My brother-in-law passed away on Saturday morning, July 20, 2024, in Tampa, Florida. He had been in ICU for at least 5 weeks with Guillain Barre syndrome, a known side effect of flu and Covid vaccines. He faithfully took whatever the medical corruption community suggested.

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I'm so very sorry, Freida.

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I am so very sorry - I truly hope that his death awakens someone - anyone - who knew him.

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How sad! I’m so sorry!

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I am sorry as well

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I'm so sorry for your loss!

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So sorry for your loss!

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I am so sorry.

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They've perfected the coverup and the bullying of anyone that asks questions. Thank you Mark.

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These reports are getting harder and harder to read. It is so heartbreaking. Thank you for going to this effort to recognize and honor the people who have died.

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36 minute read? You funny!

It took me FAR over an hour to read of these horrible murders...

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Same, lists are getting longer and longer...

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And younger and younger - at both the extreme (infants) and the average.

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I was thinking the same thing

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Me as well

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Someone once said - nothing will change until there are bodies in the street.

At this point I am not convinced that bodies in the street would even change people's attitudes.

I had an acquaintance tell me that her college aged daughter has covid. For the 4th time. She was all jabbed up. But it would have been so much worse........ The idiots are still everywhere. Waiting for the next command.

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As the length of the page grows and grows, its now taking me over two hours to read these now weekly reports out loud to my family. There seem to be several tends the have emerged, and correlations to injection dates, as I have followed from the start of these posts. Oddly enough, I listen to the emergency scanner, Broadcastify, for just my county and whereas I have heard many "unattended"/"CPR in progress"/Stroke&Heart attack"/single or multi car "vaxidents"/multiple "falls" a day...among other things, a rarely see anyone from my state on this list, which tell me that your report just barely scrapes the surface of the horridness that is really upon us. Keep up the great work!

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It’s almost impossible to report it all. It’s everywhere I look. If I look in one city, it’s there. If I look in another I find them also. Much less in the rural areas- apparently where people can still think!

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Yes I completely agree! As much as is reported here, I think there are many many others who aren't found to report. I dig in to information when I read the obits (in our local newspaper) of someone who is basically young and passes away. My criteria is about 73 and younger. So when I see 50's and 60's age people listed I start looking as to what may have happened. If they are out of the area, I go to that funeral home obits and end up finding others who should not have died or whose obits says they died suddenly or unexpectedly. It's shocking and sad.

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What state is that? This is all a horrible tragedy but the light that is being shined on it is crucial. Thanks MCM and all those who help bring these forward.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

Washington, just one county I follow.

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I’m wondering if you have any way of searching your Died Suddenly lists for causes. There seems to be a lot of glioblastoma and pancreatic cancer in addition to heart attacks and one-car accidents. There also has been a number of appendix cancers, and I had never heard of anyone having appendix cancer before 2022. I would be interested in seeing a breakdown by cause per year of the ones where cause is known.

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Yeah, never heard of appendix cancer till a friend got it. Very healthy and active 40ish woman. She has no clue as to what could have caused it.

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I do

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I lost one person to glioblastoma And another too aggressive lung cancer within the last six months

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I have a running list in my phone of people I actually know. 3 new teen POTS diagnoses, 1 teen breast cancer, 1 ALS, 1 LBBB, 1 Ehlers-Danlos, 2 mitral valve open heart surgeries, 2 people with new multiple autoimmune diagnoses, 2 pancreatic cancers, 2 prostate cancers, 2 deaths from kidney failure, 1 ovarian cancer death, 2 lymphomas (one in a teenager), and two rapidly growing but benign sex organ tumors—all since 2021. I’m getting tired of holding my breath when someone tells me they have some mystery symptoms. A friend’s 21 yo daughter had to stay in the hospital a week after her appendix surgery because she had a fever that couldn’t be controlled and then had to go back because she developed pancreatitis. They all seem unrelated, but I know they’re not. I think MCM’s died suddenly series does so much to put them all together. The numbers would be even more helpful.

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Horrifying that you know so many vax victims personally. I pray that Jesus will help them (now, or after they pass if they do).

