My dad was vaccinated after his brother died of Covid in the hospital. Covid hit a little too close to home and he thought it best to try to protect himself. I shared with him as much as I could the suspicions I heard from others that the vaccine was bad news, but to no avail, unfortunately. In his brother's case, I suspect the hospital, like so many others, hastened his demise. He ended up brain-dead and his immediate family chose to take him off life support. My dad seemed to be okay after he was vaccinated, even though he had a number of pre-existing serious health conditions. Then, about a year later, he died suddenly. The autopsy revealed his cause of death was likely the result of pulmonary thromboembolism. Peter McCullough has stated that 74% of people who've died after vaccination likely die from the complications caused by the vaccine. I'm not sure which side of that percentage my dad was on, but I have my suspicions. Hopefully the anomalous nature of so many healthy people suddenly passing will cause those who've survived to reconsider their understanding of what has happened since Dec 2020 and identify the vaccine as the antagonist in their personal narrative.

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The post-jab deaths and injuries fall into several categories. Those that succumb in the hours and days post-jab usually die of acute inflammatory response akin to anaphylactic shock. Others then develop serious cardiac and neurological problems that eventually lead to complete incapacitation or death. What we are witnessing now is the long-term effects in the likes of turbo cancers that go from stage 1 and 2 to metastatic stage 4 within just a few months. Numerous oncologists have reported that they have never seen any cancers behaving this way, i.e., hyper-aggressively.

Still others are passing away from long-term cardiovascular disease with systemic injuries that affect the whole body.

These "vaccines" are the perfect murder weapon - a slow kill over many months and years. A crime of epic proportions.

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My deepest sympathies for your loss.

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Thank you

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Sorry for your loss. It's amazing how many people are getting hurt and/or dying and yet the brainwashed continue taking those boosters. I hope we find out one day soon what method was used to mentally control people because it must have been a pretty sophisticated method of mind control probably created by corrupt psychologists.

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It's almost like, we know nicotine and alcohol are bad for ones health when abused. I can only think vaXX are becoming similar vices. People figure if I only take in moderation I will survive. Others will be habitual, and die from the abuse.

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They've been honing this stuff for the last century. MK Ultra, MK Naomi. A brief perusal of Church committee papers reveal names like Artichoke and Cloverleaf. It would be naive to think they haven't been using these techniques for years now.

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Chris, your local observations from your families loss and these post are confirmed all over the Western world. I talk to undertakers about died suddenly and they show me pictures of long rubbery clots pulled out of the leg & arms from veins where blood flow and embalming fluid was stopped. I am in the flower business and I daily see deaths, injury & sickness due to these shots. The more shots or boosters administered, the more likely these bio weapons end in death. Basically, these rubbery clots self assemble in the arteries over time creating aneurisms, stokes, heart attacks. EDTA & Plaquex are the best treatments intravenously. K2/MK7 300mcg with Vitamin D3, & Vitamin A, C, B Complex, E, & Omega 3’s are the supplements one needed to take daily. The hydrogel & polyethylene glycol are the main culprit within these jabs along with Graphene oxide. Hope this helps. You will have more loved ones to protect. I personally cut my cable & picked up ROKU to stop the big pharmaceutical programming coming into my house hold. Clarity of thought & discernment are the greatest shields against these evil crimes against humanity.

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Your Dad lives on...his soul never dies and has been around for thousands of years. He left, went into the Light, met God, heavenly beings, those who died before him...he will return to another earthly body...it depends on God. He will live many lives for thousands of years to come. Be assured...Death is only for our earthly bodies. Our soul is perpetual. I am reading Dr. Weiss's Same Soul Many Lives...an excellent book.

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I am so sorry

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The kids are the ones that get me. They didn’t have a choice. I remember seeing a teenage boy in the CVS pharmacy in 2021 waiting for the injection. He looked scared. I wanted to go over to him and tell him to run away and not let them inject him. I can still see the look of fear on his face. He knew that something bad was happening to him.

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This makes me so angry.

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I can picture that teen. There was no need to vaccinate him.

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I can still see him... there was nothing I could do. I wanted to try to help him... out. His mother was there sitting in another chair. It was awful. I just walked out.... I yelled Fuck Fuck Fuck inside my car.

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Just a few weeks ago I was in Walgreens and I saw a 15 year-old girl get a shot. I quickly turned my head as I couldn´t bear to watch. A few minutes later, she and her father walked right by me on their way out and the father said to his daughter " now you don´t have to get a flu shot". I assumed the girl received one of the boosters that also contained the toxins that the flu shot has in it. Quite possibly she received a double whammy. So sad.

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Horrible - it almost like watching an execution. They have the little execution chamber where they do the injecting. It gives me nightmares.

