Yesterday on FB a friend asked about getting the latest shot. (What are they up to now, #6? #7?) And all these people replied to say which one they got--Novavax, Moderna, Pfizer. Some reported a few side effects. Others said they were fine. I stared in horror at the entire thread. Do they not hear us screaming?? How are they STILL doing this?!

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unbelievable - like some freaking religious vaccine cult. they are treating their bodies as if they were doing software upgrades on a computer. So very sad.

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Especially since so many younger famous people have died of late. I can understand people that live in their own world busy w/life might not notice lots of people are dying, but it is hard to miss the Hollywood and sports people that make the headlines passing away. People's head explode when you say it is the vaxx in the comment sections.

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Under complete evil deception. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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This is going on all around me too, here in Detroit. Not a week goes by without hearing about someone who “dies suddenly” or gets a strange cancer which progresses so rapidly that there is no chance to respond. It is mind boggling that even the families of the loved ones don’t seem even remotely curious, for the most part. This family is calling for a police investigation but I’m fairly confident they will be paid off to go away.


How does this end?

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I know someone who passed at 51 last week in the Detroit area of complications from a "rare" Moyamoya disease - she started having mini strokes in October and then after complications from a surgery she was brain dead and then taken off life support. Awesome person. Definitely vaccinated. Death not announced publicly yet, as far as I know.

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So sad.....It's like their eyes have blinders on them.

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When all the vaxxed are dead. Including my father who is on shot #6

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From the obits above, there is some translation required:

“vaccine skeptics” = anyone with an open mind and an ounce of common sense

“extremely rare illness” = something that was extremely rare until 2021, but is now much more common

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It’s a conspiracy theory or a dog whistle until it happens to someone you love, know or yourself.

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Totally creeped out by the plastic surgeon doing surgery on his own wife. She looks like she has had enough already. I thought there were laws or ethics about doing that sort of stuff outside of emergency care?

Do airlines reimburse air fare if you die?

My vaxx'd brother has started swimming for exercise, I am freaking they will find him dead of a heart attack in the pool. I know such things are out of my control, but it is hard not to worry.

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this RN couldn't believe her eyes ...the doc was doing MULTIPLE procedures on his own kin...that used to NEVER BE DONE unless an absolute emergency...the world gone mad

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Thank you for confirming, I thought that was the case. Brings the term family medicine to a whole new level. Super creepy especially since it was for plastic surgery. Makes me think of the show Nip/Tuck. I wonder if her family will sue him, or if he even cares she died?

And yes, the world has gone mad.

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I'm not accusing the doctor of anything, but, if someone wanted to kill someone, these last three years have been and will continue to be the the best time to do it - no autopsy, no police investigations, doctors baffled.

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Spot on! I couldn't believe my eyes / ears when COVID hysteria and mandatory face masks were implemented. I said the same thing about wearing your stupid face diaper and walking into a bank. Think about it!

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Perhaps he wanted his wife to know have a young appearance forever via plastic surgery. But isn’t there some sort of prohibition on this sort of thing? It feels like a very bad Twilight Zone episode.

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1. Ethics no longer exist in the medical industrial complex

2. No reimbursements

3. Out of all of our control

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Why is this continuing, unabated?

In the comments section of my local community's blog the other day, one person asked a neighbor if she was up to date with the boosters and RSV shot.

Her answer? " Oh yes, I've gotten them all desperately."

A curious way of putting it, but damn if that isn't right on the mark. And the lying media pigs' fear campaign is still in high gear...

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Must be climate change

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One question: WTF?

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I really don’t care to be around non thinkers. The “awakening” process has really opened my eyes to the extreme differences in us all and sadly I find myself engaging in a litmus test.

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Here's the obituary for the gentleman who I mentioned last week who was felled by turbo cancer. I believe he was around 60 years old.

Eric Schwartz, a well-known radio show host and producer at Lone Star Dead Radio in Dallas, Texas has sadly passed away. Eric was a dedicated Grateful Dead archivist and historian, Eric brought a unique passion to the airwaves, sharing his extensive knowledge of the band’s music and legacy with listeners far and wide.

His radio show wasn’t just a collection of songs; it was a journey through the rich tapestry of the Grateful Dead’s iconic career, woven together by Eric’s insightful commentary and genuine love for the music. Beyond his role as a radio personality, Eric was a DJ who skillfully curated playlists that transcended the boundaries of time, transporting listeners to different eras of the Grateful Dead’s storied history.

