One of you is ethical and the other is religious. You got your pearls trampled on that one. You'll learn not to do that. In a poetic sense, people under the spell of priestcraft are like Odysseus's men who were charmed by the witch Circe (pronounced CHURCH). This is the symbolism Jesus used when he tells us not to cast our pearls before …
One of you is ethical and the other is religious. You got your pearls trampled on that one. You'll learn not to do that. In a poetic sense, people under the spell of priestcraft are like Odysseus's men who were charmed by the witch Circe (pronounced CHURCH). This is the symbolism Jesus used when he tells us not to cast our pearls before swine. These victims of priestcraft are less human than humans are supposed to be.
One of you is ethical and the other is religious. You got your pearls trampled on that one. You'll learn not to do that. In a poetic sense, people under the spell of priestcraft are like Odysseus's men who were charmed by the witch Circe (pronounced CHURCH). This is the symbolism Jesus used when he tells us not to cast our pearls before swine. These victims of priestcraft are less human than humans are supposed to be.