Two more Canadian doctors (making six in 10 days), Brazilian poet Miró da Muribeca, a Paraguayan senator's corpse found floating in a lake, a 15-year-old girl in Mexico, a baby in Trinidad, & more
Does it seem to you that there are more deadly odd automobile accidents lately? Cars drifting into oncoming traffic as though a “cardiac event” might have happened prior to the accident? Are thorough enough autopsies really being performed on these poor deceased people?
Yes indeed. There's no doubt about it. Many outlets, local and national, have reported that fatal crashes are at an all-time high; though none of them mentions "vaccination."
In Norway during the first six months of 2022, 63 people died on the roads. This is twice as many as in 2021 (although 2021 was a record low with 31 dead as of end of June). Traffic police are speculating whether it could be a "post-covid with inattention"-effect
But the dominant media are attempting to gaslight the readers, with headlines such as: "Are there actually dramatically many traffic accidents?", pointing out that "frightened by big headlines, one can start looking for reasons in the wrong place."
The newspaper concludes that "But some high numbers do not necessarily mean an increase beyond normal variation. The gloomy numbers are closer to the sad normal, "
Where is the outrage? Has mass formation silenced the collective conscience of humanity? We are in another Holocaust and the world is silence once again.
It is so important to keep memorializing the victims of the bioweapon. Thank you.
People are reluctant to think their own governments might murder them. It is too much to consider the sense of safety many of us felt in the past was false or no longer justified. My husband is a strong conservative and anti vax but even he is reluctant to point a finger or “draw conclusions” … he says “who really knows?” without considering what pharmacovigilance has looked like on the past or the terrible insufficiency of trials for new injections. He refuses to see what stands before him even though he refuses vaccination himself! It is a good thing he has such a clever wife … I will keep at him until he can deny it no more
I don't usually join political parties but I did recently because the Conservative Party in Canada is having a leadership race. Interestingly, here is the text from a letter I received from one of the candidates, so maybe we are getting some traction?
"The past couple of years have been incredibly traumatizing for so many Canadians. People have lost so much: financial devastation, the loss of so many dreams, losing loved ones.
"And now at a time when we are hoping that we might finally be returning to normal life, we are being confronted with a new faceless fear: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.”
"This recently emerged mysterious affliction, manifests itself in healthy young adults who suddenly drop dead. Did you know that in Alberta, the leading cause of death is now “Unknown.”? Meanwhile in Toronto over the past few weeks, six young healthy doctors all died suddenly and with no explanation as to why.
"We were quickly told that this wasn’t vaccine-related. But that is not good enough. If three young women go missing in your neighbourhood, and the police response was “Well it is probably not a serial killer”, that wouldn’t be good enough.
"We would demand answers, which is what we should do now.
"These are the same health and government officials who told us masking didn’t work, and then told us to mask. They assured us that the vaccines wouldn’t be mandatory, and then made them so. They promised us the vaccines would stop transmission, and now are admitting they knew it never would. They can’t be surprised that assuring us that everything is fine with absolutely no proof, is not accepted by increasingly frustrated and disillusioned citizens.
"Because I have been bold enough to question the narrative from the beginning, I have received a steady flow of communications from doctors, nurses and paramedics who are concerned that SADS is indeed vaccine-related. Many of them do not want their stories shared because they know beyond a shadow of a doubt they would be fired, just for asking questions.
"Others want their stories told. Like one woman who wanted to make sure her story reached me. In the span of just over half a year, her niece, and then nephew both died of suspected vaccine-related issues. One died from a confirmed blood clot that health departments around the world have traced back to vaccines. She was pressured to get vaccinated to keep her job.
"The other was a member of the RCMP. In perfect health, he dropped dead with no explanation. They are calling it a SADS death. He leaves behind a wife and four kids.
"These are just two stories out of a countless number that I have had emailed to me, and have been shared with me in person at every single campaign stop.
"It is heartbreaking that many of these people are more comfortable sharing their concerns and grief with me, than talking to their coworkers, friends or family.
"As someone who has been steadily attacked just for raising concerns, I understand. In fact, I wonder which version of “Leslyn Lewis spreads conspiracy theory” headline the media will use this time around? Will the CBC call me a fear-mongerer again for asking questions?
"I am simply standing with my fellow Canadians saying that we deserve to hear the truth. We deserve the respect of being allowed to think logically without being slandered and cancelled. Here is the question I would put forward to anyone calling me a conspiracy theorist:
"Is it a problem that this situation looks like a conspiracy? Or is it more concerning that our government and health officials don’t even care that it looks like a conspiracy, and that they are losing the trust of the public with their non-answers.
