Does anyone know… is there a more intense reporting or search system in NZ?

Tiny population and always so many unexplained deaths on these posts.

I wonder if the horse faced dictator had any poison or she only forced it on the plebs, NZers should be out to mount her head at the local pub so they can throw darts at it.

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my uncle lives in NZ. He didn't take any jabs. He's still loving life in his 70s.

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Wow NZ is really suffering, so tragic,maybe it is a bad does of flu/covid vax boosters?

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An NZ whistleblower released information on Vax v Unvax deaths since 2021… devastating… so they arrested the whistleblower🙄.

I’m a Kiwi, my mum listened too my warning and resisted mountains of pressure… that’s why I’m able to call he for a chat today😁, so I will

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