Feb 7Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

BC resident here. I notice nine young people from BC are listed this week. So tragic. I had a phone apptmt with my doctor today and she was quite late and explained that an elementary school aged child of a colleague of hers had to be " resuscitated" this morning and was in the children's hospital with some sort of bacterial infection . I didn't get full details but my doctor was upset as this was friend of hers and I commented that this didn't use to happen. This is a new phenomenon since the shots. I asked if this child had been given the covid shots and she replied that she was pretty certain that the child had. My doctor became more " awake" after she had adverse effects after her shots. She said no more and no more for her kids either. I am fortunate in that I can give my doctor any info and she willingly reads it. She is a former surgeon from Moscow and was aware of the propaganda of the lockdown and " circles " on the store floors and other ridiculous measures but didn't consider the ingredients of the covid shots until too late. She isn't wling to go public with her knowledge though. I think there must be more doctors like her. ??

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"sudden passing at her home, of natural causes," at 16? WTH would that be?

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I think many Canadians are missing from the list.

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