Lab rats whose children are given deadly experimental concoctions don't ever get given the results of their children's autopsies so the Winnipeg family should think itself lucky they may get told in a year or so that it was just one of those things that happen to children during experiments with deadly experimental concoctions. After all as the FDA committee member said on camera before taking the vote to push this on children, paraphrasing, ... "we don't know if it's dangerous until we start injecting children with it so let's start injecting asap".
I just blurt stuff out loud. Once I knew I would have to travel (from Canada) for a previous job, I bailed. Simple. For others, I realize maybe it's not so simple. But come on. If you're dead, you can't work anyways. People have left EVERYTHING they had (Jews b4 WW2) and escaped because they knew what was coming. For some reason, Candace Nayman has affected me the most. Judging by her Twitter [which goes a long way back], she was the most brainwashed one. You can see the religion (pronouns, climate, vaxx) forming under a lot of tweets. She couldn't see the gorilla stomping to end her life, out of the corner of her eye. "Turned to look, but it was gone, I cannot put my finger on...", well, you know how it goes. The Dream is Gone.
Still seems like the subclinical heart disease is wreaking havoc when people strain their cardiovascular system. Both of my stepsons took these injections, my youngest took three. Neither are athletic so I pray they continue to be okay.
Does it seem to you that there are more deadly odd automobile accidents lately? Cars drifting into oncoming traffic as though a “cardiac event” might have happened prior to the accident? Are thorough enough autopsies really being performed on these poor deceased people?
Yes indeed. There's no doubt about it. Many outlets, local and national, have reported that fatal crashes are at an all-time high; though none of them mentions "vaccination."
Probably need more independent autopsies done.
In Norway during the first six months of 2022, 63 people died on the roads. This is twice as many as in 2021 (although 2021 was a record low with 31 dead as of end of June). Traffic police are speculating whether it could be a "post-covid with inattention"-effect
But the dominant media are attempting to gaslight the readers, with headlines such as: "Are there actually dramatically many traffic accidents?", pointing out that "frightened by big headlines, one can start looking for reasons in the wrong place."
The newspaper concludes that "But some high numbers do not necessarily mean an increase beyond normal variation. The gloomy numbers are closer to the sad normal, "
One in today’s NY POST-Indiana rep Jackie Walorski killed by a car that drifted across the road for a head on collision.
Coroners assume cause of death can’t be the ‘safe and effective’ mRNA experimental injections, so autopsies usually come back as ‘natural causes’.
Where is the outrage? Has mass formation silenced the collective conscience of humanity? We are in another Holocaust and the world is silence once again.
It is so important to keep memorializing the victims of the bioweapon. Thank you.
People are reluctant to think their own governments might murder them. It is too much to consider the sense of safety many of us felt in the past was false or no longer justified. My husband is a strong conservative and anti vax but even he is reluctant to point a finger or “draw conclusions” … he says “who really knows?” without considering what pharmacovigilance has looked like on the past or the terrible insufficiency of trials for new injections. He refuses to see what stands before him even though he refuses vaccination himself! It is a good thing he has such a clever wife … I will keep at him until he can deny it no more
The truly saddest part of all this is the ones who pushed the clot shots the hardest are never in the “died suddenly” crowd.
Oh, quite a few are. Not the biggest cheeses, of course, but many militant vaxxers have dropped dead.
Many who posted photos of themselves getting the shots and preaching to others to get the shots have died
The United States Congress exempted itself from the vax mandate.
A percentage of the shots are blanks. Independent tests on vial contents have been done here and there. One example:
I suspect a large percentage of the batches are "blank," or placebo. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a very significant majority.
This looks like another tragic vaxxident:
Yes, it does indeed.
I don't usually join political parties but I did recently because the Conservative Party in Canada is having a leadership race. Interestingly, here is the text from a letter I received from one of the candidates, so maybe we are getting some traction?
"The past couple of years have been incredibly traumatizing for so many Canadians. People have lost so much: financial devastation, the loss of so many dreams, losing loved ones.
"And now at a time when we are hoping that we might finally be returning to normal life, we are being confronted with a new faceless fear: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.”
"This recently emerged mysterious affliction, manifests itself in healthy young adults who suddenly drop dead. Did you know that in Alberta, the leading cause of death is now “Unknown.”? Meanwhile in Toronto over the past few weeks, six young healthy doctors all died suddenly and with no explanation as to why.