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In October of 2021, I was visiting the US and was in a CVS pharmacy and there was a masked woman with her son (about 12 years old, I'm guessing), and she said to him, "come on, it's time to get your shot". I asked her if he was getting the covid-19 vax and she said yes. I told her kids don't get sick from covid, they don't need the shot. I wanted to tell her more about the near 0 percent chance that people die from covid, but she put her masked face right in front of my unmasked face and started screaming, "Get out of here now!". The pharmacist came out and told me she would call security if I didn't leave. I was calm with them, I didn't raise my voice, but I was shocked at their level of fear and aggression with me. Walking out, I told her I would pray for her son. I felt terrible that I couldn't protect her son.

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Wow... that is an intense story and I can only imagine what it was like to go through it. All of us who have witnessed these executions (that is what they are) have wanted to do exactly what you did there. So... good for you Cathleen for the having the guts to "really" do it. Fear is the driver here. It is what the mass psychosis operation did to the vulnerable. People who are afraid will do "anything" to escape their fear to feel "safe". These people are brainwashed and now resemble a death cult. We can't help them. They are gone. Like I have said many times before: "These folks with the thank the vaccine as they die from the vaccine. Because it could have been much worse."

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It not just that victims of propaganda are gone. They are transformed and they can be weaponized against rational people. You've got to pretend that you are a zombie, too. Rational people don't understand the danger of other people's irrationality.

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For sure... we are strangers in the strange land of the vaccine zombies. I don't have to be around them or interact with them but I can imagine what it must be like. I have said in the past (and I really don't like saying it) but considering what has been done to the vaccinated and how it is changing them mentally and genetically, I think we are living with a new human sub-species. And the question is: Will be we (humans) be able to live with the vaccinated folks who do manage to survive the injections?

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I live in Massachusetts - It's like living in a mental institution.

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I'm in Illinois... just a little better I would bet. An open air mental hospital where the inmates have "no idea" that they are insane? I bet that is fun? Anyway... you made me chuckle today.... So thanks!

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That's an interesting question. I know that the body has amazing healing capabilities. I am allergic to the recently vaxxed. I don't interact on a daily basis with anyone vaccinated anymore. But when I play live poker I get an allergic reaction, and when I was an agency caregiver I had allergic reactions to some clients. There was already a cultural divide between those with a dependent mentality and the free people before the vaccines. I already didn't favor their company. Some have redeeming qualities and I hope they can be redeemed.

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I would like to optimistic but I unfortunately know way to much about these injections. I’m talking about the MRNA injections only. I don’t know enough about the viral vector vaccines to make any sort of judgement. This “vaccine” is a multi-system assault on the human body that is unbelievably complex and can cause problems in literally dozens of different ways. The two things that really stand out to me when it comes to a change in the species is: #1 The destruction of higher brain functions via the immune systems attack on Spike Proteins in the brain. #2 The actual changes to their DNA via the pollution of bacterial plasmid DNA in the vials.

At some point, someone will start testing bone marrow stem cells to find out if the vaccinated are now genetically different from us. I would bet money that they are.

If this is the case, I would expect our two species to veer in different directions. And I don’t think this new species of emotionally driven brutes (as I call them) will mix well with regular humans. I could be wrong. There is a good chance that our ancestors killed many of the other variations of humans that once existed. We may have to do it again.

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Wow that's a stark assessment. I see where you're coming from.

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I call them like see them... It is what it is... I don't like it... but not much I can do about it...

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Thank you Lawrence for the kind reply. And I couldn't agree with you more about these people ( although I care deeply for their innocent children). Keeping our distance from brainwashed people is good for the soul and our sanity.

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Yes it is... Peace be with Cathleen.

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Cathleen. forgive the repost. For some reason the website wants to put my post in twice and when I tried to delete it both were gone! At least you attempted to inform this ignorant mother. I wonder what she would have said were you to tell her the vials of Covid shots have NO or BLANK product inserts in them. So no one has any idea what is even in the bottle of stuff that is being injected into them or their loved ones. My guess is it would not have made a difference with this mother.

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You're right, Jennifer, from the crazy look in her eyes and the fear she had just by my presence near her without a mask, I think she would have injected anything into her child to "save" his life!

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One of you is ethical and the other is religious. You got your pearls trampled on that one. You'll learn not to do that. In a poetic sense, people under the spell of priestcraft are like Odysseus's men who were charmed by the witch Circe (pronounced CHURCH). This is the symbolism Jesus used when he tells us not to cast our pearls before swine. These victims of priestcraft are less human than humans are supposed to be.

