What's crazy is these are just the ones published; have four friends of friends over last two months, all sub 53 yrs old that passed suddenly and no obits. Wonder how many more in this category?

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Many, many more. You're right. What we post is the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

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Have a several friends now awake but fully jabbed up. They've each acknowledged a possible mistake but don't want to discuss, admittedly out of fear that they may be in the crosshairs. Can hear the angst in their voices, so I just drop it after I implore them "no more"

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Same here. I wish there was more circulation of the few things that the vaxxinated can do for themselves, the supplements, regular D-Dimers etc. And I am not talking sending them to FLCCC as the only thing to do.

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I sent in a long set of Died Suddenly reports (31 in total) early Tuesday, February 7, Mark, and only ONE of them of them showed up in today's post. (I spent at least eight hours working on that set of reports.) I know the name of the person messing with my computer and interfering with my ability to post reports. She is messing with you and Joe too, as well as with this entire project. She's trolling you, as well as me. (She trolls other Substacks, too, specifically the ones I frequent.) She uses multiple fake online personas which you and others regularly fall for. I could send this to you via email but she'll see it whether I post it here or via email, so I decided I ought to post it publicly, so that others know there's a person harassing me and us generally as a community. (Just in case you're not aware of this: Truthbird is Annette Cohen.)

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How's she messing with your computer??

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She has access to everything I write and read on it. I don't know how she does, but my highly computer-savvy sister has told me that it's exceedingly simple for anyone with a bit of tech-savviness to infiltrate other people's computers and email accounts. There've been all sorts of weird, freaky, bizarre things that have happened while I've been online, too many to even recall or take note of at this point. She's invaded my privacy in every possible way, not just via my computer.

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A few similar things have been happening to me also. I have had emails go missing. A few years ago, some sort of spyware hacked my email account, went through every single contact in my contacts folder and sent an email to those contacts from me. When people opened the email, it did the same thing to their contacts folder. A while after this happened, my encryption was hacked by someone who apparently hacked my email address. (I think it was the same email, Outlook / Live email, which I don't use anymore) They used my own email address to sign into my encryption account and created a key. They then used the key to somehow de-crypt documents and forward dozens of documents straight off my computer to themselves via my own email address. I have had other weird things happen with email and especially with cell phones. I find myself in a recurring state of WTF.

The "digital age" is fraught with problems. (Ok, that is an obvious thing to say) But what I mean is that people cannot trust each other because they do not ever spend the time in person to get to know each other. I was in two activist groups with charlatans infiltrating the groups. A lot of meetings were held online. People formed cliques and remained in little silos. So half the group absolutely loved the charlatan, who did a lot of stroking of egos in that part of the group. That faction protected this person and blamed the victims who had in fact been abused and deliberately undermined by the person. It can be pretty screwed up.

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Rebecca, I consider all digital /online communication to be inherently extremely toxic because of this. I want humanity to be forced to go back to a much less technologically advanced way of life, so that it's impossible for these kinds of attacks (not just the online electronic harassment but also the directed energy/stealth weapons attacks) to occur.

Our species is so hideously sick that the evil ones among us have the ability to torture and murder others with complete impunity. That's bad enough, but even worse is the fact that humanity appears to be just fine with this state of affairs. There's virtually no awareness that this is happening, because almost everyone is too terrified to become aware of it, even when it's happening to people in their own community or family. "See no evil, hear no evil, know no evil."

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Hmm, maybe time for a paid professional to help you out. Gotta be folks out there to help

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Already tried that.

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My wife keeps up with her old high school class on FB. She's had 4 former classmates die suddenly in their sleep since summer 2021. That never happened prior to 2021. All were 46-47 years old and in good health based on their photos and none had mentioned health issues. She had another friend 51 years old who didn't want the jab but had to get it to go to Canada and see his new grandson. He ended up dying in his sleep in Canada during the visit. That was in late 2021. One of my co-workers age 35 died of a stroke in summer 2021 shortly after the company sponsored a vaccine drive at work. Almost everyone who took the jabs got knocked out for 2-5 days and ended up catching covid anyway.

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They didn't catch "Covid" because "Covid" doesn't exist: Check out the work of Christine Massey, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and if I'm not mistaken, Byram Bridle amongst dozens of others...

