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My cousins wife collapsed said, I can't feel my legs. She died last year. My cousins daughter developed "aggressive ovarian cancer" as she said just out of the blue, just suddenly developed. She battling now. My cousins son-in-law, age 30, had heart attack, lives with heart issues now. All same family, all fully injected, boosted. We are in US. And so far none seems to see connection.

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The very sad fact is that even the families of the people who have succumbed to these monstrous drug cocktails fail to make the connection, simply because CNN, ABC, NBC, the NYT and WaPo all tell them that the thought of there being a connection to the death jabs is "misinformation" and a "conspiracy theory"! Sadly, they swallow these propaganda lies hook, line, and sinker. Some have even said that they would still recommend the vaccines after their own child's death, because "they have saved millions of lies."

The TRUTH-tellers, like Prof MC Miller, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Michael Palmer, Prof Sucharit Bhakdi, like Dr Byram Bridle, and many many others, are silenced. Their stories are NEVER heard on CNN nor reported on the mainstream press. There has been an organized, concerted, well-coordinated effort to silence the truth. THAT is why we have to report on these facts to all our friends and family members who are still capable of thinking and forming independent judgments.

Our reality has become a dystopian nightmare.

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No body wants to talk about it. WTF is going on?

Two will be in the fields, one will be taken away. Are we witnessing the rapture?

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AT THE LAST TRUMPET...the dead in christ shall rise first then we who are alive. - 1 Cor 15: 48-53. How much clearer can God make it???

Bro... don't fall for that. STUDY not just read your bible well and it will all make sense. We were conned all the while.

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