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The world leaders including those from WHO, have murdered millions...even billions. It will happen. Nature will not stop. But the world will survive. 2 billion plus have not been jabbed...including me.

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Good - you refused the death injection. The world will need people like you. Stay alive, stay strong, never forget , never forgive them

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I will not forget but will forgive. Let God above deal with them. I save my emotions to help others. Thanks.

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Me too - what else can we do?

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My cousins wife collapsed said, I can't feel my legs. She died last year. My cousins daughter developed "aggressive ovarian cancer" as she said just out of the blue, just suddenly developed. She battling now. My cousins son-in-law, age 30, had heart attack, lives with heart issues now. All same family, all fully injected, boosted. We are in US. And so far none seems to see connection.

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The very sad fact is that even the families of the people who have succumbed to these monstrous drug cocktails fail to make the connection, simply because CNN, ABC, NBC, the NYT and WaPo all tell them that the thought of there being a connection to the death jabs is "misinformation" and a "conspiracy theory"! Sadly, they swallow these propaganda lies hook, line, and sinker. Some have even said that they would still recommend the vaccines after their own child's death, because "they have saved millions of lies."

The TRUTH-tellers, like Prof MC Miller, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Michael Palmer, Prof Sucharit Bhakdi, like Dr Byram Bridle, and many many others, are silenced. Their stories are NEVER heard on CNN nor reported on the mainstream press. There has been an organized, concerted, well-coordinated effort to silence the truth. THAT is why we have to report on these facts to all our friends and family members who are still capable of thinking and forming independent judgments.

Our reality has become a dystopian nightmare.

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No body wants to talk about it. WTF is going on?

Two will be in the fields, one will be taken away. Are we witnessing the rapture?

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AT THE LAST TRUMPET...the dead in christ shall rise first then we who are alive. - 1 Cor 15: 48-53. How much clearer can God make it???

Bro... don't fall for that. STUDY not just read your bible well and it will all make sense. We were conned all the while.

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I live in a small town. I checked the obits for the past 30 days. There was about a dozen below 60s. There were what I would expect of the 75+.

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In the early 2000s, I used to read the Boston Globe obituaries every Sunday morning just to be uplifted in reading that most of the deaths were of people who lived a good LONG life - the obit of anyone under 70 was maybe 10%, and the death of anyone under 50 was definitely less than 5%, and anyone under 30 was maybe one a week (out of several dozen) and it was usually a suicide or an overdose. It's so different now.

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Why don't insurers report whether death benefits are elevated across all beneficiaries, or only among those who received mRNA jabs? With such a large data set as theirs, it should be an easy question to answer, and the results would resolve the controversy once and for all. Even small insurers have enough data either to exonerate the jabs or to implicate them. Even if top executives don't want to publicize the results, we should expect hundreds of potential whistleblowers. Ed Dowd suggested that insurance data would provide a final verdict, but we still have heard nothing on this. What am I missing here?

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Could you please explain why you think so???

We need potential whistleblowers to reveal this data ASAP. New Zealand is already heading down this path. A whistleblower has come forward. 40 people jabbed at just one centre on the same day has since passed away. Not to mention other centres.


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I was shocked this week to find out that a former colleague, aged 62 and a non-smoker otherwise in good health, passed away suddenly in early 2022 from lung cancer. And I know someone else in her late 40s who also passed last year from sudden lung cancer - again, a non-smoker. And it’s not like these people work with asbestos or in a coal mine. #diedsuddenly ☹️

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Right?! Reminds me someone, I think on one of Prof. Miller's lists? within the last month or so someone died from mesothelioma! I thought no one died from that anymore. I need to look for that notice.

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It is a type of cancer associated with SV40.So if it was in your polio vaccine and then in your C-19 it could possibly be a bad combo.

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"The unexpected death of a child is an unimaginable loss that no one can prepare for."

I just can’t imagine how many families are suffering from the loss of their children. It’s the kids that die suddenly that gets me because most of them had no choice in getting jabbed. And especially when they were at such low risk of dying from Covid.

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Has anyone noticed the phrase “died of a very rare disease, cancer, heart failure, etc.” stated on some of the listings as cause of death for several of the unfortunate souls. I wonder if someday soon these very rare diseases will no longer be called very rare and instead be considered mundane routine common causes of death. So many youth, babies and people in their prime of life. So very sad.

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Perhaps you could post this one? A friend just died of cancer in his early 40s. He was a musician and well-loved by many. I don't know for sure that he took the Covid shot, but he was a HUGE fan of Stephanie Miller who's still promoting the boosters... His love for Steph's show is stated on the "About" section of his Facebook page, but I also knew him personally, and he did love her show.