What you were seeing were initial reactions to The Poison Death Shots that they took.

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What about all the people who caught something and didn't take the jab? I had brainfog for months. Others lost their sense of smell for months. Call it what you want, but there was a weird bug going around.

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I can't argue against that. Nor do I wish to gainsay what you report or experienced. But all I know is what I've seen with my own eyes, heard with my own ears.. and in nearly 3 years, I have yet to encounter ONE credible case of so-called "Covid-19"... 🤔

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There was some weird virus, probably one created in Wuhan lab funded by Fauci...biological warfare is real...it was a tryout for the next one coming out next year...

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Then we have some folks we don't know about as in my two friends I cycle with and have a beer after wards with that I have been my buddies for 10 years.

We are all in our 60s and I know they got the cupcakes because we argued.

Now I have not seen them since end of last summer.

I saw them weekly and multiple times weekly for a decade.

No we are not cycling outside in CHINADA right now in minus a billion but they live in my area so I sae them often now I don't.

I have so many stories of death and injury.

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"CHINADA" I thought I coined that term 6 years ago when I was in Toronto, I guess that folks living in Canada couldn't help but think the same thing.

Yes this so called vaccine is basically putting an expiration date on us useless eaters.

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I've taken to calling our country "The Democratic People's Republic of Canuckistan" ...

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The illnesses too. Heard of two more cancer cases yesterday.

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What I love is the generic name for it: "Turbo Cancer" -- takes its victims out in a matter of weeks.

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And the genocide marches onward...

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I stand corrected.

And the democide marches onward...

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A nicety of distinction, really...

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Genocide targets a particular "gen"etic group of people to be killed.

Democide - as in Democracy, Demography. So, if you live in the US & you're referring to US residents of many different age groups & ethnic/genetic BGs who were intentionally killed, this term would apply.

That said, the rising rates of death may fall into both these categories. For example, there's some evidence that biolabs in Ukraine were collecting blood samples there for R&D into specific ethnic groups/genetic markers. There are also some reports that certain ethnic/genetic groups are more resistant to CV.

Another imp "cide" in this scenario:

Menticide (per MerrWebster Dict):

"The meaning of MENTICIDE is a systematic and intentional undermining of a person's conscious mind : brainwashing."

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Oh.. My experience in Public School and University, you mean... ? ....

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Oh, funny ! Well, yes.

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Good finds. Thanks for sharing. Most recently, have had personal exp w/homeschooling & charter schools, but I know it's a nightmare out there. During lockdown, there was so much push by teachers' unions to shut down schools (while teachers went on vacay) & I did a bit of research into the AFT. Spoiler alert, their Pres is a terrible writer & pushed hard for lockdowns. NEA is largest labor union in the country.

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Another one. Have read several reports that Iatrocide is leading cause of death in US.

There's Eldercide, too, but apparently it refers to elders murdering other elders.

I have been calling the nursing homes deaths as "Elder Abuse." Tho I've been searching for a term that refers to the targeted killing of a population by age group, as in elders/seniors.

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Here's some more juicy chestnuts for you:

• "The Medical Racket" - https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm

• "Ralph Hovanian's 'Medical Dark Ages' Quotes" - https://ahealedplanet.net/mdaq.htm

• "Fluoridation: A Horror Story" - https://ahealedplanet.net/fluoride.htm

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You might want to add "World Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffin and "Dr. Mary's Monkey" - someone named Haslam wrote that one. The former is about a promising cancer treatment (and the importance of B-17). The latter concerns the polio vaccines of the 1950s.

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Heard sev intvws w/Haslam "Dr Mary's." What an eye-opener. And esp of interest b/c old enough to remember everyone being excited about & grateful for the 1st polio vaccine. Oral - on a sugar cube.

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I recorded the big game yesterday so I could check out the commercials and the half time extravaganza. The latter included a singer (probably not actually singing) striking over the top empty headed poses and a huge cast of gyrating entities wearing costumes that I assume were intended to suggest hazardous material suits.

No one asked me but I would have suggested a recreation of a Mayan ball game culminating in a simulation of, or actual, human sacrifices.

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I conducted a small local poll, small because I'm a pretty solitary guy, and not one person knew the word "iatrocide" or the more recently coined "iatrogenocide."