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Most of the people I know had the jabs. I would say more did than did not. In my group of 9 close women friends & 7 husbands - ALL except my husband & I got the shots. So 2 of us out of 16 people not jabbed. That is just among close friends. Since then, I have lost 2 of my group of women - one to a massive stroke and one who lost her cancer battle. Another friend's husband had a mildish stroke & is now diagnosed with a clotting disorder they "can't figure out" where it came from. No telling her it was his 2 shots & booster.

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It is horrifying. I keep the list in my phone to pray for them and to keep tabs. Maybe a pattern will emerge.

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That’s dreadful and becoming too common place. I’m sorry

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And I’m so sorry about the loss of your people. This is all so tragic

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Simple text search works quite well - Ctrl + F - key in your term and off you go.

I once searched a long post for "suddenly" - got 50+ hits.

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No wonder foot traffic, business traffic, and the general population are getting low. It’s really obvious, even the “vax” injured cannot work anymore.

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According to some who have studied this (Ed Dowd I believe is one person in case you want to do some reading on this) in the U.S. we have lost 30% of the workforce. THIRTY PERCENT! That is people between ages 24 and 65 who can no longer work due to death from covid, death from the shots or they are now too disabled from the shots and cannot work any more.

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Natural causes is a brutal killer...

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"Medical emergency" is even worse! --

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Has anyone heard or read recently what the estimate is worldwide of how many people have died from the vaccine?

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Denis Rancourt and his group of researchers have used all-cause mortally data from 2015 on to establish that there was no novel infectious pathogen, and that all the excess deaths were due to government interventions, including various vax rollouts. He has a massive new study (with shorter summary) that you can access on his Substack. I don't remember the current estimate but he has said last year that they estimate that at least 13 million worldwide have been killed by the C19 vax.

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wow. 13 Million. That is horrifying.

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Mass murder legitimized by government, and all its' agencies. The medical deep state is also guilty as hell.

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I have gone to so many funerals in the last three years that I am afraid that I’m leaving someone out when I think of vaccine injured individuals

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Another one from a very small Texas town.


They actually put in the obit that he died of a blood clot.

The awakening is slow but sure.

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‘Dopo la morte'

Da morta

Sarò più felice,

Perché la mia anima sarà finalmente

Libera di andare dove vorrà,

Di percepire tutti i sensi,

Di ascoltare il cuore di ogni fiore,

Di baciare tutte le farfalle

Da morta

Sarò libera

Di osservarti sempre,

Di percorrere tutte le strade,

Di abbracciare ogni nuvola

Da morta

Saranno altri a toccare una fredda pietra

E piangere lacrime di rimpianto

Gemendo d'irrealizzabili desideri

Da morta

Potranno infine ricordare le mie giornate

di pianto

Per la loro scarsa comprensione..

Negar Gorji


After death'

When dead

I'll be happier,

Because my soul will finally be

Free to go wherever she wants,

To perceive all the senses,

To listen to the heart of every flower,

To kiss all the butterflies

When dead

I will be free

To always observe you,

To travel all the roads,

To embrace every cloud

When dead

Others will touch a cold stone

And cry tears of regret

Groaning with unattainable desires

When dead

Finally they will be able to remember my days of crying

Because of their lack of understanding...

Negar Gorji

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When I was a kid, 'Under the Stands' by C. Moore Butts was required reading. Today, a new classic has been published, 'How We Die' by Sudhun Lee. It exposes the myriad ways healthy people die in modern culture: turbo cancer, brief illnesses, and heart attacks. Another important book, 'When We Die' by Veer E. Young takes a very important look at when death occurs: when we're sleeping, after a day of relaxing activities, or simply out of the blue. Also, a general overview of why so many are dying now is explained in 'Why Now' by Aliets R. Evull. It tracks the consequences of injecting an experimental gene therapy, one not properly vetted for safety, into the human body. Of course, the most important book ever published, The Holy Bible, explains it all in gripping detail with stories of timeless wisdom.

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McCullough MD claims that bursts of adrenaline occur naturally as the body transitions from sleep to wakefulness; i.e. that's the normal way a human body wakes up.

Come 2021, and various forms of cardiac compromise and injury, those bursts are often lethal.

People who die "in their sleep" in that way, actually die waking up.

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I'm so sorry as well for your loss. Way too many of them, some in my life as well.

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