end of the document to add new ones, but since the list is getting long I started just adding the most recent to the top.

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Thanks for continuing to mark the lives and deaths of these people. ❤️

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What a nightmare

(Apologies for the laconic comment above. It does not carry the sentiment I had intended.)

What a nightmare this is. The untimely sudden death of so many worldwide. It is haunting to witness. We are so powerless.

MCM previously posted a tribute to those that have passed and the many that will pass due to this state/corporate sponsored medical experiment. "Let Them Be Blessed": A guiding intention in bringing public awareness to the death of those whose lives were cut short. A reminder and focus to those complicit in the covering up and normalisation of "sudden death".

It seems like a particularly good time to integrate one's shadow.

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It's really the end of the world as we knew it. Will everything slowly but surely fall apart- or will it be like falling off a cliff?

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May 26, 2022
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Thank you

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May 25, 2022
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It most certainly is NOT just you. It's now taking me forever....

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