I wrote an essay (here on Substack) about the plunging IQs and that was before I read the piece about same by Dr. Vernon Coleman.

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"Iatrogenocide" - will add that to the list.

Has anyone come across or coined a 'cide' word that would describe deliberate killing of a group of people by age group, eg the elderly ? Eldercide doesn't fit, so I just call it Elder Abuse for the time being. Dr Coleman - what a find ! PAX.

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Nothing to see here people, people have always died for eons, no connection with this and anything else, now move along.

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That's a viewpoint.

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Those kids...

Lots of universities with blood on their hands.

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Those are particularly difficult for me to read since I’ve got young kids. It’s bad enough to fall victim to the psyop, but then their kids pay the ultimate price for it.

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It is hard to be a Mom to a college student. You want to send your kid to college so they can have their wings to fly off, but you know how bad a simple shot can affect their health. But then in a way you really don't have too much say. They are at an age to do what they will do, but then again... ugh!

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Seems as if “medical emergency”. Is competing with “suddenly and unexpectedly” for the title of most common phrase in obituary writing. All those kids.

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Another one: "after a brief illness."

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After a brief illness AKA turbo cancer?

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As long as the brainwashed sheeple kneel before the altar of the germ theory and all of its ridiculous iterations, the world will constantly be fed stories of “gain of function”, “pathogenic viruses”, “mutating viruses”, “barbaric jabs being safe and effective”, and will do whatever they’re told to do by “experts” who know what’s good for them.

Until the shift in knowledge eradicates the belief in that antiquated story, we will continue to see this horror show repeated and repeated and repeated.

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The people graduate “with honors” from this institution of “higher learning.” Watch SHEEPLE UNIVERSITY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/sheeple-university

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You can add Joel Bryne from Fairfax Va Robinson Secondary School to next weeks list. He just died in his sleep last weekend, 15 years old, football player, healthy as far as anyone knows, said to die of “natural “ causes. We are in Northern Virginia where it seems almost everyone is vaccinated. So very sad!

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The Ferryman is going to soon need a bigger ferry

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Something about the size of "The Titannic"?

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Scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions is the new Holocaust

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Seems like some sorta pattern.

But I'm not a scientist, so, ya know, can't really say, for sure.

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It's interesting that two of the people here directly linked the deaths to the vaccine. I don't think I've ever seen that before here.

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YES! That was at least a good sign - praying people are becoming aware!

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Thank you, Edward B! I'm part of the team working on this project, so I'll write these up right now. However, they may or may not show up in next week's post. See my longer email above (replying to MCM.)

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the majority are not "died suddenly" -but many of them are considerably younger than the average age of death found in this particular paper's obits...

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Get Mark’s home address or P. O. Box number and put a stamp on the envelope and mail it!

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RIP Victims of Dr. Fauci and the FDA, WHO and the medical establishment.

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Add DOD, DARPA, etc. … our government drove this bus.

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36-year-old Lindsey Lanoux — Looks like Facebook removed the content of her bragging about being boosted. Is such removal evidence of FB collusion in these crimes?

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How do you know they did that? You raise an important question.

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I should have added more detail. When I clicked the link below her entry above regarding how she bragged about her booster, I got this, which says "The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.":

I will try to follow up further -- https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0Rzy35qgYEEfzUjycLpwgpPG3jtGiqbDZBD6ti6jmhQwqtzL3agvCYuYkKxPjgxWul&id=1502697626&mibextid=qC1gEa

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Thanks. You can email me at markcrispinmiller@pm.me.

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We share the sorrow and regrets to see many dying young or suddenly. Our bodies are born to live to a ripe old age if we have looked after our health. Only a few with genetic causes may succumb early.

However, Covid jabs are a game changer. It was laboratory made and designed to be hidden. As such tests have never linked many adverse health events to the jabs. Autopsies will not provide the links in most cases.

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Dr. Ryan Cole, Pathologist uses a stain technique that can determine if the death was caused by the 📌📌. Steve Kirsch knows how to get in touch with him. Autopsies done correctly can prove the connection. They do NOT WANT to connect the dots.

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Is it just me, or are these lists getting longer and longer....?

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