Mexican actor Miguel Ángel Fuentes, para-athlete Raúl Dan López Rosas (21); Belizean bishop Lawrence Sydney Nicasio; DR diplo Hans Dannenberg; Peruvian rocker Pedro Suárez-Vertiz; & more
there is a big difference in just reading the names, and also seeing the young, smiling faces of all these people that passed. If we only could know whether they were injected. I guess most sports people were. And more and more people are having suspicions, even if they do not speak out.
well that is for Brazil. I suppose that part of Europe is at 75%. Some countries are only at 50% though. I think some Asian countries are even less, and the African ones are even lower. I think the UK was 75 % and Belgium boasted they were about 85 %.. I don't know where the rest is.
What amazes me are some of the virtue signalling comments here assigning blame only on the murderers, and not on the general population - the decision and accountability was theirs. The only victims I personally feel for are elderly, sick, and the innocent children - the vulnerable were not protected, but were executed. The rest had a choice... unless there are guns pointing at you, one ALWAYS has a CHOICE.
there is a big difference in just reading the names, and also seeing the young, smiling faces of all these people that passed. If we only could know whether they were injected. I guess most sports people were. And more and more people are having suspicions, even if they do not speak out.
When I see these deaths, assume they were waxed because, most likely, they were.
By early 2022, Brazil had vaccinated 93% of adults against COVID-19.
And the mRNA jabs are now on the children's vaccine schedule. If the kids don't take it, government food support (Bolsa familia) will be taken away.
So I guess that answers your question....
well that is for Brazil. I suppose that part of Europe is at 75%. Some countries are only at 50% though. I think some Asian countries are even less, and the African ones are even lower. I think the UK was 75 % and Belgium boasted they were about 85 %.. I don't know where the rest is.
What amazes me are some of the virtue signalling comments here assigning blame only on the murderers, and not on the general population - the decision and accountability was theirs. The only victims I personally feel for are elderly, sick, and the innocent children - the vulnerable were not protected, but were executed. The rest had a choice... unless there are guns pointing at you, one ALWAYS has a CHOICE.