"We were quickly told that this wasn’t vaccine-related. But that is not good enough. If three young women go missing in your neighbourhood, and the police response was “Well it is probably not a serial killer”, that wouldn’t be good enough.
"We would demand answers, which is what we should do now.
"These are the same health and government officials who told us masking didn’t work, and then told us to mask. They assured us that the vaccines wouldn’t be mandatory, and then made them so. They promised us the vaccines would stop transmission, and now are admitting they knew it never would. They can’t be surprised that assuring us that everything is fine with absolutely no proof, is not accepted by increasingly frustrated and disillusioned citizens.
"Because I have been bold enough to question the narrative from the beginning, I have received a steady flow of communications from doctors, nurses and paramedics who are concerned that SADS is indeed vaccine-related. Many of them do not want their stories shared because they know beyond a shadow of a doubt they would be fired, just for asking questions.
"Others want their stories told. Like one woman who wanted to make sure her story reached me. In the span of just over half a year, her niece, and then nephew both died of suspected vaccine-related issues. One died from a confirmed blood clot that health departments around the world have traced back to vaccines. She was pressured to get vaccinated to keep her job.
"The other was a member of the RCMP. In perfect health, he dropped dead with no explanation. They are calling it a SADS death. He leaves behind a wife and four kids.
"These are just two stories out of a countless number that I have had emailed to me, and have been shared with me in person at every single campaign stop.
"It is heartbreaking that many of these people are more comfortable sharing their concerns and grief with me, than talking to their coworkers, friends or family.
"As someone who has been steadily attacked just for raising concerns, I understand. In fact, I wonder which version of “Leslyn Lewis spreads conspiracy theory” headline the media will use this time around? Will the CBC call me a fear-mongerer again for asking questions?
"I am simply standing with my fellow Canadians saying that we deserve to hear the truth. We deserve the respect of being allowed to think logically without being slandered and cancelled. Here is the question I would put forward to anyone calling me a conspiracy theorist:
"Is it a problem that this situation looks like a conspiracy? Or is it more concerning that our government and health officials don’t even care that it looks like a conspiracy, and that they are losing the trust of the public with their non-answers.
It’s time for answers."
Damn right.
The "this is fine" dog with the house on fire all around him should be the mascot for this substack.
Lab rats whose children are given deadly experimental concoctions don't ever get given the results of their children's autopsies so the Winnipeg family should think itself lucky they may get told in a year or so that it was just one of those things that happen to children during experiments with deadly experimental concoctions. After all as the FDA committee member said on camera before taking the vote to push this on children, paraphrasing, ... "we don't know if it's dangerous until we start injecting children with it so let's start injecting asap".
Triathlon athlete.... They're very healthy. Until they take the vax.
Soccer players... About as fit as you can get.
Are the doctors remaining even talking about it?
Sad I even have to ask. I have always been loud, abrasive, obnoxious, stating the things others wouldn't... And was ostracized.
Maybe this personality inoculated me from this?
I just blurt stuff out loud. Once I knew I would have to travel (from Canada) for a previous job, I bailed. Simple. For others, I realize maybe it's not so simple. But come on. If you're dead, you can't work anyways. People have left EVERYTHING they had (Jews b4 WW2) and escaped because they knew what was coming. For some reason, Candace Nayman has affected me the most. Judging by her Twitter [which goes a long way back], she was the most brainwashed one. You can see the religion (pronouns, climate, vaxx) forming under a lot of tweets. She couldn't see the gorilla stomping to end her life, out of the corner of her eye. "Turned to look, but it was gone, I cannot put my finger on...", well, you know how it goes. The Dream is Gone.
I jyst blurt out also. My ultra polite sis in law almost had heart attack when I ssid...
I write very provocative stuff in e-mail... Then say to self, you better hit Send before you wuss out
So sad the girl died at her quinceanera. 😥
Still seems like the subclinical heart disease is wreaking havoc when people strain their cardiovascular system. Both of my stepsons took these injections, my youngest took three. Neither are athletic so I pray they continue to be okay.
Rip, we don't forget you thanks to you Mark. 🙏🌷❤️
Thank you for info.
Kiwi MW NZ
The bombshells from RFK Jr. keep coming. Share this far and wide.
Universal jurisdiction .... A couple brave countries, judges, police....
Kissinger didn't go to one country because there was a very real chance he'd be arrested under this principle
I’m so sorry for your loss.
Yes… they’ve been killing people for decades with vaccines and getting away with it 💔
This isn’t new.
It’s just a massive scale.