It's strange, but I can't find the Tweet Stephanie Murderer made on X promoting the booster... but I do see her other pro-Covid narrative tweets. Why can't she be implicated in murder? I really think some of these celebrities should be sued for promoting this. Some of them made money off of it. What's sad is probably most of his friends are going back to take more boosters and have no clue that shot may have caused his death--and will cause theirs soon. That's how it is here in NYS--lots of brainwashed folks...





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Why why why is Congress not investigating this!!!!

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Because they are getting tons of money from big pharma. It’s one of the biggest lobbyists and besides many of them voted to approve the CARES act and many of the previous acts that gave away their power to hold it accountable. See Bailiwick substack if you haven’t already.

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My point is that when life insurers are seeing a 40% increase in mortality among young healthy people, whether or not big pharma is "indemnified" is not the issue. The issue is that there is a 40% increase in mortality among young healthy people. And Congress should investigate why !

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Because if congress investigates the huge number of deaths it might lead to the fact that the jabs are killing people and big pharma would pull their money out of their campaigns.

Also and this is more important. Katherine Watts has exposed all the acts that previous and current congress have passed that made it impossible for them to hold big pharma accountable. They even nullified the courts. In case you haven’t seen this excellent work by Katherine.


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Because the PREP Act brought full immunity to the drug makers and all those who administered the death jabs.

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I do not think any Laws will allow for fraud, deception, wilful negligience, etc. Otherwise any country can pass a Law that allows governments to murder as they like. All it takes is a Court of Law to find Big Pharma, NIH, Fauci, etc. guilty.

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Because it is really the DOD thus the US goverment responsible for the virus and shot. The drug companies are just the middleman. If you come out and stop the shot the truth will eventually track back to the true culprit. It is the same with childhood vaccines. Government, MSM and politicians never admit a mistake or they actually lied. It will take a break thru court case or some brave president to get justice. Also the damage is already done. People took the poison and it is slowly working.

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They can't madam.

And even if they do, it will just be a whitewash to placate that exact question. Nothing will come out of it. The Australian parliament in July this year voted i think 43-40 not to investigate the about 19% in excess death. Why investigate what you already know and engineered in the first place. It's all part of the plan as long as majority continue to foolishly hope, at least i'm fine so far.

And "he" causeth everyone to receive- there is a spiritual force behind this... What we are witnessing is far greater than what our democratic laws and principles of the rule of law can handle.

It's either a mass rising up and awakening of the people to put a stop to this nonsense, or the quiet and progressive culling of the people will continue. Regardless the deaths will continue, but at least we can exact justice on these evil cretins.

Ultimately, it comes down to people.

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Once again, the Upstate region of NY is hit very hard. They’ve either gotten the deadliest batches or Mark’s most diligent researcher is covering the area.

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Please share more information on upstate NY.

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14 year old Knox MacEwen's death was also featured here https://people.com/florida-boy-14-dies-after-suffering-cardiac-arrest-while-running-a-5k-8391201

In the People article they mention Knox's mother also had a hard fought battle with cancer in 2022. What are the odds?

The Yahoo story linked excludes the detail about his mother and their comment section has a bunch of highly rated comments claiming boys dying of heart attacks is normal.

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Uvalde TX must have gotten a hot batch. Four this post.

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I think this hot, med and placebo batch narrative needs to STOP forthwith.

It's all part of the programming to keep many that suspect what's going on to go back to sleep. After all if i think i got a med or placebo batch i can afford to enjoy myself and not care about what's going on in the world. We are all inherently selfish.

The pain truth is simple, the devil had this chance and he struck while majority were unaware. Of course, he had time to perfect the kill rate and pattern of the technology so that majority can think "IT WON'T HAPPEN TO ME, AFTER ALL I HAVE/HAD NO SIDE EFFECTS, UNTIL THEY SUDDENLY DIE IN THEIR SLEEP OR SOMETHING SIMILAR".

It's very selfish.

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Honestly, it seems to me that some diets may have things in them that counteract the jabs- just my theory.

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We all need to think about what is happening right now. If all of these sudden deaths keep happening, and increase, what is to become of families? Who will the estate's, properties, children, go to??? This is biblical folks. Read the Bible.

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I have two friends, both married w/children. One of my first thoughts was if both of them die from the vaxx who will take care of their children? Both got the vaxx to be supportive of their spouse who was coerced into getting the vaxx to keep their jobs, but neither one of them wanted it.

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Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

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It's way past time to bring the monsters who mandated these death jabs to justice! They need to face the full wrath of the grieving families left behind.

This will go down as the greatest mass murder in human history, and the evil-doers who coerced everyone into getting inoculated with these deadly cocktails need to learn the meaning of true justice.

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Thank you Mark.

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