His ability to blend tracks seamlessly showcased not only his technical prowess but also his deep understanding of the band’s evolving sound. What set Eric apart was not just his professional expertise but also his warm and kind demeanor. Listeners felt a personal connection to him, as if they were sharing the music with an old friend. His generosity in sharing anecdotes, stories, and rare recordings endeared him to the Grateful Dead community, making him a beloved figure in the world of jam band radio.

In addition to his on-air contributions, Eric was known for his behind-the-scenes work, tirelessly producing content that celebrated the Grateful Dead’s legacy. His dedication to preserving the band’s history ensured that future generations would have access to the magic that defined an era.

As we reflect on Eric Schwartz’s life and contributions, we remember not only a talented radio host but also a genuine and kind soul who left an indelible mark on the hearts of those he touched. The echoes of his voice and the music he shared will resonate in the hearts of Grateful Dead fans, a tribute to a man whose passion for the music was surpassed only by his warmth and generosity.

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Not even a few inquires, gaslighting

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For every death listed here there are most likely 100 or more not recorded.

This is not over people!! DO NOT COMPLY

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Tonight is the first night I haven’t heard sirens going by in the last 10 days. I don’t know where they were going or why, but it was very unusual to hear them every night.

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Well darn I spoke too soon…the sirens are going by again now. That’s 11 days straight.

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And just after reading this, what do I hear in the distance? A siren (at 3 a.m.).

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Are you hearing a lot of them? I just heard another one this morning. That’s 12 days straight of hearing them going by and it’s very unusual. Still nothing in the media.

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I have a group of old friends, about 20 guys, and we meet every month in our local bar for a few beers and to shoot some pool. It's become a tradition, we barely skip a date. Of course we talk a lot and every time we discuss the whole ordeal with the shots, not a meeting goes my that we don't, I feel more and more separated from them. Granted, one of my buddies is just as vigilant as I am and we're the only ones who didn't take the shot, but last night I came to the following: we, the ones following people like Mark Crispin Miller, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Jessica Rose or Dr. Pierre Kory, etc., etc., are well informed and we're, to use a cliché, "in the know". We not only read about all this misery, but we listen to podcasts, look at the latest data and we keep ourselves informed throughout, not to mention the fact that we were probably all looking at things critically from day one anyway. BUT: I've come to the conclusion that we're truly and undeniably a massive minority. Yes, things seem to be picking up. Yes, it seems as if "more people are waking up". Yes, it seems as if more and more people are "getting it". But it's exactly what it is: it "SEEMS" that all of the above is the case, but it's not. It doesn't matter who I talk to or chat with, without exception I keep hearing the same main stream media bull crap coming out of their mouths. I'm just baffled that after three years of doing some minor research and finding all the information that kept me and my family from taking these shots, there are still huge amounts of people that are just completely ignorant. People who clearly have the flu talk about the 'rona and even went to buy a test kit to confirm that they in fact had it. Sheeple to the max who don't even know what Substack is, let alone that they read any of the superb Substacks out there. So although it seems that there's a shift in the narrative, I don't think it's all the case and the mere fact that I'm thinking just that, makes me fear the worst for my fellow citizens. I hope some of you can relate to what I'm saying.

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I believe you are spot on Adrian. Thankfully some of my family and friends are as you describe. In the know. But many are not, I believe most people have been brainwashed. While some people I know did not shock me with their ignorance, It was alarming for me to learn that those I held in high regard intellectually, were mere parrots of others.

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Exactly. Yesterday I had a beer with my neighbor and we had a good time, he showed me his new bass guitar and even played along with a few records that he had practiced with. At a certain moment though, he asked me point blank if I had taken the shot. Out of the blue. I was surprised, but I just answered that I took none. Not the first, not the second and not the damn booster. He then said that I was a risk to him and that he wasn't sure to continue our little get together. I said: if your shots are so safe and effective, why do you think that I pose a risk to you? He just gave me a blank stare and then, again totally out of the blue, started talking about New Zealand (???) and that their hard lockdowns resulted in having zero deaths (???) while at the same time I knew about the recent whistle blower data from NZ, so I decided to call it a day and politely thanked him for his hospitality. The man is completely delusional, not to mention the fact that after his wife got all the "required" shots, they decided to 'work' on having a baby. Well, the baby is there and Lord knows how that child will develop...

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Unbelievable. I don't think I'll ever get over the level of brainwashing (((they))) were able to achieve. It's sinister! But I also believe it's possible for anyone to recover from it, just not sure what it takes

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The sidebar on André sounded almost like the sidebar on Pizzagate. His cause of death should be investigated, but with the unjabbed being the minority and the rest wanting to bury their heads in the sand while at the same time worrying that they could be next, means that it'll never happen.

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